This post to me highlights the lack of understanding by Storm clients of their own and/or Storm's responsibility in this process.
Who was responsible for monitoring the investments of Storm clients - was it Storm or was it the client? - because it certainly wasn't the bank.
The margin loan was a debt product used by Storm clients to leverage into investments. The bank provided the debt product - in providing a debt product it doesn't have any responsibility to the recipient of that product for managing the investments made with that debt product.
The bank is only responsible to its own shareholders to ensure that they minimised the losses from deteriorating assets (i.e.debt products). The best way for CBA to minimise losses is to make a margin call as early as possible - therefore CBA failed in its duty to itself/its shareholders as far as I can see.
It is whoever was meant to be monitoring the investments that failed the Storm investors.
Investors have a responsibility to themselves for monitoring their investments and their debt servicing obligations ... not banks.
Investors have a responsibility to themselves to ensure they adopt gearing levels that they are comfortable with and only take on risks that they are comfortable with and only take on debt that they can comfortably service.
Banks have a responsibility to their shareholders to increase their assets (i.e. selling debt products) while also monitoring asset quality and taking action if asset quality deteriorates. The bank failed its shareholders by not making early margin calls and thus increasing their losses - the bank didn't fail investors - investors failed themselves.
So if the investors were relying on Storm to advise them and relying on Storm to monitor their investments - then Storm failed the investors - not the banks.
Margin calls are a safety net. Its not a good investor that relies on a bank making a margin call to decide to sell down a portfolio. Portfolio management by debt default - never heard of that as a succesful investment strategy. Was that Storms investment model? Invest as much as you can and only sell down if forced to by a bank making a margin call? If so thats a terrible investment strategy.
Cuttlefish - a very good post.
One particularly relevant point you make is that investors have a responsibility to themselves for monitoring their investments and their debt servicing obligations.
So many people keep harping the point - why didn't anyone let me know I was in margin call?
The simple fact is that prudence should dictate that investors take defensive action well before they get anywhere near margin call.
This point appears to have been missed by most Storm investors.