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Is there a GOD?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • Absolutely no question--I know

    Votes: 150 25.6%
  • I cannot know for sure--but strongly believe in the existance of god

    Votes: 71 12.1%
  • I am very uncertain but inclined to believe in god

    Votes: 35 6.0%
  • God's existance is equally probable and improbable

    Votes: 51 8.7%
  • I dont think the existance of god is probable

    Votes: 112 19.1%
  • I know there is no GOD we are a random quirk of nature

    Votes: 167 28.5%

  • Total voters
lol, sorry mousie, I'll resist temptation. Must admit I thought I knew a bit about chess until I went to see Korchnoi play 40 matches simultaneously once. Average time per move about 10 seconds lol. Just kept walking around the room, bang, bang bang went the chess pieces :).

No-on beat him, but a couple of players managed to get a statemate :2twocents

To get a stalemate against Korchnoi even in a simul is unbelievable. It's unbelievable not because of the opponent(s)' skills; it's unbelievable Korchnoi would have that happen to him.

If we're all related to God, then Korchnoi is a much closer relative than I .
Then again, if we evolved, then maybe I can boast to being a closer relative to the noble chimp . :eek:

Korchnoi's mastery of chess certainly demonstrated attributes of God manifested through his mental excellence, but relations-wise you gotta ask him to know what he thinks of God :)

Incidentally, I was in the audience when he played one of the matches against Karpov .. Lol what a classic... sending out yoghurt, trying to hypnotise each other lol. What a classic.

Gee I wasn't even born then, but speaking of "classics", did you watch the Fischer-Spassky '72 match? I never knew K vs K '78 took such a fine leaf out of the F vs S '72 book. Apparently one of the camps (I suspect Spassky's) in the '72 match did a thorough scan of the match room for secret cameras and codes and stuff but came up naught save a dead fly :rolleyes: That had me ROTFLMAO for minutes on end when I read it.
Sorry, that is incorrect... Kevin Rudd is from a mainstream Christian church... he's certainly no Bush supporter, unlike Howard and co... who pander to the right wing (fundamentalist christians), hence have the support of family first!
Ok... now, back to the topic...

You obviously don't understand the meaning of being born again.

In Christianity, the term born again or regenerated is synonymous with spiritual rebirth.

"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3).

Come on guys do some research will you.Like Dawkins you don't even understand your enemy.
Regardless, 'born again' has connotations with the bible belt of the US...
Rudd is definitely not part of that group....

That group would rather focus on micro morality at the expense of macro morality... i.e. they would vote for someone who is anti abortion, even tho they are resposible for the deaths of many.

Rudd, along with a lot of mainstream church followers, are generally more left wing with social justice being the prime motivator, rather than specific divisive issues that stifle individuals 'freedom of choice', as pandered to by Howard, which has won him the support of Family First.

Thats all I am saying... lest there be any misunderstanding...:)
You obviously don't understand the meaning of being born again. In Christianity, the term born again or regenerated is synonymous with spiritual rebirth.
getting down to semantics here retro ...

But I would have thought the new "charismatics" qualify as "born again" religions
whereas the established religions are "mainstream". :)confused:)
In the end, it's probably what the dictionary and/or general public think it means. ;)
Born again Christianity
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This article is about the religious concept. For other uses of the term see Born Again (disambiguation).
In Christianity, the term born again or regenerated is synonymous with spiritual rebirth. It means to obtain salvation. The term is most frequently used by the Evangelical, Fundamentalist, and Pentecostal branches of Protestant Christianity. It is sometimes associated with non-denominational groups and/or churches.[1

.... However, the meaning of the term varies among Christian traditions:

The Roman Catholic Church associates "being born again" with baptism. It holds that "Baptism is ... the sacrament by which we are born again of water and the Holy Ghost."[2] This is also a belief held by Eastern Christianity, Anglicanism, and Lutheranism, among other Christian traditions.

Some Evangelical, Fundamentalist, and Pentecostal Christians associate "being born again" with a conversion experience that involves a personal, and sometimes intense, encounter of the individual with the power of God. Some Christians in these groups would assert that those without such a conversion experience are not true Christians.

Most other Protestant churches place less emphasis on a conversion experience and rely on the individual's personal statement of belief in and commitment to Jesus Christ as "Lord" and "Savior." While they do not deny the validity of a conversion experience, they would seldom use the term "born again" to describe it.

In theology, the study of salvation is called soteriology. The idea of being "born again" carries with it the soteriological idea that a Christian is a "new creation," given a fresh start by the action of God, freed from a sinful past life and able to begin a "new life" in relationship with Christ via the Holy Spirit. John Wesley and Christians associated with early Methodism referred to the "born again" experience as "the New Birth."

Recent Social Usage
In recent history, born again is a term that has been associated with evangelical renewal since the late 1960s, first in the United States and then later around the world. Associated perhaps initially with Jesus People and the Christian counterculture, born again came to refer to an intense conversion experience, and was increasingly used as a term to identify devout believers. By the mid 1970s, born again Christians were increasingly referred to in the mainstream media as part of the Born Again Movement. A 1976 book of that title by Watergate conspirator and convicted felon Charles Colson, describing his path to faith in conjunction with his criminal imprisonment, played a significant role in solidifying Born Again identity as a cultural construct in the U.S. The term was sufficiently prevalent that, during that year's Presidential campaign, Jimmy Carter described himself as born again, notably in the first Playboy magazine interview of a U.S. Presidential candidate. Modern musicians Max Cavalera, Mark Farner, Dan Peek, Little Richard, Donna Summer, Bob Dylan, Kerry Livgren, Dave Hope, Dave Mustaine, Nicko McBrain, Roger McGuinn, Johnny Cash, and Alice Cooper were artists whose born again conversions had a significant impact on modern culture. President George W. Bush is also mentioned as being one.
Since you mention the church as "enemy",
and you disagree with other religions on this point (and treat it as an important point - which I don't btw),
this appears to a "war" between multi headed dragons. ;) (probably goes for both sides)

Certainly I am extrememly worried about the all singing all dancing religions that believe in Noah etc - even some bloke from Qld has started a "Craetion Museum" in USA pushing Adam and Eve etc .
I heard that in the car this morning and I gave a 100dB cry "NOOOOOOooooo" !!! - idiotic sheeh.
Mousie, Spassky vs Fischer was in the height of the cold war days , and that was the mood during their games lol. Don't recall the details though. Bobby Fischer was in the news recently was he not? - something about burning US flags or some such (?)

I don;t think he's even allowed back in USA. (?) - things have sure changed in those 35 years, lol
in 1972 became the only US-born chessplayer to become the official World Chess Champion......

Fischer now lives in Iceland, and has also become known for his anti-Americanism, anti-imperialism, and anti-semitism. However, Fischer's inflammatory statements have done little to diminish the professional and popular recognition of his singular achievements on the chessboard.
Mousie, Spassky vs Fischer was in the height of the cold war days , and that was the mood during their games lol. Don't recall the details though. Bobby Fischer was in the news recently was he not? - something about burning US flags or some such (?)

I don;t think he's even allowed back in USA. (?) - things have sure changed in those 35 years, lol

Hey 2020, don't think he publicly burned any US flags but there's lots on Fischer's part which disgraced him, praising the 911 attacks on radio for instance. That was pretty much the final straw for a lot of Americans who'd been admiring him for his amazing ability to play correct moves regardless of the type of position he'd found himself in (and of course for winning the Cold War battle of the intellects against Spassky).

I think he's now living a quiet sort of life in Reykjavik, Iceland (the place where he won the World Championship). He was a US fujitive given residency by Icelanders for his role in placing Iceland on the world map during the match. Maybe now the US will leave him in peace to grow old gracefully. But whatever he does he'll always be remembered for some of the best games ever played in chess.
"Most other Protestant churches place less emphasis on a conversion experience and rely on the individual's personal statement of belief in and commitment to Jesus Christ as "Lord" and "Savior." While they do not deny the validity of a conversion experience, they would seldom use the term "born again" to describe it".

Yes it tends to be a term more used by evangelicals and some shy away from the term as it has those US bible belt comparisons thanks to the media.

However it was a term used by Jesus to explain a conversion experience.And a conversion experience is necessary.

Jn 3.6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit
Jn 3.7 Do not marvel that I said to you,you must be born again.
Regardless, 'born again' has connotations with the bible belt of the US...
Rudd is definitely not part of that group....

That group would rather focus on micro morality at the expense of macro morality... i.e. they would vote for someone who is anti abortion, even tho they are resposible for the deaths of many.

Rudd, along with a lot of mainstream church followers, are generally more left wing with social justice being the prime motivator, rather than specific divisive issues that stifle individuals 'freedom of choice', as pandered to by Howard, which has won him the support of Family First.

Thats all I am saying... lest there be any misunderstanding...:)

I tend to think that the more conservative mainstream element vote for the Libs.

Faith & Politics (Quotes by Kevin Rudd)

God is not owned by any political party and never will be. My concern is there's been a de facto slide into a proposition in Australia in the last decade, that the natural party of God is the Liberal party, that God has somehow become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the conservative side of politics.

All I'm saying is it's important for those who come from a social justice tradition, both within politics and for those people who are hard Christians within Christianity to argue strongly the alternative tradition.

I've simply called for a different Christian voice in politics. The social justice tradition of Christianity has been alive and well and so much of the shaping of the Labor movement over the last 100 years, but in the last decade or so, it seems to have been drowned out increasingly by the conservative forms of Christianity in Australia, a view of Christianity which says it's purely a matter of private personal faith, and as for my interests in the social wellbeing of my neighbour, well that's his business, not mine, and he can go and jump in the lake. So it's time, I thought, to contest that view.
the US Bible belt (and the 'born again brigade') is a huge worry, and Bush panders, via words and actions, to that group :mad:

Its leaders like Bush who politicise God that give christianity a bad name. Bin Laden and other fundamentalist muslims on the other side are doing the same thing...

The beauty of Australia is we don't fire up the same way Americans and muslims can get fired up... especially about God... Hence God is something Howard is using only sparsely... after seeing the way Bush has harnessed it... He has used other things tho...

when he first came to power, he vilified Aborigines...
then he went onto Asians, aided via Hanson,
then it was onto the unemployed...
then asylum seekers...
and now its Muslims...

Classic politics ... by highlight differences in people and playing on peoples normal and quite natural fears.

in the background is always the anit-gay, anti-abortion messages, the whole Family Benefits regime which encourages stay at home mums, massive funding to private religious schooling, etc, etc, all which has helped sure up the support of Family First.

We are lucky cause we are Australian...
Bush and bible belt tho is a whole different story :eek:

PS: the above is just commentary on what I see... not an opinion of whether Howard is or isn't a good PM.
- even some bloke from Qld has started a "Creation Museum" in USA pushing Adam and Eve etc .
I heard that in the car this morning and I gave a 100dB cry "NOOOOOOooooo" !!! - idiotic sheeh.
A former Queensland science teacher has opened what is being described as the world's first Creation Museum, situated in the United States.

The museum teaches that the Earth is barely 6,000 years old and that God created dinosaurs and humans at roughly the same time.

It is not surprising the museum has attracted the wrath of some scientists, who have been protesting outside at the official opening.

America's newest tourist attraction is a state-of-the-art multimedia museum with Adam and Eve, Noak's Ark and children frolicking near dinosaurs.

The Creation Museum is in Petersburg, in the state of Kentucky, just over the state line from Cincinnati and cost about $33 million to build - most of it raised from private donations.

Australian Ken Ham is the museum's president.

"This idea came about from when I was a teacher in public schools in Australia actually,... etc
( I can't go on lol)
"NOOOOOOooooo, AAhhhhhhhh" !!!

PS Hovind says that man and dinosaurs co-existed - and in fact that dinosaurs are referred to in the Bible !!!
except that they didn't call them dinosaurs , they called them..... unicorns (??) - yeah right :)


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Sorry, that is incorrect... Kevin Rudd is from a mainstream Christian church... he's certainly no Bush supporter, unlike Howard and co... who pander to the right wing (fundamentalist christians), hence have the support of family first!

Ok... now, back to the topic...
That's good to know IMO.
Some unintentional humour from the creation "scientists" for your enjoyment :D

Peanut Butter - The Atheists nightmare!

The Atheists nightmare - The banana! (with Kirk Cameron)

Enjoy! :)
Where on EARTH did you find those clips? What a hoot!!!
lol - ripper
and this one has a few extra notes ;) Atheists nightmare debunked. Ray Comfort/Kirk cameron

then there's thisone ...
"This is a video response to Atheists nightmare debunked. Ray Comfort/Kirk cameron"
lol, not sure whether this bloke is a d***head who doesn't realise it's a pisstake, or
Suurrely, it's a pisstake on a piistake lol ;)


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all religions are essentiallly ideological and linguistic viruses which infect people who are vulnerable to accepting easy answers to unanswerable questions.

the church and the bible are manipulative tools for ensuring the flock don't stray too far.

I disagree, do you have a personal relationship with Jesus? God will speak to you.
Einstein also said ... ;)

(as for the previous video about bananas - trouble with what's coming out of USA these days, it's almost impossible to know if they're for real or not lol. - sheesh - such idiocy if anyone believes even 10% of this stuff.. )


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trouble with what's coming out of USA these days, it's almost impossible to know if they're for real or not lol
ohhh nooooo lol
When i read he was a Kiwi , I thought it HAS To be be a pisstake - but no, he seriously believes that God made the banana to fit his hand - lol.

He's nearly as bad as that Aussie - few posts back - (from Qld - probably related to Jo BP lol) who has opened that museum showing Noah rounding up the dinosaurs lol.

"here, boy, here girl, that's it, that's it , through this little gate, that's it, up this little plank here - good boy ...:) "


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