So is this bloke credible?
I seem to recall that this bloke was part of the Koperberg empire, he has been indoctrinated with the current vogue rather than learn from the past.
When Mr Koperberg started the RFS he centralised all the power by removing authority from the local captains and brigades to conduct burns when the opportunity arises.
This resulted in dozens of senior firies resigning, decades of experience in local conditions walked out the door because they were regarded as has beens.
Local captains know their local flora, they know the hot spots, they know where the natural fire breaks are, they know which neighbours will help, who has bulldozers, which pub to ring to round up a crew etc
I have seen interviews with Shane Fitzsimmons he seems a very well intentioned person but he is part of the new era that rely heavily on big budget fire fighting.
They were very confident that with all their very expensive, new fangled equipment they could stop nature whenever they wanted, pure arrogance !
Unfortunately, nature demonstrated once again just who is boss and people, flora and fauna have paid a very dear price.
This quote from that article proves my point that they have it completely ass about
<<Warmer, drier conditions with higher fire danger are preventing agencies from conducting as much hazard reduction burning – it is often either too wet, or too dry and windy to burn safely. Blaming "greenies" for stopping these important measures is a familiar, populist, but basically untrue claim>>
So they are actually saying "Gee, the weather is getting hotter, this increases the fire risk so we better not reduce the fuel load, lets just let it build up and see what happens"
Now they know, what happened is Exactly what they were told would happen when they changed the rules, Now they want to rewrite history to cover their butts
Surely to heaven, if we are having warmer, drier weather then it becomes absolutely imperative that we burn off Every winter
If winter is warmer then surely summer will also be warmer too ?
Just crazy, if it was not so tragic it would be laughable
another link about how it should be done