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Australian of the Year

Anyway I nominate Sir Les as Australian of the Year -


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What the nature of mankind?

Come off it. Isn't Australia supposed to be part of the global community? And the indigenous think they are so special?

do you really think that they think they are so special
spend some time in one of their rural communitys and soon find out how special they think they are
my dog leads a better life by far
losing all of your cultural significance can have a very debilitating effect
Mick Dodson ?

this is a political appointment isnt it.:rolleyes:
Yes, and the most obviously political appointment for many years.

But on the flip side of the coin they can not complain about not being Australian or included in Australian society since one of there esteemed has accepted the award. So hopefully the whinging and whining will cease... ( though I doubt it).
I think this is exactly why it was a purely political appointment. By accepting, Mick Dodson has become part of 'the establishment' and largely been 'neutralised' in terms of his opposition to government policies.

A far more genuine appointment would have been Noel Pearson who has eschewed political crap and been upfront and honest about the debilitating effect of endless welfare on aboriginal people. He has long held that indigenous people should be accountable for their behaviour.

I suppose to have appointed Mr Pearson would have brought all the hard left wingers out with their endless platitudes about aboriginal disadvantage.

I almost have to admire the government's cunning in this appointment.
I think there's been enough reconsiliation, give me the budget they apply to Aboriginal welfare and i'll clean up the mess fairly soon.
There are too many with their fingers in the honay pot and the Aboriginals dont get looked after as they should, hundreds of millions $ down the drain.
The word should be conciliation as there was no agreement, nor relationship, prior to colonisation.
Is that god awful black cowboy hat a requirement of being Australian of the year? Lee always seems to wear his (indoors, during interviews), and now this clown is doing the same thing!

Changing the date of Australia day, what an idiotically absurd thing to even say. The man's an idiot, simple as that. I've stated many times my utter disgust at their constant complaining, and how they should just join society! Get jobs, come to the city, get an education, and earn money as to support your families! Oh, they just make me angry. They, and all other indigenous people need to learn of the new world, and if they fail to do so - they really will die out.
Me too Nulla Nulla!

I mean he was so fantastic as the support actor in a movie doing his job as an actor. Surely Australian of the year material.

What do you mean there's no political advantage giving it to him...... that didn't rule him out did it???

Is that god awful black cowboy hat a requirement of being Australian of the year? Lee always seems to wear his (indoors, during interviews), and now this clown is doing the same thing!

Silly hats seem to be the way to go. Pencil in Molly Meldrum for next year.
I'm going to get the Michael Jackson treatment in reverse and get a job as an Aboriginal activist, I can bludge off the system forever whinning and bitching about how our rights have been violated and chasing the never ending supply of "compo" Have to get a black hat too, this will be a piece of cake.
I'm surprised it didn't go to Heath Ledger?

Ah, now this thing with Actors. It is almost like Politicians think Actors are actually the characters they play. Like Cate Blanchett really is Queen Elizabeth I. That is the only thing than can explain their invitations to all the power Talk fests that Rudd is so fond of. They are acting for god sakes, someone else wrote their lines.......

I have a silly hat at home too, can I be Australian of the Year?
Actually I reckon we should change the date of Australia Day, but not for the reason Pat Dodson has stated.

It should be held on September 1, the first day of Spring, a time of renewal and optimism. It's a time of year when the weather is generally mild in most parts of Australia (less boozing, fireworks could be earlier so the kids can see them, and a safer time to for fireworks displays). Schools are operating, so students could participate in relevant activities.

You might say, yes, but what does it commemorate or stand for? It will, of course, be the day that at some time in the future, Australia becomes a republic!
Pat Dodson and other idiots comments about changing Australia day are a joke and too alot of Australian offensive as well.

What next change Christmas and Easter which are christian celebrations bacouse in past generations Christians persecuted other religious groups ?

the Aboriginals do deserve better consideration in many respects but all things like this do is make Public perception of them worse.
While I agree that it was not a matter of 'if' but 'when and by whom' that Australia was colonised, the fact remains that the major incursion on indigenous Australians commenced on January 26th by the British Government who wanted to rid themselves of their excess convicts! Hardly a lofty motive or vision to set up a new land. How can we expect indigenous people to celebrate that date?

Because even though we may regard their conditions at the time as being 'primitive' - it was their culture, their belief system and their life as they knew it. And a society's belief system and culture drives everything they do. And that changed irrevocably on January 26.

When Australia becomes a Republic, that date will become Australia's Day!