Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

KEVIN Rudd has denied a poor opinion poll for Labor this week is the reason for his current media blitz.
The Prime Minister appeared on Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and national radio in the space of a few hours this morning, but insisted his availability had nothing to do with a poll out on Tuesday showing federal Labor losing voter support.

The ALP's primary vote at 41 per cent - down seven percentage points on the previous poll two weeks earlier - is on equal footing with the Coalition.

On a two-party preferred basis, Labor leads the Coalition 52-48, a gap smaller than its election-winning performance in 2007. :eek:

Bring on the next round of good news.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Poor Rudd, the boat people is killing him in the polls. What happened Rudd??? did your trusted advisers give you a bum steer????:banghead:. The ONLY way to win back your true believers now, is to do to the boat people, what little Johny did.:cool:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

KEVIN Rudd has denied a poor opinion poll for Labor this week is the reason for his current media blitz.
The Prime Minister appeared on Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and national radio in the space of a few hours this morning, but insisted his availability had nothing to do with a poll out on Tuesday showing federal Labor losing voter support.
I heard his interview with Fran Kelly on Radio National's Breakfast programme this morning. He is getting worse than ever. He didn't answer any of her questions, just parroted off the usual repetitive phrases, starting with, of course, "Can I just say.....". The other phrases repeated multiple times were:

"we are working through this with Indonesia calmly and methodically"

"our policy is tough but humane"

I wonder if he ever listens to his own interviews to get some idea of how robotic and tedious he sounds.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

How I would like to see Alan Jones interview this con-man rouge of a Prime Minister of ours. I'll bet you my bottom dollar he (Rudd) would not have the GUTZ to face up to him. Even the ABC is very conspicuous by their absence in dicussing the Copenhagen fiasco.

Why has he kept the details of this draft to Copenhagen so secret; even Malcolm Turnbull confesses he has no idea of the details and the dangers facing Australia.

It is time for Turnbull to show some leadership and nail this weasal to the wall. Do a 180 degree about turn on the ETS and gain some leverage in the polls.

How can anyone be inspired with confidence in this Prime Minister of ours.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I wonder if he ever listens to his own interviews to get some idea of how robotic and tedious he sounds.

Wives usually tell their husbands when they become embarrassing. Apparently Therese won't do this. It's hard to believe that she doesn't realize how ridiculous he sounds.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I don't know whether he said this elsewhere, but in the Breakfast ABC interview this morning he clearly stated that the 78 asylum seekers on the Oceanic Viking "were being processed by the UNHCR".

I was rather surprised to hear this, as there have been no news reports of any UNHCR staff boarding the boat.

Then, lo, on this evening's programme, the UNHCR have denied that they are doing any such thing. Said they would be happy to do this if requested, but no, they have not been asked.

So Mr Rudd, best to keep the spin to the facts, perhaps.:(
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Wives usually tell their husbands when they become embarrassing. Apparently Therese won't do this. It's hard to believe that she doesn't realize how ridiculous he sounds.

Well theoretically, it's all very good to spend time focusing on the veracity of the linguistic prose within an amplified media-driven metamorphosized contextual interpretation. However, if the substantiability of his reasoning or vis-a-vis metaphoric consumability of his intellectual vigour and axiomatic invulnerability are not appreciably conveyed to all Australians. A cataclysmic dissonance may result at the next assemblage of the Australian constituency. :D:D

Barring government sponsored handouts of course. :rolleyes: He'll still probably get up against Turntable at the next election
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

So here's his latest rant.

You see, Prime Minister, I am neither of the 3 you choose to abuse. I put it to you, that if CO2 is so harmful, why do you not legislate to ban or regulate it? Didn't we ban lead in petrol? Didn't we ban HFCs ,etc? Didn't we ban DDT and a whole lot of other harmful chemicals? So do the same with CO2. The problem you have, is that I just do not trust you, to the extent that I think you are putting your personal ambition above the good of the nation. I will NEVER trust a politican who proposes a solution to a physical problem by introducing a tax. You are just another politian who cannot be trusted.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

In a blistering attack on Coalition opponents of the government carbon pollution reduction scheme and commentators who have cast doubt on the science of climate change and the necessity to introduce a regime to cut greenhouse gas emissions, the Prime Minister has accused them of bowing to vested interests

Sure its not you Mr Rudd who is bowing to vested interests.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

In a blistering attack on Coalition opponents of the government carbon pollution reduction scheme and commentators who have cast doubt on the science of climate change and the necessity to introduce a regime to cut greenhouse gas emissions, the Prime Minister has accused them of bowing to vested interests

Sure its not you Mr Rudd who is bowing to vested interests.
I had exactly that thought when I listened to him ranting as above.

He is in deep **** with the asylum seekers fiasco, and seeking to divert attention away from his own impotence.

There is more likelihood of the electorate recognising this than would have been the case a year ago.
Listening to an ABC talkback programme last night about the boat people, the fury of listeners was remarkable. Mind you, these were probably the same listeners who didn't approve of the $900 handouts etc.

That aside, there seems to be at least some turning of the tide against Teflon Kevin.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I had exactly that thought when I listened to him ranting as above.

He is in deep **** with the asylum seekers fiasco, and seeking to divert attention away from his own impotence.

There is more likelihood of the electorate recognising this than would have been the case a year ago.
Listening to an ABC talkback programme last night about the boat people, the fury of listeners was remarkable. Mind you, these were probably the same listeners who didn't approve of the $900 handouts etc.

That aside, there seems to be at least some turning of the tide against Teflon Kevin.

Turnbull needs to grow a pair and go on the attack. Hammering home why the ETS will do nothing for the environment, jobs, farming and industry is a must at this stage. Rudd is trying to use guilt, and IMO dirty sales tactics to try and get the ets through on confused public opinion. Rudd’s arrogance and spin are very exposed at the moment. And with a chance of a DD, they should be capitalizing on the fact that they support a sensible ets, but not one that will tax us to death for no benefit.
Libs need to step it up a bit. They have two key issues that they can win the public over on.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

The tides certainly turning, I dont hear a lot of good talk about him from anyone lately.
It's up to you Libs's there for the taking if you're up to it.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Well, Rupert Murdock is certainly not inspired by this weasal Prime Minister of ours.

On an interview on AM Agenda this morning, Murdock stated "Rudd was thin skined and is more interested in leading the World instead of Australia". He also said, "most of the stimulus package was unnecessary, but Rudd said ME TOO I must follow the rest of the world and spend up big".

One of our ASF members quoted some time ago :-

Kevin 07 is in heaven,
Kevin 08 is great,
Kevin 09 is in decline
Kevin 10 never again.

Looks like that member may be right. Let's hope so.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

Interesting that the conservative tag team of that American Murdoch and Howard seem to be acting in tandem.The conservatives fight back!
"In victory revenge in defeat malice" The last part refers to Howard....get over it John!
I wonder if they planned their attack on Rudd at the Bush ranch.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

Who cares what Howard thinks.

Maybe someone will throw another shoe at him