yogi-in-oz said:
Warning ..... astrostuff ahead:
Hi folks,
Leaving aside the terrorists' propaganda, it has become
apparent, that they do seem to have a rhythm in their
For example, the London bombings came 1000 days after
the Bali bombing, on 12th October 2002.
Some will say that is just coincidence and that's fine,
believe what you will, but be sure to be watching the
dates below for other big world events ..... not
necessarily terrorist related.
25-26 March 2006 ..... 3 conjunctions in a stellium of
6 planets, within a 47 degree arc.
Our XJO market may resume a downward slide, about
20-22032006 = March equinox and the 6th anniversary of
the 2000 highs, when the tech bubble burst.
24 May 2006 ..... does not appear to be any direct bearing
on XJO, but we will be alert for some big news out of US
money markets, at this time (???)
08 June 2006 ..... Saturn transiting USA’s natal North Node
will likely see a drain on speculative markets.
These events may not be triggered, until the Moon transits
Jupiter next day, on 09062006 ???
We will be monitoring the money markets, at this time, as
well as XJO for another slide.
Skeptix will tip-the-bucket on these natural time cycles,
but if they bothered to do some research, they would
find some exact correlations in very significant periods
of past history, like the duration of both WW1 and WW2 ...
..... or the time lapse, between 09112001 and the death
of the Pope, in 2005.
happy days
yogi-in-oz said:
Warning ..... astrostuff ahead:
Hi folks,
Leaving aside the terrorists' propaganda, it has become
apparent, that they do seem to have a rhythm in their
For example, the London bombings came 1000 days after
the Bali bombing, on 12th October 2002.
Some will say that is just coincidence and that's fine,
believe what you will, but be sure to be watching the
dates below for other big world events ..... not
necessarily terrorist related.
25-26 March 2006 ..... 3 conjunctions in a stellium of
6 planets, within a 47 degree arc.
Our XJO market may resume a downward slide, about
20-22032006 = March equinox and the 6th anniversary of
the 2000 highs, when the tech bubble burst.
24 May 2006 ..... does not appear to be any direct bearing
on XJO, but we will be alert for some big news out of US
money markets, at this time (???)
08 June 2006 ..... Saturn transiting USA’s natal North Node
will likely see a drain on speculative markets.
These events may not be triggered, until the Moon transits
Jupiter next day, on 09062006 ???
We will be monitoring the money markets, at this time, as
well as XJO for another slide.
Skeptix will tip-the-bucket on these natural time cycles,
but if they bothered to do some research, they would
find some exact correlations in very significant periods
of past history, like the duration of both WW1 and WW2 ...
..... or the time lapse, between 09112001 and the death
of the Pope, in 2005.
happy days
Duckman#72 said:Hi Yogi
Another true believer - excellent.
I also have some important dates to add to yours if that is OK...
25th March - National Greece Day
13th May - Full Moon (As we are entering the phase I like to call "Winter" - there should be some excellent Bream fishing opportunities on the three nights leading up to this full moon. I suggest yabbies and mullet gut)
17th June - My mate Rob is coming to visit. Big night on the town expected!!
21st June - Winter Solstice (my prediction is that this will be the shortest day of the year - but that's just my opinion)
1 August - This is the first day of the 8th month. It will be a Tuesday.
I think that is about it.
And for all those doubters out there - ignore these at your own peril.
crackaton said:You left out one important date.
March 17 St Patricks day lol, all the green beer you can drink after work friday ,
Warning though saturday 18th March all hell will have to be paid for.
Duckman#72 said:-----------
17th June - My mate Rob is coming to visit. Big night on the town expected!!
August 1st also horses birthday if thats any help :birthday:Duckman#72 said:Hi Yogi
Another true believer - excellent.
I also have some important dates to add to yours if that is OK...
25th March - National Greece Day
13th May - Full Moon (As we are entering the phase I like to call "Winter" - there should be some excellent Bream fishing opportunities on the three nights leading up to this full moon. I suggest yabbies and mullet gut)
17th June - My mate Rob is coming to visit. Big night on the town expected!!
21st June - Winter Solstice (my prediction is that this will be the shortest day of the year - but that's just my opinion)
1 August - This is the first day of the 8th month. It will be a Tuesday.
I think that is about it.
And for all those doubters out there - ignore these at your own peril.
visual said:wanted one cruel immoral cretin,to fill space left open by a dead pig,apply osama bin laden,caves pakistan.
visual said:gees,
Wayne,at least you get to kick him out when you get an opportunity
these bastards do their horror for a bunch of virgins,by the way what happens after 72 times.: do they recycle,and are they virgins only for the first 72 morons or is heaven running some kind of production line ,of full humans or just hymens,sorry dont want to be graphic but its gotta be asked.
Huh!wayneL said:But I fear we are all asleep at the wheel.![]()
rederob said:Huh!
How can you fall asleep at the wheel when you are on drugs!
Aren't you on drugs Wayne?
visual said:gees,Wayne,you are in a fine mood,
what are you talking about its not another conspiracy theory is it?
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