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For things that drive you mental

And food cartons with those quick-opening tabs on them, but when you pull the tab the bloody thing breaks off in your hand and you just about have to be a damn safe cracker to break into the thing.

Like today....I go to the fridge and get a carton of rice milk to put on my muesli. I pull the ring-style tap to open the carton, and the stupid thing immediately snaps off.
I had to get a knife and use it like a chisel by banging it with my closed fist the get it to puncture the carton.
It took so long to break into that silly carton that I was almost too weak to eat by the time I finally got some milk on my cereal.
This happens frequently will those particular cartons.

Surely it's not too much to ask that food manufacturers make sure something works properly before they release in into the market.

LOL. Exactly! :D

and when its on products other than food, and it has those air sealed packets, that are totally impossible to get into, need to get totally furious and lunge at it with the biggest knife you can find, most of the time I think I'm going to break whatever is inside and have to take it back immediately.

"Like to return this please"
"Yes sir, why?"
"I opened it."

Oh, and the ads on TV about weight loss programs, usually with the lame faded colour filter over the top, you know the ones where they go for about half an hour, then you see those before and after shots, where its COMPLETELY different scene, different lighting, the after shot has that much make up on and they are breathing in etc etc.....thats if its even the same person to begin with. :D
My 2 year old son at times.

Love him to bits but after a long day at work, and cleaning up the house & putting away all the various things he's pulled out (cutlery out of draws, books, his toys) it takes him 15 minutes to destroy 2 hours of bloody cleaning!

That all my toiletries go missing because he's grabbed them and hidden/left them somewhere & i'm left stumbling around the house 1/2 asleep trying to find them at 5:30 in the morning!

Speaking of kids stuff still... Childrens toys! He gets a new toy & i swear I need instructions just to get the thing out of the box :banghead:

** end rant **
My 2 year old son at times.

Love him to bits but after a long day at work, and cleaning up the house & putting away all the various things he's pulled out (cutlery out of draws, books, his toys) it takes him 15 minutes to destroy 2 hours of bloody cleaning!

That all my toiletries go missing because he's grabbed them and hidden/left them somewhere & i'm left stumbling around the house 1/2 asleep trying to find them at 5:30 in the morning!

Speaking of kids stuff still... Childrens toys! He gets a new toy & i swear I need instructions just to get the thing out of the box :banghead:

** end rant **


By the time you get to three kids (all under 5), you learn not to tidy up or clean too often as there is no point.

Other recommendation - get rid of anything he has not played with for a few months - he won't miss it. Oh and play dough and art is for playgroup, if you don't want paint all over the place and play dough ground in the floorboards (learnt this the hard way).

And I seriously hate seeing parents hit and abuse their toddlers. They are toddlers, teach them, don't abuse them
Have already started removing old toys!

And yes, I agree with you on the child abuse thing. I will never hit my boy....
WEAK minded individuals that will run off and complain to authority because they dont have the intelligence or intestinal fortitude to discuss civilly an opposing view point to there own egotistical ideas .

my time here is done , be good to ya mothers
Failure to give a wave of thanks when you have stopped to allow a vehicle into the main lane of traffic.
WEAK minded individuals that will run off and complain to authority because they dont have the intelligence or intestinal fortitude to discuss civilly an opposing view point to there own egotistical ideas .

my time here is done , be good to ya mothers

Hmmmmmmmmmm ... I go down on bended knee and will ask the Mother Superior for guidance on this one NUN. It seems that you have been excommunicated for your beliefs on an ecumenical matter. I will take it up with the brotherhhod of the brown liquid that comes in a square bottle and ask my bestest friend Jimmy Beam for guidance. No doubt he will ask his cousin Jack Daniels for the right pathway to lead this lamb to the slaughter and our forebears known as Johnny Walker will partake in this grievance. :mad:
The muppets of the world.

All of the above.

And the bogans with full trolleys who decide to split the bill 5 ways at the checkout and don't have sufficient credit on their bloody cards.

Police road signs in NSW letting drivers know that they're having a blitz on 'Seat Belts' not giving me enough confidence to think they'll not be looking for speeders.
All those stupid speed zones.....60 km here, then 80 for a few k's, then 90 then back to 70, then 100 a bit further on, then back to 80. You spend so much time looking for the damn things that they distract you from driving.
You miss seeing one of them and next thing you're over the limit and you get nailed by a bloody speed camera!
I love Glad Wrap (and tinfoil) - both have made life in the kitchen way easier.
I like what Glad Wrap does. I just can't handle the stuff, it always sticks to itself and the serrated cutter never works for me. It drives me nuts. I am beginning to think that females have some innate Glad Wrap ability. My wife has found Glad Wrap with a special cutter so now my wastage is greatly reduced as is my frustration.
Mushrooms, of any variety. Can't stand them. I used to think croutons were a type of mushroom so I never ordered the Caesar salad off the menu.
Yeah Harvey Norman ads, speed cameras, outdoor anti smoking nazis, regulations and compliance every which way, absolutely, sportsmen as role models, celebrity reporting in general, mosquitos, bob brown and hummers.

Mushrooms, of any variety. Can't stand them. I used to think croutons were a type of mushroom so I never ordered the Caesar salad off the menu.
Ever tried them raw in a salad, TS? They need to be very fresh, white and firm. Sliced with tomato, spring onions, and cucumber in a sweet chilli cream dressing, there's nothing nicer. Healthy too, well except for the cream.

Gee whiz, Buckeroo, you could send some up here if you have too much.