Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Turnbull - New Liberal Leader

bring the troops back from Iraq
apologise to the abs
reduce income tax

Hey 2020

I think you've just underlined Datsun's comment. To me his implied statement is that Rudd doesn't have much substance and doesn't "do anything".

The examples you give:

#Iraq - primarily for show. Affects say 500 troops? Has it created a more positive light in which the world sees us? With the exception of the "feelgood factor" - is it much of an achievement?

#Income Tax Refunds - locked in before election based on Coalition policy. Big deal.

#Apologies to the Aboriginals - While "in theory" a worthwhile exercise, in reality how has it helped Mr and Mrs Longgrass living outside of Alice Springs?

It is nice to have aspirations and ideals to live by, but all living things at some stage need substance. I think Rudd might find that as well.

Bringing back on topic - I think Turnbull has substance in spades.

Bringing back on topic - I think Turnbull has substance in spades.

I loathe all politicians, but i loathe Turnbull less than Rudd (at this stage).

As others have said, (imo) Rudd is all talk and 'committees' and no action. Plus he just looks sly...
Rudd reminds me of a young Jonny Howard, more interested in showboating and seeing the world, policies on the run, little sustance and all about the me factor.
I loathe all politicians, but i loathe Turnbull less than Rudd (at this stage).

As others have said, (imo) Rudd is all talk and 'committees' and no action. Plus he just looks sly...

the whole 'all comittees, no action' thing is a bit of a beat up by Liberal pollies. How is it a bad thing to actually have intelligent people look in depth at a problem before deciding the best course and creating policy around it - as willl be done. Surely the 'shoot from the hip' alternative is one better left to those living on Idiot island?

And now Gspot is saying that Rudd has 'policies on the run'. Which is to be? Policies on the run or all comittees before policy????
The thing that annoys me (about all politics, not just Rudd) is the fact they set up these committees, pay them good money for their ideas, and then ignore their recommendations anyway.

"Lets set up a committee to see how we can solve X"

One year later (and countless taxpayer dollars) committee states:
"here is how to solve X"

"Oh we cant do that its against our policies/budget etc. Lets set up a sub committee to the orignal committee to see if they were thourough in their investigation/findings"

etc etc...

Or else they set up committees for things they know they are not going to change in order to be seen as doing something. EG - Fuel prices.
Too fat? See what happened to Kim Beazley and his ability to lose those 'unloseable' elections. Aussies will never vote for a fat man it would seem (apart from Harold Holt?) .
You probably have a point there, Bushman. Maybe fat people are generally regarded as lacking in personal discipline, are self indulgent? Not sure it's just that with Joe Hockey, though. He's just a bit too laid back, and frankly doesn't strike me as all that bright.

Even more off topic (sorry), New Zealanders clearly didn't mind an obese PM. David Lange weighed 165kg!
Rudd reminds me of a young Jonny Howard, more interested in showboating and seeing the world, policies on the run, little sustance and all about the me factor.

Rudd is like the old SAMPLEBAG joke -All show & colour on the outside & full of shyte on the inside :D
You probably have a point there, Bushman. Maybe fat people are generally regarded as lacking in personal discipline, are self indulgent? Not sure it's just that with Joe Hockey, though. He's just a bit too laid back, and frankly doesn't strike me as all that bright.

Even more off topic (sorry), New Zealanders clearly didn't mind an obese PM. David Lange weighed 165kg!

WOW, Julia that's one big Kiwi no wonder these birds are flightless being that size .Is he a tall man?:eek:
I think Rudd is about as likable as Turnbull (ie not at all) but thank god he has a level head on the economy without all the talking up and chasing unsustainable growth of the last govt.

And call me racist or whatever but I stronly prefer a christian PM like K Rudd. Not sure many christian countries elect jews or muslims nowadays.
why does it matter if we like them or not? we aren't taking them out to dinner

surely the only thing that should matter is who will run the country better

I believe Turnbull would do a better job at that.
I believe he would run it well and truly in the interests of his BRW Rich 200 cronies that really dont need it.

Id rather someone who has broader less extravagent interests at heart.

Kevin 07 by first round knockout in any election against this guy.
Re: Turnball - New Liberal Leader

yeh well rudd and swann are doing f-all, just reassuring us with how good Australian economies are and dropping rates to devalue the AU$

No, they're too busy letting 1,000s new migrants into the country each year so that we a labour force.

No mention of encouraging Australians to actually fill the positions.

My :2twocents and my gripe over the for the year.
Re: Turnball - New Liberal Leader

No, they're too busy letting 1,000s new migrants into the country each year so that we a labour force.

No mention of encouraging Australians to actually fill the positions.

My :2twocents and my gripe over the for the year.

I know you realise that John Howard (while he portrayed himself well as a xenophobe) increased immigration considerably during his tenure. I also know that you understand that for our economy to grow, our population will have to, especially with all those baby boomer pensions coming online. But you already know all that obviously.
WOW, Julia that's one big Kiwi no wonder these birds are flightless being that size .Is he a tall man?:eek:
Justjohn, he's been dead for many years now, died of obesity related diseases. He had a stomach stapling operation a few years before he died but it didn't seem to make all that much difference. To answer your question, no he wasn't particularly tall.

He is probably best remembered for his government's anti-nuclear stand which refused access to NZ ports by US nuclear powered ships, causing a significant cooling of the NZ/USA relationship. Together with the Treasurer of the time, Roger Douglas, he instigated many changes in the NZ economy, commonly referred to as "Rogernomics". I'm not sure NZ ever recovered from the effect of their policies.
Justjohn, he's been dead for many years now, died of obesity related diseases. He had a stomach stapling operation a few years before he died but it didn't seem to make all that much difference. To answer your question, no he wasn't particularly tall.

He is probably best remembered for his government's anti-nuclear stand which refused access to NZ ports by US nuclear powered ships, causing a significant cooling of the NZ/USA relationship. Together with the Treasurer of the time, Roger Douglas, he instigated many changes in the NZ economy, commonly referred to as "Rogernomics". I'm not sure NZ ever recovered from the effect of their policies.
After which the ANZUS Treaty became known as the ANUS Treaty ;)
popular, easy stuff - and since?

well he's also managed to get the states to agree to act on the Murray-Darling
is buying properties along the Darling
signed Kyoto
started to roll out computers for schools
in the process of making employment terms more fair...

you know, all those things that Johnny failed on ...

then there's telling the Chinese what we think of their human rights record ..
while at the same time developing our relationship with them .. (trade , the future etc)
speaking to Pakistan to encourage them to do more against AQ etc

hey if you think that bringing the troops home from Iraq is "popular" - by which you seem to mean "trivial" - then we ain't gonna agree on much Datsun.. :2twocents
PS getting back to topic
Let's assume Turnbull can get away with charisma and sound policies.
(and PS hopefully more reasonable about treatment of the Abs, and action on carbon and the Murray etc)

Will he still want to resort to the obstructionist nonsense - alcopops, luxury car tax etc?.
The taxpayers will lose while they bicker about where to get the money to take on the massive problems we are facing.

They should be thinking of this as a war cabinet ! (the way the world economy is going). Curtin and Menzies cooperating stuff. :2twocents

I mean he was honest enough to send an email to Nelson to say that the 5 cents per litre discount was economically crazy. - IMO Turnbull was devalued to some extent by those cave-ins he had to make to Nelson, - trying to argue "politically a great idea, but economically crazy" - what the hell does that say about Nelson's leadership ? :confused:
pure valdalism / opportunism.