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See apache hellfire take out 2 scumbags

I didn't look at the url.I've seen enough dead and maimed during my ambulance career, but I imagine the bodies fly just the same as some poor "coalition of the willing" soldiers affected by a low tech I.E.D.
I did watch it, what distrubed me was the minute or so of stalking them on an open road. This is definately OVER KILL! I't bad enough having to go to war but to blast them literally to pieces is crazy. It seemed they were shot first anyway as they went down than got blasted. Greg you're a little blood thirsty.

I've seen Black Hawk Down, had a US Ranger friend involved in that war. He said alot of what they showed did occur. There have been others I've known who died in the Iraq War one was at a boarder inspecting people and the guy had a bomb on him. Needless to say it was instant death and a mess.

Pointr I've also known Doctors and Nurses (my parents are in the medical profession) who have worked years in ER and it takes a toll on them mentally and physically. From the constant alterness they need to cope with anything coming through the door. I asked my mum once how she coped. She said she had to shut a part of her down and get on with saving lives it is callous but to see a body in bits she had to treat it like an object, cut out the screaming and completely focus on the job.

Give a moment to think of the people who have to patch others up - that is the hard and saddest part.
I admit I'm not really emotionally attached. Point is, they were placing bombs that were supposed to kill US/UN soldiers. Maybe a mini gun at close range would have been better, but then you want distance in case of a portable missile launcher etc.. ooh-rah!
Point is, they were placing bombs that were supposed to kill US/UN soldiers.

and you knew that how ?
I did watch it, what distrubed me was the minute or so of stalking them on an open road. This is definately OVER KILL! .

Are you saying it was wrong for them to watch the suspects for a few minutes or "stalk them" in your words,.... they were gathering infomation and reporting what they saw up the chain of command, the last thing those guys in the chopper want to do is hit friendlys, they were watching the suspects to make sure they were doing what they thought they were doing.

Secondly they were 3000M away from the target, probally chose a hell fire missile because at that range it is the most accurate and humane weapon to use, so no it isn't over kill, Secondly the blast from the missile would have destroyed the explosive that they were laying so that it couldn't hurt any body.

would you rather the chopper move in closer and have to chase the men as they fled and gun them down with machine guns, I think the missile was more humane on both the target and the pilots, not to mention without the missile blowing up the explosives a bomb techinision would have to approached the bomb and risked his life to get rid of it.
Point is, they were placing bombs that were supposed to kill US/UN soldiers.

and you knew that how ?

because they guy in the chopper actually watching it in real time said thats what they were doing,

At the end of the day, what else would they be doing in the middle of the night digging holes and burying things in the side of the road.
Should be pretty obvious really.

Not really, your statement doesn't really have anything to do with the topic of conversation, All you said was that you don't have sympathy for the soldiers in iraq,... given that we are talking about some terrorist's being hit by an apache I thought that was a weird thing to say.

Can you explain what you were trying to say.
Not really, your statement doesn't really have anything to do with the topic of conversation, All you said was that you don't have sympathy for the soldiers in iraq,... given that we are talking about so terrorist's being hit by an apache I thought that was a weird thing to say.

Can you explain what you were trying to say.

If they're in Iraq, they're possibly not terrorists. More likely to be defenders, freedom fighters, whatever you want to call them.

In that lies the explanation.
Secondly they were 3000M away from the target, probally chose a hell fire missile because at that range it is the most accurate and humane weapon to use, so no it isn't over kill, Secondly the blast from the missile would have destroyed the explosive that they were laying so that it couldn't hurt any body.

I am not up on weapons and am not interested. I see the devastation after. On your words if that was the case then they got what they deserved and will have their 17 virgins. I am against the war in Iraq. If you just leave the locals alone they will wipe each other out.

Ever seen body in real life from a major accident mutilated and decapitated? I have. It is not a pleaseant site. I leaves a lasting impression which changes your ideals on the fragility of who we are.
Ever seen body in real life from a major accident mutilated and decapitated? I have. It is not a pleaseant site. I leaves a lasting impression which changes your ideals on the fragility of who we are.

No, but I have seen three mates return from afganistan wounded, one missing limbs, one with three bullets holes ( two in the leg and one in the arm) and one with facial scaring.

whether you believe in the war or not you should still spare a thought for our soldiers who are hurt in the line of duty.
Good replies Tyson, you summed it up really with in regards to why they went with the missile option.

Green08 and mrelectron if you had listen to the pilots commentary you would have understood what exactly was happening.

Chops did you hear about the 3 female aid workers and their local Afgan driver which were killed about 7 weeks ago just south of Kabul?? What you didn't hear is that they were hacked into pieces by the taliban. These were 3 selfless people, who were trying to improve the lives of ordinary Afgans and were set upon by a by a ruthless and evil enemy.

I know the footage was taken in Iraq but I thought I would share with you the mindset of some of these Islamic fundamentalist.
Chops did you hear about the 3 female aid workers and their local Afgan driver which were killed about 7 weeks ago just south of Kabul?? What you didn't hear is that they were hacked into pieces by the taliban. These were 3 selfless people, who were trying to improve the lives of ordinary Afgans and were set upon by a by a ruthless and evil enemy.
Afghanistan is a totally different story.
whether you believe in the war or not you should still spare a thought for our soldiers who are hurt in the line of duty.

I am concerned. Correct me if I am wrong. When training at these levels they know they are risking their lives for the greater good. My friends knew that every day could be their last. They are trained at the best standards available. They choose to go no-one knows who will come back. It takes courage, focus and determination to fight fundementalist.
Afghanistan is a totally different story.

How come?

On the topic of Afghanistan.

The Afghanistan's president brother is a drug lord.

And we think we are fighting a good fight, when are friends are drug lords. God Help us all. In Iraq there is Oil in Afghan there are drugs.

It is good to know that some saner elements are trying to break a deal with taliban, by giving them share in power (as been brokered with Sunni's of Iraq), to curtail and isolate Al-Qaida.

What the hell was mayor of Kabul (Karazi) doing all these 7 years? Looking after the drug business of his brother. It is utter disgrace.