Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I see Rudd the International tourist has been forced to cancel his latest overseas tour in favor of working on our local economic crisis - yes good luck with that Ruddy ....
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I see Rudd the International tourist has been forced to cancel his latest overseas tour in favor of working on our local economic crisis - yes good luck with that Ruddy ....

Possibly, but after reading this -

From ABC, 23 Jan. 09


Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has cancelled a six-day overseas trip due to the worsening state of the Australian economy.
Mr Rudd was to visit Papua New Guinea, India and Switzerland next week, but a combination of events has forced a change in plans.

The Port Morseby visit was cancelled after a meeting of Pacific leaders was postponed until February and the Indian leg could not go ahead after the Indian Prime Minister announced he would undergo heart bypass surgery over the weekend.

Mr Rudd was also planning to attend the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, but a spokesman says he will instead spend next week in meetings with business and industry leaders working on the Government's response to the economic turmoil at home.
"The Prime Minister has decided to cancel his planned visit to the World Economic Forum to continue working on Australia's response to the global financial crisis," the Prime Minister's office said in a statement.
The move increases the likelihood of the Government announcing a second stimulus package by the end of the month.

Another, more sinister possibility arises.

Either way we all saved, KRudd his face and we some money.

But who knows maybe we would be better off if he went, instead of working on The second stimulus package which can cost us billions instead of harmless sub million dollars trip.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Possibly, but after reading this -

Another, more sinister possibility arises.

Either way we all saved, KRudd his face and we some money.

But who knows maybe we would be better off if he went, instead of working on The second stimulus package which can cost us billions instead of harmless sub million dollars trip.

You may depend that any decisions Mr Rudd makes will be on the basis of what is best for Mr Rudd. I think that after observing the Obama circus in the past week he will have reached the conclusion that he doesn't have the right stuff to make it on the world stage.

He knows that he has reached his pinnacle and to stay there he has to do more work in the party room. Remember Ms Gillard "has a lean and hungry look." She is also a left wing favorite.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I think KRudd should have gone on his circus trip. They love have a laugh at him and his merry band over there. Probably good for international relations along.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

You may depend that any decisions Mr Rudd makes will be on the basis of what is best for Mr Rudd. I think that after observing the Obama circus in the past week he will have reached the conclusion that he doesn't have the right stuff to make it on the world stage.

He knows that he has reached his pinnacle and to stay there he has to do more work in the party room. Remember Ms Gillard "has a lean and hungry look." She is also a left wing favorite.

Compared to TouroKRudd, Mz Gillhard is looking better every day. :)
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

You may depend that any decisions Mr Rudd makes will be on the basis of what is best for Mr Rudd.

I think that after observing the Obama circus in the past week he will have reached the conclusion that he doesn't have the right stuff to make it on the world stage.
I'm not sure he'll be prepared to see that just yet.

He knows that he has reached his pinnacle and to stay there he has to do more work in the party room. Remember Ms Gillard "has a lean and hungry look." She is also a left wing favorite.
She comes across as less egocentric and more objective too. I much prefer her to Rudd.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

yes he does inspire confidence that is why he soes so well in the polls, Question answered no further requirement for this thread
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

yes he does inspire confidence that is why he soes so well in the polls, Question answered no further requirement for this thread

No he doesnt and disturbingly he is making decisions that could do a lot of harm, ie: propping up developers with our money, dangerous, very dangerous and not what he was elected to do.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

yes he does inspire confidence that is why he soes so well in the polls, Question answered no further requirement for this thread

Not necessarily.

The voting public here and the US were tired of right wing government.

Then they got Rudd.

Now that Obama is in, it is a "jumping the shark" moment.

People are saying what have we let ourselves in for here.

Rudd does not inspire much confidence in me. I wouldn't trust him to do anything that wasn't in his own interest.

Many folk who voted for Labor last time will have second thoughts coming up to our next election in 2010 if ole Kev doesn't call one this year.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

yes he does inspire confidence that is why he soes so well in the polls,

He is a complete populist, viz the pre-Christmas handouts to the sector which would be most susceptible to being grateful to him.
I am utterly sick of seeing letters to the paper etc saying "thank you Mr Rudd".
How about 'thank you, Australian taxpayers". That would be a lot more accurate.

Mr Rudd's actions are prompted by bolstering his own CV. Hence his prancing about on the world stage, promoting his idea for some South East Asian Association , etc. Re this latter, the countries concerned made clear how underwhelmed they were by his remarkable vision.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

He is a complete populist, viz the pre-Christmas handouts to the sector which would be most susceptible to being grateful to him.
I am utterly sick of seeing letters to the paper etc saying "thank you Mr Rudd".
How about 'thank you, Australian taxpayers". That would be a lot more accurate.

Mr Rudd's actions are prompted by bolstering his own CV. Hence his prancing about on the world stage, promoting his idea for some South East Asian Association , etc. Re this latter, the countries concerned made clear how underwhelmed they were by his remarkable vision.

Agree but what really cocerns me now is that he's delving into areas he knows nothing about such as supporting developers.
It's bad enough to be incompetant but to be actively destructive and going outside you mandate is another thing.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Agree but what really cocerns me now is that he's delving into areas he knows nothing about such as supporting developers.
It's bad enough to be incompetant but to be actively destructive and going outside you mandate is another thing.

Only positive that might come out later is that failed shopping centre or even office tower can be converted to high density accommodation for underprivileged groups including homeless.

Only problem with this is currently Government desperately tries to disperse underprivileged groups so trouble is dispersed with them making it less visible and helps the statistics too.

This will make all suburbs similar in crime rate and effectively making all suburbs equally desirable.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

No. Always feel that I am being preached to by him and he does it with motherhood statements, such as this one from yesterday.

"Compassion, when we extend an outstretched hand to those who fall by the road, who stumble or who are injured, and help to see them through, as seeing them through is seeing all of us through."

If I feel the need or wish to see a confessor, I'll go to a church I don't need such in a Prime Minister who is elected to lead: not to take on the work of Archbishop Pell.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

No. Always feel that I am being preached to by him and he does it with motherhood statements, such as this one from yesterday.

"Compassion, when we extend an outstretched hand to those who fall by the road, who stumble or who are injured, and help to see them through, as seeing them through is seeing all of us through."

If I feel the need or wish to see a confessor, I'll go to a church I don't need such in a Prime Minister who is elected to lead: not to take on the work of Archbishop Pell.
This irritates me too. As does his general tone which is "I know more than you dumb voters ever will and you are just so lucky to have me here in charge of your lives."

I did, however, give him some brownie points yesterday for his very clear rejection of Mick Dodson's demand for the date of Australia Day to be changed. He seems to have succeeded in putting that person, big black hat and all, back in his box, at least for now.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Finally President Obama has rung Mr Rudd to get the good oil on how to save the world economy. They talked for 25 minutes.

We don't know the outcomes, but apparently Obama has his decoders busy at work trying to decipher what the hell Mr Rudd was talking about.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Finally President Obama has rung Mr Rudd to get the good oil on how to save the world economy. They talked for 25 minutes.

We don't know the outcomes, but apparently Obama has his decoders busy at work trying to decipher what the hell Mr Rudd was talking about.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Finally President Obama has rung Mr Rudd to get the good oil on how to save the world economy. They talked for 25 minutes.


I suspect one of the points was reminder that we were part of -Coalition of the willing- and coming with it obligation to help with BHO election promisees to close that camp, or some other topics excluding this one.