Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I just think if in a time like this all tony abbot can do is talk about personality then the libs are finished as apolitical force in Australia which is a bit of a pity really
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I just think if in a time like this all tony abbot can do is talk about personality then the libs are finished as apolitical force in Australia which is a bit of a pity really

Rubbish! It's just the cut and thrust of politics. If you cant take the heat then get out of the kitchen. Whatever you say or whatever allegiance you hold, krudd remains a toxic bore!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

While Malcolm has yet to decide whether he is a conservative, a Liberal or a soft liberal, Kevin has no such idealogical worries.

He skips nimbly from one tenet to another following the rising (or falling) tide. He went from socialist to fiscal conservative and back again to socialist without missing a beat or affecting his popularity.

He has now nailed his flag to anti Neo-Liberalism. I have no idea what N-L t is but apparently it is a bad thing, because Kev's popularity remains at record highs.

The paradox is that during the age of the dreaded N-L, Ms Reine amassed a great deal of wealth and as a result the Rudd/Reine family are now the richest family ever to grace;) the Lodge.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

The paradox is that during the age of the dreaded N-L, Ms Reine amassed a great deal of wealth and as a result the Rudd/Reine family are now the richest family ever to grace;) the Lodge.

And I'm sure she did that while paying the full amount of tax and not manipulating the system one bit:rolleyes:
Scribbler Rudd taken down

I am sure that most ASF members wonder what Kev07 is actually doing as he studiously ignores the Opposition during Question Time, picking his ear and scribbling in an A4 haze.

He's actually writing articles which he feels are of great moment.

I read his recent article in the Monthly bagging free markets, but not being an economist I felt disinclined to comment.

He has now been roasted in an article that will appear in tomorrows Australian from Henry Ergas originally published on the Institute of Public Affairs site.

Henry Ergas is a Canberra based economist.

What do we owe a Prime Minister? At the very least, to take what he says seriously. Mr Rudd, in his recently published essay on "The Global Financial Crisis" (The Monthly, February 2009), does not make that easy. His method consists of caricaturing his opponents, assaulting straw men, ignoring all contrary evidence, and then failing to explain his own philosophy with any clarity or detail. Nonetheless, the claims he makes, however unsatisfactory their expression, are important, all the more so as they represent his strongly-held views. They deserve to be treated as if the best case, rather than his case, had been made in their favour.

Re: Scribbler Rudd taken down

I don't know what the circulation of "The Monthly" is, but suspect it doesn't reach most of the great mass of voters. Pity.
Re: Scribbler Rudd taken down

Thanks for the laugh kevin007

I always love the arguement that the free market doesnt work.
Especially considering it has never been tried.
Re: Scribbler Rudd taken down

He's only writing articles when he's on the plane! Got to fill in all those long flights with something.

What p****s me off is Mrs Rudd appears with him everywhere. Does she pay for her own expenses? I'd say it's unlikely. And for Labour to go on about representing the worker and then spend like there's no tomorrow is hypocrisy.

Or can someone set me right that Therese pays her own way? Or show how it's beneficial to OZ to have her with him. Is he her puppet?
Re: Scribbler Rudd taken down

"The Global Financial Crisis" (The Monthly, February 2009)

Saw that on display at the airport newsagent the other day, couldnt believe my eyes, how on earth would they expect to sell anything with that tosser on the front page advertising an essay he wrote on a subject he knows nothing about. (nothing useful anyway)
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

nor did ms reine's partner leave the air conditioner running,,,to prove electicity used in a vacant investment property...and called it his principal avoid capital gains tax on sale.....dont know where the article is but google and find it....
how dishonest is that ?????.....
and gilliard is demanding a plaque in each school with her name on it....and that she must make a presentation in each and every school ..the govt is providing funds for.....but the govts have been providing funds for schools since the inception.....
of course the media dont take up the issue.....but check out andrew bolt's blogs for refence....
how insane is this pack of the con job of obama.....
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

From where I view it, Kevin Rudd is a class act and probably too good for most of his countrymen, excluding me, who just can't see it.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

rudd's shot off pretty much all of his economic shots, and the enemy has only now just landed on the beaches.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

rudd is a second rate bureaucrat, with a pretty discusting personal hygene habit of eating his ear wax.

rudd is an embarrasment.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Hope some of you saw Rudd on the7:30 report, interviewed by Kerry O'Brien Rudd was very unconvincing answering good questions with the usual quotes and BS, there is absolutely no doubt even O'Brien would make a better PM

Rudd was boring, weak and bordering on just plain dumb.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Hope some of you saw Rudd on the7:30 report, interviewed by Kerry O'Brien Rudd was very unconvincing answering good questions with the usual quotes and BS, there is absolutely no doubt even O'Brien would make a better PM

Rudd was boring, weak and bordering on just plain dumb.
Come on now MrBurns, how could we have a PM who has only achieved the position of Press Secretary under Labor PM Gough Whitlam? Perhaps that's where the bias accusations have come from?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Come on now MrBurns, how could we have a PM who has only achieved the position of Press Secretary under Labor PM Gough Whitlam? Perhaps that's where the bias accusations have come from?

No, O'Brien is far more intelligent than Rudd, there's no bias, just an an observation thats impossible to ignore.
Rudd under the spotlight of O'Briens questioning came up smelling like manure.
He's not very smart, he jusr parrots the same lines fed to him that morning by his keepers.