Trading in the Zone by Nick Radge is also a book commonly mentioned.
"Trading in the Zone" was written by Mark Douglas.
"Unholy Grails" and "Adaptive Analysis" are books written by Nick Radge.
All three books are worth reading.
Trading in the Zone by Nick Radge is also a book commonly mentioned.
"Bollinger Bands Strategy"
Hi Skate, thanks for your post of the BBS - from a quick look it gives verrrry impressive backrests. I look forward to looking at your code and structure - possibly next week. This thread is a wealth of information. So thanks for everyone who is posting.
What do you recommend on how to take into account dividends paid/ pending? F.Rock
What is annoying - no rebalancing
Commission drag won't allow rebalancing of positions that's why we need to keep position size to $1k bets. Trading such a low-value portfolio with "NO" re-balancing restricts the performance potential of the strategy. Commission drag has already been calculated so it's not possible to increase position sizing (bet sizes) under any circumstances.
I would appreciate an honest assessment for others to read, the code & structure is at beginner level but at times "SIMPLE" just works.
ApplyStop( stopTypeTrailing , stopModePercent , ts , exitatstop = 2 );
// Apply Stop = [ts] Trailing Stop [exitatstop = 2] means check High-Low prices but exit NEXT BAR on regular trade price.
I am having an initial look at the "BBS" code. I am struggling with understanding the trailing stop and thought I would try to plot it - thinking a visualization would assist.
highsinceBuy = HighestSince( Buy, High);
stoplevel = highsinceBuy * (100-ts)/100;
Plot( stoplevel, "stop", colorRed, styleDashed );
Plot( highsinceBuy, "highsinceBuy", colorBlue, styleDashed );
I am struggling with understanding the trailing stop and thought I would try to plot it
That's a fancy way of checking the complete bar. The moving average of the IndexBuyFilter uses the "closing" price. I could have used the "high" as I have in the Buy condition. The ApplyStop check the "high, low, open or close" or a shorter way of saying it is "check High-Low Prices"I am not sure how to interpret "check High-Low Prices".
The options to pyramid
1. Increase portfolio position size (this is our only option)
2. Increase the bet size (not applicable, due to commission drag)
Q.1 Drawing from your knowledge bank, If a cheaper broker was used would you still go with option 1 ? (consider all trade position sizes having a $10 fee)
Q.2 Where would you cap the number of positions using option 1 before considering moving to option 2 ?
Q.3 What method would you use to determine starting bet size for option 2 ?
back test in the results the open of signal bar is used.
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