Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Flood of migrants overwhelm Australia's borders

Mr burns: most of the people in springvale can speak english, i think the problem here is they probably discrimate against you as they dont expect to serve a caucasian (or any of the other colour race for that matter), as you might expect food/service that you expected to be served on any other restaurant (non asian), and got offered something different (taste, size, etc) and you dont want to pay for it, and those vendor having have to deal with this all the time, choose not to do business with you if you are having that attitude (Refund problem as well).

that is my 2 cents anyway, but i do see caucasian on a couple of springvale restaurant, and they seems to be enjoying the food.

Just to note here, i am migrant as well (indonesian), and only speak english here in melbourne.

And this is not a racist post. Just some thought.

Springvale... a suburb of Melbourne where you cant get anything to eat if your only language is English, I think they may rename it to Saigon
We used to be worried about the Italians and the Greeks but now they are brothers albeit we still call then dagos HA we love new cultires as long as they dont obliterate our own.
Mr burns: most of the people in springvale can speak english, i think the problem here is they probably discrimate against you as they dont expect to serve a caucasian (or any of the other colour race for that matter), as you might expect food/service that you expected to be served on any other restaurant (non asian), and got offered something different (taste, size, etc) and you dont want to pay for it, and those vendor having have to deal with this all the time, choose not to do business with you if you are having that attitude (Refund problem as well).

that is my 2 cents anyway, but i do see caucasian on a couple of springvale restaurant, and they seems to be enjoying the food.

Just to note here, i am migrant as well (indonesian), and only speak english here in melbourne.

And this is not a racist post. Just some thought.

Please dont get me wrong, I love the Asian culture I realy love their contribution to Australia but I dont feel all that comfortable in Victoria St Richmond.
Yeah the Chinese couple that run the 7 Eleven store know how to treat customers by greeting them with a polite hello and smile.
Not like those multi pierced/multi dyed negs with the sour look that think the world owes them a living.
Why would I need to correct the second part ? what I said was stated , therefore a factual statement :D
Do you think the figures are wrong ?
Proven conclusively to be a lie.
You were given the opportunity to provide a correction to the radio segment, and did what?
Indulge in a churlish posting war.
you prefer to cut down tall poppies so they are the same height huh?
Marx thought the same....

unlike me, who has post grad quals in health, and am successfully self employed in the field, maybe I do have all the answers about diet.....but as you say, this is a share forum...... :rolleyes:

have a good arvo...


Talk about a non event.

Personally I am for open borders but at minimum, these people struggle valiantly to be here, pity we don't welcome them with open arms. Seems odd to spend billions on getting ready to shoot people, when we could spend billions on helping people.

Hell we're ALL boat people, even the indigenous Australians, the only difference is the time frame.

whoops I meant to concur with this statement ;)
Proven conclusively to be a lie.
You were given the opportunity to provide a correction to the radio segment, and did what?
Indulge in a churlish posting war.

What lie ?
Be very careful of posting personal attacks :cwm10:
A comprehension lesson for you:
You posted. "Was listening to the radio when this was said...."
The statement you allegedly heard on the radio was shown to be wrong/incorrect/without foundation - perhaps a deliberate lie.
You subsequently went on to say, "Why would I need to correct the second part ? what I said was stated , therefore a factual statement".
What was allegedly said on radio may indeed be as you stated.
However, a factual statement would need to be a credible statement based on the facts.

It is poor form to continue to tout what are proven to be lies as "factual statements", especially when you were given the opportunity to provide the correct rates for the given situation.

Less obvious "lies" (by inference) exist within the title of the thread, and many of the gung ho posts that give it life. For example, migration is controlled tightly, and there really is no flood. On the other hand, illegal immigrants are a different issue, and border protection is presently topical.
Within posts there are many inferences that go unchallenged, and readers will often assume a fact when none exists. Here's a classic example; "Julia don't they make more than the retirees?" The inference is that refugees get more than retirees. The fact is that a refugee will attract a social security benefit at exactly the same rate as any other eligible beneficiary warranting that entitlement.

If after reading this you are still having difficulties I will be more than happy to suggest some reference material that improves comprehension.
Two thirds of migrants are, on arrival, aged between 25 and 45, and are relatively evenly divided on gender.
In recent years, most are arriving with valuable skills, have a lower unemployment rate and occupy white collar/professional occupations at a rate higher than Australian born.

because official migration policies emphasise skilled migration.

rederob said:
However, as years pass their unemployment rate nears that of the average rate, despite a large proportion of this population having minimal or no education at time of entry.

this is incorrect. there are many concentrations of welfare dependents amongst various ethnic enclaves. bankstown, fairfield, springvale - all with high concentrations of ethnic minorities and higher than average rates of long term welfare dependence.

the most common line is "white australians use more welfare, commit more crime etc. etc." however this totally fails to take into account the size of the white population compared to other racial groups.

the simple fact is ethnic minorities such as lebanese, sudanese, vietnamese, aborigines and various others are overrepresented in crime rates and welfare dependence compared to white australians. sometimes these levels of overrepresentation are HUGE and any day spent at sydney local court will see endless streams of ethnic minorities fronting up to the magistrate, far out of proportion to their overall population percentage.

rederob said:
The ignorance displayed by some here about the plight and motives of refugees is symptomatic of xenophobic attitudes, and gains traction with those will never seek to look over the horizon. I trust they never fall on hardship and need a helping hand.

the nievity regarding the motives and attitudes of many migrants to australia is symptomatic of a blinkered view of humanity and a case of idealism clouding common sense. the australian welfare state is considered a cash cow by many migrants who have little or no interest in contributing to the society and are content to sit back and receive government handouts.

this is also borne out by overseas experience with muslim immigrants in france, sweden, england, the netherlands etc. being responsible for huge surges in the crime rate and massive levels of welfare dependence, and basically having no intention whatsoever to integrate or contribute to wider society.

of course there are some migrants who do want to make a go of it, however where do we draw the line bringing in the good with the bad? out of the 130,000 migrants we bring in each year, how many leeches and criminals and potential terrorists are we willing to tolerate? and this is only official migration, to say nothing of people smuggling and other unofficial movements of people into our borders.

what population do we want to stabilise this country at? where will we finally say "enough, the country is full, the cities are strained, infrastructure is collapsing, the water is running out and we need to time to stabilise and take stock of what kind of society we want going into the future"?

endless growth is madness and will lead to unrest and erosion of our quality of life. bringing in large numbers of people, many from unstable countries and who have proven to be drains of society in regards to crime rates and welfare dependence, is simply not good for the long term health of country, both socially and economically. we need to be very very selective with the quality and background of migrants we choose to take in, especially given the abject failures we've experienced with the lebanese in sydney and sudanese in melbourne.

calls of xenophobia and racism are nothing more than attempts to silence any open debate by selfish individuals who choose to wallow in their cultural guilt and seek to expunge their misguided shame by pushing deluded and nieve social rainbow fantasies onto the rest of society.
this is incorrect.
My data were from official labour force series, and were indeed correct for all overseas born. I am aware of many suburbs across Australia with high levels of welfare dependence, and with ethnic enclaves.
Unfortunately you are confusing the "real" big picture with what you see from small concentrations.
With respect to criminality, the highest rates relate to people with the lowest levels of education, and holds true across all ethnic groups, and in most other nations where we have reliable data.
Despite a wide range of data that show migration has long term benefits to our nation there remain people who will continue to lie about the facts and distort them to their own pathetic ends.
My mother was a refugee, my sister will never know her father and, as my mother will never tell us what she went through to get to Australia, I suspect that even she does not know to this day.
A fundamental difference between me and disarray is that I seldom comment about things I don't know about. I find many of disarray's so out of whack with reality that they deserve no further comment.
With respect to criminality, the highest rates relate to people with the lowest levels of education, and holds true across all ethnic groups, and in most other nations where we have reliable data.
Despite a wide range of data that show migration has long term benefits to our nation there remain people who will continue to lie about the facts and distort them to their own pathetic ends.

Let's see your graphs Chairman Red...


And if you want to justify that crime rates are high amongst ALL groups of low education, all the more reason for Australia to ensure migrants are not overly represented by the undereducated....


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And if you want to justify that crime rates are high amongst ALL groups of low education, all the more reason for Australia to ensure migrants are not overly represented by the undereducated....
Try charting "white collar" crime, or the misrepresentations perpetrated on a regular basis by company directors that have led shareholders to lose billions of dollars in the past few years.
On a dollar for dollar basis the best educated are responsible for the greatest financial loss.
The simple fact is that the poorest educated are the least likely to find employment and are more likely to commit crimes on a regular basis and land in jail. The data prove this conclusively. Drug trafficking and organised crime will often draw in the "poor" and find them prosecuted, while the ringleaders buy themselves protection.
I know what you intended and understand the point you are making.
What you had a chance to say was that it is a fact that radio stations are repeating false claims about how much refugees get from Centrelink.
That is a factual statement.
Try charting "white collar" crime, or the misrepresentations perpetrated on a regular basis by company directors that have led shareholders to lose billions of dollars in the past few years.
On a dollar for dollar basis the best educated are responsible for the greatest financial loss.
The simple fact is that the poorest educated are the least likely to find employment and are more likely to commit crimes on a regular basis and land in jail. The data prove this conclusively. Drug trafficking and organised crime will often draw in the "poor" and find them prosecuted, while the ringleaders buy themselves protection.

How about all crime Chairman......


You've just given good reason for Australia not to accept asylum seekers undereducated in the ways of democracy, free markets, and the rule of law under a Westminster politicolegal system....


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