Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Victorian Fires

Seriously Smerf ...

Your talking quite obviously to a local with ... well some knowledge of the region ... fire procedures and whilst you may think I am being hysterical because friends or loved ones are under threat, it is actually absurd your whole viewpoint.

All of it ... controlled burn-offs did not occur due to greenies ?

Ignoring Fire chiefs reasoning in favor of your pet view ?

Dismissing totally all data on rain or lack of it or temperature or humidity ...

then inserting absurd illogical and stupid rubbish about floods 2,581 KM away or one 450 km away over the great dividing range to say Orbost Victoria and still persisting ?

When someone says something really stupid, either refute it with facts, as I did and when they come back again and again ... obviously your dealing with either a moron who is unaware of even hand presented facts or ... someone with the IQ of a pumpkin.

I think you fall in the latter category due to your shared views about virtually everything.

As I said ... opinions are like assholes ... everyone has one and thinks theirs dont stink and others do.
Presenting factually based Rain ... temperature and humidity ... even fire data did not work ...

Your opinions are non factually based or even remotely rational ... in your universe a wet newspaper burns the same way as one subjected to record hot and dry conditions.

PUMPKIN it is !!

Trying to converse or convince someone becomes well ... futile and I wave the white or in your case the Orange Pumpkin flag and retreat.

Calling an absurd theory ... about a planet where laws of nature and thermodynamics dont operate is your reality, not sadly the rest of the nation.

Debating if its dry ... hot .... whilst 10 million hectares and 11 now ... has just burnt should seem virtually insane if not absurd. Calling someone talking gibberish about protestors and floods where floods did not occur is ... well pointless.

Put your Tin hat on ... paint it Orange like a pumpkin and please get tested for cognitive senile decline.
Seriously Smerf ...

Your talking quite obviously to a local with ... well some knowledge of the region ... fire procedures and whilst you may think I am being hysterical because friends or loved ones are under threat, it is actually absurd your whole viewpoint.

All of it ... controlled burn-offs did not occur due to greenies ?

Ignoring Fire chiefs reasoning in favor of your pet view ?

Dismissing totally all data on rain or lack of it or temperature or humidity ...

then inserting absurd illogical and stupid rubbish about floods 2,581 KM away or one 450 km away over the great dividing range to say Orbost Victoria and still persisting ?

When someone says something really stupid, either refute it with facts, as I did and when they come back again and again ... obviously your dealing with either a moron who is unaware of even hand presented facts or ... someone with the IQ of a pumpkin.

I think you fall in the latter category due to your shared views about virtually everything.

As I said ... opinions are like assholes ... everyone has one and thinks theirs dont stink and others do.
Presenting factually based Rain ... temperature and humidity ... even fire data did not work ...

Your opinions are non factually based or even remotely rational ... in your universe a wet newspaper burns the same way as one subjected to record hot and dry conditions.

PUMPKIN it is !!

Trying to converse or convince someone becomes well ... futile and I wave the white or in your case the Orange Pumpkin flag and retreat.

Calling an absurd theory ... about a planet where laws of nature and thermodynamics dont operate is your reality, not sadly the rest of the nation.

Debating if its dry ... hot .... whilst 10 million hectares and 11 now ... has just burnt should seem virtually insane if not absurd. Calling someone talking gibberish about protestors and floods where floods did not occur is ... well pointless.

Put your Tin hat on ... paint it Orange like a pumpkin and please get tested for cognitive senile decline.
Is there any wonder the left are not getting traction?
Then you should have known there were hazard reduction burns done in may last year.

Hilarious ... that's why the fire just jumped 20km to Boydtown !!

That's also why they evacuated Eden ... 50 km North of the Vic border.

Over the last eight years, according to its website, the NPWS carried out hazard reduction burns in NSW parks and reserves covering more than 680,000 hectares since the coast is a National parks ... part of this claimed total ... was the Tathra region and associated fires but they were March 2018 and 90 k North of Eden.

In total NSW has 7 million hectares of national parks ... a vast chunk is between Eden and Vic border and most of it is impossible if not inconceivable to even try to hazard reduce in current conditions.

Last one ... Nadgee was burnt off in a reduction 15 or so years ago ... there was an out of control fire some years ago ... Wombyn lake region which yep hit some national park ... is an out of control bush-fire counted ?

Scattered State forest operations as they cut and clear but .... well two got really out of control post 2015 ... do they count ... one in the middle of Yambulla which was amusing. I even know Chris the guy in charge of State Forests down there. I think Last time I spoke to him and it was a whole ago he got a new toy ... a D9 dozer or maybe even a D10 ...

Ahh bait all you like.
Sad it is ...

As Wombyn ... is horrid for any even planned burn-off and some areas even worse ... your mythical burn-off just occurred ... NOT May 2019 ... but 4-5th January 2020.

Unless your counting as national parks I now see is out of control bush-fires seem to count as controlled burns !! They just did 5 million hectares late 2019 early 2020 !! Yipee.
A fire jumps 20klm? Several seem to be doing it.
Somehow the Government should be able to stop it?

Possibly they could send you and anyone your love, which seems unlikely .... to stand with a water bottle in front of the next breakout.

Your glib compassion and lack of empathy deserves to go home.
Of interest, this is what the fires look like from space, in the real non fake it is not red or orange

As if the drama was not enough on the ground, we have these glowing red fake "sat pictures" push thru all the usual culprit from news ltd to the guardian..what is the agenda?
That's how "greenies" stop things in practice

As 150,000 more hectares ignited its ... the Greenies yet again.
All other data is ignored. Record heat ... record low rainfall ...

As one region that will burn for months just caught alight, much to my horror in NSW the steep diabolical regions which require very wet conditions to ever even contemplate a controlled burn, that too is ignored for the dialogue.

Eden and its surrounds ... right up to the edge of town ... from the Victorian border incinerated.
Fires due to terrain ... steep inaccessible regions say around Yambulla will burn until a torrential downpour occurs ... or they as sadly is clear will be a tinder box for embers to eventually ignite similar regions just as dry surrounding Merimbula/ Tura and well all the way up the great dividing range.

Predicting the extent even for the experts and RFS ... and Vic ones .... is not possible.
Denying climate change or even debating hotter dryer conditions seems the idiot dogma of most.
Even disputing of denying actual rain ... heat .. humidity ... are to be ignored

Blaming Greenies or some pet theory of setting a steep escarpment alight to hazard reduce is so absurd and insulting and idiotic it defies rational comment other than clearly displayed dementia and senile decline on display. Are you serious about setting say a steep region lush with vegetation ... but dead dry .. insanely dry ..due to climate issues ? I asked ... presented data ... and all was ignored.

Your kidding. Seriously.

Each has their views and I note ... with amusement some of the jibes and views. One who resides supposedly on the South Coast when the IP address was checked I thought Golbourn and the Jail was on the Slopes not the south coast let alone the Far south coast.

That a region ... from the Victorian border to Eden just ignited and unexpectedly ignited the extent is Triple the predicted region by RFS ... TRIPLE ... TRIPLE their worst case .... the area is 30 km wide and 50 km deep. At TRIPLE least even the worst estimate on ember spread. This is not about blame ... not at all ... just scope ... SCOPE ...

I am sure some will choose to call this hysterical or whatever as they require changing of their adult nappies.

It seems sadly unlikely to hold much hope despite brave and valiant efforts by the amazing firies and emergency workers to not realistically expect what is left, will not also be under threat in coming days weeks and months.

To ignore 150 year low rainfall-totals ... seems petty if not idiotic at this stage.
To lay blame on some pet theory about what the aboriginals did seems equally absurd given the lack of any and all historical records. So too mythical greenies and its their fault ...

We .. as a nation ... likely have a burnt total that is going to be 5 times ANY previously seen.
Ignoring climate issues, rain ... humidity ... stomping your foot .. calling me a greenie or inventing floods ...

That we have seen minimal loss of human life is fantastic and to be applauded.
Wildlife and property losses another matter.

I am sure someone will soon catch onto the scope of the overnight fires size and reflect. To be told as I was by someone as I relayed my horror and fears for loved ones and loved region ... that some mythical ... burn-back occurred or being told I was full of shi% ... a record in print of stupid people on display.

Seriously ... thanks for the distraction as I watched from a distance ... made a few calls ... but the scope whilst mainly uninhabited the 150.000 hectares and sparsely dotted with not much in the way of buildings other than Wombyn and sparsely settled mainly around the Princess highway, its size and scope is ... what it is.

Keep denying and minimizing climate issues and all of them.
Please keep up your idiotic pet theories about control burning a mountain with steep sides, or wild coastal ravines full of vegetation also being candidates for control burns in record low 150 low rainfall periods.

Dispute ... deny ... and please go change your adult nappies . Pragmatic reality which does not fit your pet theory ... data which upsets your view ... wow your nappy must be very full.
As 150,000 more hectares ignited its ... the Greenies yet again.
All other data is ignored. Record heat ... record low rainfall ...

As one region that will burn for months just caught alight, much to my horror in NSW the steep diabolical regions which require very wet conditions to ever even contemplate a controlled burn, that too is ignored for the dialogue.

Eden and its surrounds ... right up to the edge of town ... from the Victorian border incinerated.
Fires due to terrain ... steep inaccessible regions say around Yambulla will burn until a torrential downpour occurs ... or they as sadly is clear will be a tinder box for embers to eventually ignite similar regions just as dry surrounding Merimbula/ Tura and well all the way up the great dividing range.

Predicting the extent even for the experts and RFS ... and Vic ones .... is not possible.
Denying climate change or even debating hotter dryer conditions seems the idiot dogma of most.
Even disputing of denying actual rain ... heat .. humidity ... are to be ignored

Blaming Greenies or some pet theory of setting a steep escarpment alight to hazard reduce is so absurd and insulting and idiotic it defies rational comment other than clearly displayed dementia and senile decline on display. Are you serious about setting say a steep region lush with vegetation ... but dead dry .. insanely dry ..due to climate issues ? I asked ... presented data ... and all was ignored.

Your kidding. Seriously.

Each has their views and I note ... with amusement some of the jibes and views. One who resides supposedly on the South Coast when the IP address was checked I thought Golbourn and the Jail was on the Slopes not the south coast let alone the Far south coast.

That a region ... from the Victorian border to Eden just ignited and unexpectedly ignited the extent is Triple the predicted region by RFS ... TRIPLE ... TRIPLE their worst case .... the area is 30 km wide and 50 km deep. At TRIPLE least even the worst estimate on ember spread. This is not about blame ... not at all ... just scope ... SCOPE ...

I am sure some will choose to call this hysterical or whatever as they require changing of their adult nappies.

It seems sadly unlikely to hold much hope despite brave and valiant efforts by the amazing firies and emergency workers to not realistically expect what is left, will not also be under threat in coming days weeks and months.

To ignore 150 year low rainfall-totals ... seems petty if not idiotic at this stage.
To lay blame on some pet theory about what the aboriginals did seems equally absurd given the lack of any and all historical records. So too mythical greenies and its their fault ...

We .. as a nation ... likely have a burnt total that is going to be 5 times ANY previously seen.
Ignoring climate issues, rain ... humidity ... stomping your foot .. calling me a greenie or inventing floods ...

That we have seen minimal loss of human life is fantastic and to be applauded.
Wildlife and property losses another matter.

I am sure someone will soon catch onto the scope of the overnight fires size and reflect. To be told as I was by someone as I relayed my horror and fears for loved ones and loved region ... that some mythical ... burn-back occurred or being told I was full of shi% ... a record in print of stupid people on display.

Seriously ... thanks for the distraction as I watched from a distance ... made a few calls ... but the scope whilst mainly uninhabited the 150.000 hectares and sparsely dotted with not much in the way of buildings other than Wombyn and sparsely settled mainly around the Princess highway, its size and scope is ... what it is.

Keep denying and minimizing climate issues and all of them.
Please keep up your idiotic pet theories about control burning a mountain with steep sides, or wild coastal ravines full of vegetation also being candidates for control burns in record low 150 low rainfall periods.

Dispute ... deny ... and please go change your adult nappies . Pragmatic reality which does not fit your pet theory ... data which upsets your view ... wow your nappy must be very full.
Honestly you are an idiot.
No one mentioned hazard burning in un accessible remote areas. The fact that you even thought that shows you are clueless.
Towns were lost because someone dropped the ball.
There were reduction burns in may. This will have to do because I didn't take photos while it was going on:

Since winter 2018, more than 56,000 hectares have been treated across NSW which has provided greater protection to more than 46,000 properties.

But throw up another map or change the argument again to suit your purpose. You make points off arguments no one was having in the first place.

You are far far from reality
Honestly you are an idiot.

Thanks ... How is Golburn jail ?

Poole Rd
Updated: 5 Jan 2020 10:01
30462 ha
Border Fire
214221 ha

So 245.000 hectares just these TWO overnight add the spread of others and 100% of last year TOTAL well above 300,00 hectares .

Yes I am an idiot as you told me as I worried about this.
Enjoy your chocolate for favors.

Seems I underestimated by a factor of 100% ... being conservative to cries of being called hysterical.
Just correction my understating the overnight totals as the official numbers are presented whilst I am yet again being called an idiot.
There is a very dangerous game playing out:
There are ifocus and kahuna1 by the thousands and on all news pages, happyly typing from their AC study, eithin 10km from cbds explaining us how it is and how it should be.
Most of them never cleared any bush, unable to manage a fire bigger than a gas bbq, never holding a chainsaw or obviously a fire hose.


Unlike you my family have lived in Australian bush for generations, father / brother farmers, I have lived in the bush on 5 ares for 25 years, before that worked in the out back for nearly 10 years, during which I out race a fire for at least 25 kms in the NW.

In my shed I had a collection of chains saws as did my father and brother (they clear felled timer for 20 years)

Its beyond my good character to repeat the abuse at you and others here who keep shooting the messenger.

BTW its not a fcking political issue Australia is burning lives lost heading towards 2000 homes lost and you lot are making up excuses.

Some one who is dealing with reality is the insurance company's as they started raising premiums years ago.
Thanks ... How is Golburn jail ?

Poole Rd
Updated: 5 Jan 2020 10:01
30462 ha
Border Fire
214221 ha

So 245.000 hectares just these TWO overnight add the spread of others and 100% of last year TOTAL well above 300,00 hectares .

Yes I am an idiot as you told me as I worried about this.
Enjoy your chocolate for favors.

Seems I underestimated by a factor of 100% ... being conservative to cries of being called hysterical.
Just correction my understating the overnight totals as the official numbers are presented whilst I am yet again being called an idiot.
Do you remember the original argument?

Not enough was done. Keep harping though
BTW its not a fcking political issue Australia is burning lives lost heading towards 2000 homes lost and you lot are making up excuses.

It's not excuses it's accountability. Climate change is a bloody excuse. Thinking carbon reduction in Australia would have done anything to prevent fires is lunacy. Actual acknowledgement that we need some serious reviews in how things are managed in an environment that is changing quickly is what's needed.

It started off with the blame been laid at the feet of climate change. And guess what, there is fck all we can do about that except management strategies.
The climate will keep changing and it's beyond Australia control. That doesn't mean we shouldn't reduce pollution. But we need some reality here

Unlike you my family have lived in Australian bush for generations, father / brother farmers, I have lived in the bush on 5 ares for 25 years, before that worked in the out back for nearly 10 years, during which I out race a fire for at least 25 kms in the NW.

In my shed I had a collection of chains saws as did my father and brother (they clear felled timer for 20 years)

Its beyond my good character to repeat the abuse at you and others here who keep shooting the messenger.

BTW its not a fcking political issue Australia is burning lives lost heading towards 2000 homes lost and you lot are making up excuses.

Some one who is dealing with reality is the insurance company's as they started raising premiums years ago.
Have you got one of those early chainsaws that they used to wheel up to the trees?Incidentally I got a text from ING wanting to know if I wanted to make a claim (for the fires) .They must go thru postcodes that may be affected..Did not affect us.
HI red . Joules ...

I did point out those issues as best I could about climate abnormal margins being smashed .. and got the usual Gaslighting stuff back ... I accept at these times irrelevant.

PM Morrison news conference was, well pathetic and rightly so, and at least called out for it. To be denying and calling climate issues raised as hysteria and lunatics a mere 3 weeks ago, off in Hawaii days ago and now revealed his defense minister in Bali supporting a severe case of sunburn, amusing !! Her throat looked like a red roosters !!

Since we have been howling, as you say, at the moon, for a while, years ... its beside the point today.

It is all to be denied ... debated as PM claims today he believes yet at the recent Madrid climate conference the role of Australia in destroying any progress was a standout and he even defended Trump and his climate policies. A man .. Trump .. . who ... well ... has a coal barons uneducated wife as lead ambassador for USA in climate issues at the UN and the USA EPA being run by a coal lobbyist ? Our PM ... is as pathetic as say the hardest hit area and its local State Member ... who last month was busy denying and downplaying climate issues and today pretending he cares.

Trump at least with the Orange glow of late will blend into total invisibility !!

All irrelevant totally today ... other than shall we say disbelief our PM defended a person who mocks openly climate change and renewable energy ... Ohh those windmills ... said Trump ... echoed by PM Morrison and his cabinet and vomit on ex PL Howard who Morrison speaks to every day and just spoke to him .... far out ..

I just added Vic and NSW totals up ... not just the ones in my stomping ground far South coast which expanded 245,000 hectares for the big ones another 140,000 for the smaller ones and the snowy totals expanded an astounding 180,000 more hectares its the Victorian total just announced at 900,000 hectares in total ... another 280,000 in a day . More...

That is not any relevance ... NONE of it.
Other than things must and should change. Unlikely of course.

For most, like Redrob and others we are resigned to not a 1.5 degree by 2100 but minimum 3 , and being honest 4 plus is my total.

I do accept our role in stopping this globally alone is NOT possible. Being however the largest supporter of the denial side is what we are. Under PM Howard who amusingly still seems to be pulling someone strings as they speak daily despite loosing his own seat as did Tiny Abbot ... or is it Toady Abbott ?

The total is minimum ... in a single day .... close to 800,000 hectares burnt.

That's 8,000 sq KM or a strip of land 8 km wide from Sydney to Melbourne ...
or similar width burnt strip Sydney to Brisbane.

The total is minimum ... in a single day .... close to 800,000 hectares burnt.

This total is rising and the situation around the Eden and Vic fires is not a good one.
Maye it hits a million hectares in a day.

Maybe the guy who doesn't like my punctuation who denied all and every climate changing chemical reaction can come back from his job at the call center in India ? When asked what specifically he disagreed with on climate issues on 20 topics, he disputed and refuted all 20. Chemical reactions included with Satellite data and a quaint view of 97% of climate scientists work and data. They are all wrong !!

He can join the raucous objections from the others today and the old person who seems to be taking an inordinately long time to have his nappy changed the guy with the IP address inside Golbourn Jail the special protected unit ...


Time for a holiday .... Bali ... or Hawaii ? Sadly dont like either. Can I look like our defense minister with a bright red throat !!
HI red . Joules ...

I did point out those issues as best I could about climate abnormal margins being smashed .. and got the usual Gaslighting stuff back ... I accept at these times irrelevant.

PM Morrison news conference was, well pathetic and rightly so, and at least called out for it. To be denying and calling climate issues raised as hysteria and lunatics a mere 3 weeks ago, off in Hawaii days ago and now revealed his defense minister in Bali supporting a severe case of sunburn, amusing !! Her throat looked like a red roosters !!

Since we have been howling, as you say, at the moon, for a while, years ... its beside the point today.

It is all to be denied ... debated as PM claims today he believes yet at the recent Madrid climate conference the role of Australia in destroying any progress was a standout and he even defended Trump and his climate policies. A man .. Trump .. . who ... well ... has a coal barons uneducated wife as lead ambassador for USA in climate issues at the UN and the USA EPA being run by a coal lobbyist ? Our PM ... is as pathetic as say the hardest hit area and its local State Member ... who last month was busy denying and downplaying climate issues and today pretending he cares.

Trump at least with the Orange glow of late will blend into total invisibility !!

All irrelevant totally today ... other than shall we say disbelief our PM defended a person who mocks openly climate change and renewable energy ... Ohh those windmills ... said Trump ... echoed by PM Morrison and his cabinet and vomit on ex PL Howard who Morrison speaks to every day and just spoke to him .... far out ..

I just added Vic and NSW totals up ... not just the ones in my stomping ground far South coast which expanded 245,000 hectares for the big ones another 140,000 for the smaller ones and the snowy totals expanded an astounding 180,000 more hectares its the Victorian total just announced at 900,000 hectares in total ... another 280,000 in a day . More...

That is not any relevance ... NONE of it.
Other than things must and should change. Unlikely of course.

For most, like Redrob and others we are resigned to not a 1.5 degree by 2100 but minimum 3 , and being honest 4 plus is my total.

I do accept our role in stopping this globally alone is NOT possible. Being however the largest supporter of the denial side is what we are. Under PM Howard who amusingly still seems to be pulling someone strings as they speak daily despite loosing his own seat as did Tiny Abbot ... or is it Toady Abbott ?

The total is minimum ... in a single day .... close to 800,000 hectares burnt.

That's 8,000 sq KM or a strip of land 8 km wide from Sydney to Melbourne ...
or similar width burnt strip Sydney to Brisbane.

The total is minimum ... in a single day .... close to 800,000 hectares burnt.

This total is rising and the situation around the Eden and Vic fires is not a good one.
Maye it hits a million hectares in a day.

Maybe the guy who doesn't like my punctuation who denied all and every climate changing chemical reaction can come back from his job at the call center in India ? When asked what specifically he disagreed with on climate issues on 20 topics, he disputed and refuted all 20. Chemical reactions included with Satellite data and a quaint view of 97% of climate scientists work and data. They are all wrong !!

He can join the raucous objections from the others today and the old person who seems to be taking an inordinately long time to have his nappy changed the guy with the IP address inside Golbourn Jail the special protected unit ...


Time for a holiday .... Bali ... or Hawaii ? Sadly dont like either. Can I look like our defense minister with a bright red throat !!
Keep blabbering.

Land management is a serious issue that needs to be addressed by government and it is not limited to bushfire hazard reduction.

In this video, the VFFA President and Shooters Fishers and Farmers candidate for Monaro, Mick Holton talks to Barry Aitchison about land management.

Mick says that the NSW Government has failed to provide appropriate land management. The costs of this failure are hard to calculate, they include huge expenditure on firefighting, increased insurance premiums and reactive rather than proactive expenditure to correct land management disasters such as weeds, feral animals, water yield problems.

Ask your supposed fireman mate who Mick Holton is. Perhaps you can ride your rainbow unicorn over to see him.
Mick Holton

That explains a lot ...
why your NOT such a nice person ...

Fringe shooters party idiot from Cooma was the response to your question.

Whackjob ... Nutter ... also used... it went further ... but ... well he might get shot as Holton not thought of as stable even by the fireies he is meant to represent so it seems.

Blowhard ... I do love that term ...

I do note shooters and shooters party policy about burning just like the Aboriginals supposedly did. Pity about the climate' current conditions ... in fact they ignore it. As to the wildlife they shoot it if they can, eat it ... with displayed results.

At least I understand what gun covered nest you come from.

I always suspected you were the "Milat" type ...

I am not surprised.
Last edited:
I have no source to verify this information but place it merely for information. From ABC website by Laura Tingle yesterday:

"To give some scale to what has happened here so far, international media outlets have been reporting the 2018 California fires burnt 2 million acres; the 2019 Amazon fires 2.2 million; and the 2019 Siberian fires 6.7 million.

So far Australia's 2019/20 fires have burnt 12 million acres."

Usual claims of ABC bias to come I assume.
That explains a lot ...
why your NOT such a nice person ...

Fringe shooters party idiot from Cooma was the response to your question.

Whackjob ... Nutter ... also used... it went further ... but ... well he might get shot as Holton not thought of as stable even by the fireies he is meant to represent so it seems.

Blowhard ... I do love that term ...

I do note shooters and shooters party policy about burning just like the Aboriginals supposedly did. Pity about the climate' current conditions ... in fact they ignore it. As to the wildlife they shoot it if they can, eat it ... with displayed results.

At least I understand what gun covered nest you come from.

I always suspected you were the "Milat" type ...

I am not surprised.

Experienced fire chief as well. President of the volunteer fire firefighters association
Fought for pay for volunteers and identified lack of management a while back.
More real world experienced then you moonbeam.
Mo Xjo ///

as a shooter party person now revealed ...

DO you have doomsday prep site ?
As for your mate ...

Blowhard was a word used a lot.

He made the one ... the Shooter part rep for Bega look sane. Impossible to do I thought as ours was a total NJ. When I went to vote at the local school, I sadly admit the guy handing out how to votes I knew and, well he cornered me ... so alluding to knowing a fringe cult political party person who ... well ... is not thought of well is what it is.

He offered to let me meet the gent in question and amusingly you just brought up his relation, from inland NOT South coast .... Moanaro .. who is even
nuttier !!

Sadly I had to listen to 10 minutes of seriously deluded conspiracy they rubbish as the line had stopped moving. Others in the line tried to pretend they had trodden on dog poo and cleaned their shoes. It was worse than being forced to listen to a telemarketer.

I was agog at the rubbish he spewed, much like all your postings.

Moral of the story is never to look one in the eyes ... let alone speak to them or listen to their dribble. A few kult sites down here for them Tanja and Kiah and other places where cults are the norm.

So do you plan for the end of the earth as a shooter and fishers party cult members ?

Do you prep for the end of the world ?

Is that what makes you so angry all the time ?

Or was it some other issue ?