Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

John McCain

Julia you're on the attack tonight! :confused:

Read my words again and see what I said...

It is because I had read his contributions I said it.
Doris, I know what you said. I don't want to change what I said, especially in the face of "Wayneepoo".:eek:
2020 - I gotta ask. How did your Hindi mate's marriage go??

:topic - lol (seriously off topic, but sometimes it helps to lighten up these things - after all, the president will be who the president will be - and if they want us to go to another war over oil, we can tell them where to go ;) )

He / they live in Singapore - happily married after 15 years whatever,
When his son reaches marriable age, he will send him back to India, where relatives will pick a wife for him. In fact the boy and/or girl can say no, - I believe his final choice was the third choice they put up to him. But having said yes, that's it ;). But another thing, for the 12 months prior to the wedding, they were not allowed to communicate even on the phone lol. Amazingly high success rates for such marriages - compared to Aus - and particularly compared to USA and/or Las Vegas. As Micky Rooney (I think) said - he "liked to get married in the morning - that way, if it didn't work out, he hadn't wasted a whole day" :)
1. mm disagree

2. ahh Harry S Truman - good example - the man who pressed the button :eek: ( I realise of course that times have changed ) - but it would be nice to know what Sarah thought about the ultimate MAD scenario. - McCain is 72 and has had multiple bouts with cancer after all.
I agree entirely. I'd feel a lot more nervous about her taking over the reins than I would the candidate for the Democratic VP (sorry, I've forgotten his name already.)

Also, a woman who is anti-abortion and pro-guns is the antithesis of my own values, but I can see that many Americans will like her for this.
No research needed. You have done it for me and it only reinforces my point.
So now I am an ignorant non-researcher:hide: Doris please leave the invective to 2020.
Ah, Calliope, your turn to stand in the naughty corner now.
Doris, I know what you said. I don't want to change what I said, especially in the face of "Wayneepoo".:eek:

Oh Julia... :(


Had I written Wayneepooh would it have been better? Yes.

But it was used to insinuate Wayne was just a huggy bear despite his bloviating/pontificating/being dogmatic.

Adding 'pooh' was an affectionate term my grandmother used when playing with with infants.

Its source is on the Barack thread:

... I have bolded and underlined for your attention.

(Click the arrow after the name on the quote to verify)

...and in one fell swoop, Obama loses all credibility with thinkers. The Al Bore kiss of death.

Look, Lucifer dressed in his normal red and carrying his pitchfork could beat McCain with one hand tied behind his back. The sheeple will vote for Obama, but that won't make Obama a good pres.

Stand by for extreme disappointment when this clown turns out to be human AND a typical politician.

You cannot polish a turd.

Wayneepoo... I see you've polished your emoticons! ;)

Do you actually read his policies? I've put many of them on here.

Don't you get the message that this man is the first in history to try to change the abhorrent wiles of politicians and actually represent what people want and need? He listens. His photographic memory assimilates and recalls as his advisers tout their wisdom. He will be the puppet of the millions of donors who own his campaign.

Today he told supporters, "WE have a good chance of winning".
He is not a dictator. His payoff is success in reform by cooperation.

He will turn the corporations on their heads. (Or is it ears?)

Do you watch video clips of his stump and public speeches and watch his eyes and his body language?

Oh ye who have little faith! Put some of your energy into audacious hope! Yes... you can!

Wayne would not have been offended. He knew it was used affectionately.
I reiterate: Wayneepooh is a huggy bear... not the ogre he often implies!

I was implying that 2020 was not the ogre Calliope had interpreted him as. Look for the whole picture.

Now. Again... read and see my words:

Calliope, I didn't mean to infer that 2020 owns the game, but rather, he has an inherent responsibility to push his barrow.

Your remarks have been kind and thoughtful allowing others to explain their views and it's a challenge now to consolidate in stating facts and opinions as you view them to counter charge. I'm addicted to this forum because people here think and voice opinions. I would never have dreamed Wayneepoo would have had a deep meaningful side after initially reading his belligerent stirrings. We all win.


I would never have dreamed Wayneepooh would have had a deep meaningful side after initially reading his belligerent stirrings.
No research needed. You have done it for me and it only reinforces my point.
So now I am an ignorant non-researcher:hide: Doris please leave the invective to 2020.

I was not abusing you. Merely edifying you.

Barack has vast experience in successful leadership!

How does 'my research' reinforce your denial of this?

... rhetoric aside.
I was not abusing you. Merely edifying you.

Barack has vast experience in successful leadership!

How does 'my research' reinforce your denial of this?

... rhetoric aside.

OK I have been naughty. I will write out a thousand times... "The combined wisdom of Doris and 2020 surpasses all understanding."

Oh, and by the way, I think a character termed Wayneepoo used to be a secondrate breakfast announcer on a Brisbane radio station. However as usual I haven't done any research.
I agree entirely. I'd feel a lot more nervous about her taking over the reins than I would the candidate for the Democratic VP (sorry, I've forgotten his name already .....
Julia, for interest etc ..

Joe Biden was a senator in Jan 1973
When this photo of Sarah Palin was taken in 1982 at school in Wasilla, Joe had already been a Senator for 9 years ;) - and John McCain was entering politics (House of Reps first , then Senate 1986).,8599,1837713,00.html
Joe Biden ... Born and raised in Scranton, Pennsylvania for ten years prior to moving to Delaware, Biden trained as a lawyer and became a senator in 1973 at age 30, the fifth-youngest senator in U.S. history. He has served as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, dealing with issues related to drug policy, crime prevention, and civil liberties. He is a long-time member and current chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee and has worked on resolutions concerning the Yugoslav wars and Iraq War.
John McCain ... He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and, moving to Arizona, entered politics. Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982, he served two terms, and was then elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986


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Stop pouting/vituperating/objurgating and answer the question!

Let's raise the bar.

Tut tut, temper :screwy: some raw nerves exposed here, and more invective and orders. I have a better idea. Let's open the bar. and be friends.

Here's a more recent (2006) photo - designed to appeal to young voters to become Alaskan Governor. At least it seems she likes elephants :cool:

(PS better say allegedly I guess, lol - who nose - in these days of the mischievous internet)

The race for President just took an interesting turn. I don’t have to remind people of McCain’s stunning Veep pick today. It was out of left field, but then again John McCain has been known to defy conventional wisdom and buck the system. That reflects well with his choice of Gov. Sarah Palin, who has also often played by her own set of rules in fighting corruption and running the state of Alaska. Even during her campaign for governor in 2006, she decided to appeal to the young voters by giving an exclusive interview and pictorial with MAXIM Magazine. See the cover below. I’m sure McCain’s people took this into consideration when they vetted her.

PS 15 hoaxes that changed the world.. :eek:

Question is, are we about to see the 16th? lol :2twocents

"I have a dream... An America judged not by the amount of skin they show ... but by the content of their character etc etc"


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McCain VP Pick No Friend to Polar Bears
By Sarah Lai Stirland August 29, 2008

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has ignored research showing that polar bear populations are declining in the quest to plumb new sources of energy, according to scientists, and environmental groups who fought to put the bears on the endangered species list.
The 44-year-old Palin, a beauty pageant winner and former mayor of a small town in Alaska, is an advocate of drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. She has infuriated environmentalists for her support of the aerial shooting of wolves as a way to build up herds of moose and caribou. She's also sued the Interior Department for putting polar bears on the endangered species list.

In the lawsuit, filed this month in federal district court in the District of Columbia, Palin argues that the government's move to list polar bears as endangered is not based on sound science, and restricts oil and natural gas development. ... "In fact, the number of polar bears has risen dramatically over the past 30 years," she said. "Our fear (is) that extreme environmentalists will use this tool, the ESA, to eventually curtail or halt the North Slope production of very rich resources (of oil and gas) that America needs."

But biologists who have studied polar bear populations counter that the facts simply do not support Palin's assertion that polar bear populations are on the rise.

"Polar bear populations have not been increasing for the past 30 years, and that's a well-known fact," said Ian Stirling, an emeritus scientist with Canada's Department of the Environment and an adjunct professor at the University of Alberta in an interview. Stirling has studied polar bears for 37 years -- the longest of anyone.

In fact, the polar bear population has actually declined by 20 percent in Alaska's Southern Beaufort Sea since the mid-1980s, he says, referring to peer-reviewed research that he's conducted with other scientists for the US Geological Survey. The reason: Loss of their habitat in the form of melting ice.
The research reports with this information have been available to Palin for more than a year, Stirling says.

"There is currently no way to drill for oil in polar bear seas without imperiling the polar bears," said Kassie Siegel, climate program director for the Center for Biological Diversity. "Polar bears that come into contact with spilled oil will become coated with oil, will attempt to groom themselves to remove it... and will almost certainly die."

Palin has stated that her opposition to the polar bear listing is based on a scientific review from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Yet documents released by a FOIA request show that the state's biologists agreed with the Interior Department about the polar bear's habitat.

Senator McCain believes that protecting polar bears is important, but that using the endangered species act may not be the best approach to solving the problem -- rather enacting climate change legislation is, says Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a senior advisor to McCain.

He added that Palin will support McCain's policies.

The same lady who says that she won't let another Exxon Valdez happen :rolleyes: is doing a beeline in that very direction with oil drilling. Whoever drills there (and obviously someone will someday - man can't help himself from raping the planet) will have to be so damned careful to avoid any spills :2twocents

she's a walking disaster... :(

PS half the reason that polar bears aren't declining as fast as they could is that hunting them has been outlawed in a lot of those areas.

PS I believe that reference to "He added that Palin will support McCain's policies" means that if HE doesn't want to drill in the Arctic Reserve, then she'll be told to pull her head in .

PS ref last post, that stomach doesn't look like it belongs on a mother of 5 to me :eek:
I love it how these so-called liberals, feminists, etc., are out to get Governor Palin. This trooper - Wooten - should have been fired. He beat Palin's sister, tazered his 11 year stepson, and threatened to put a bullet in Palin's father's head.

But, oh yeah, according to the liberals and feminists, this guy should still be a state trooper.

Congratulations on your hero wife beater Wooten.

Sarah Palin, taking on the good ole boys network, with NO HELP from the left wing and the feminists.

By the way, the Governor has the right to fire political appointees. Moneghan was a political appointee.

McCain's team vetted and investigated this fully, and concluded there was nothing there.
The same lady who says that she won't let another Exxon Valdez happen :rolleyes: is doing a beeline in that very direction with oil drilling. Whoever drills there (and obviously someone will someday - man can't help himself from raping the planet) will have to be so damned careful to avoid any spills :2twocents

she's a walking disaster...

I guess you ride your bike to work? Or do you even work?

It is so ridiculous not to utilize the resources that were given to us. While the rest of the world is drilling, including on our doorstep, the wacko environmentalists tie up everything in the U.S.A. The people are getting mad, and they aren't going to take it anymore. The American people are starting to realize why gasoline prices are so high, and they are not blaming "Big Oil" or the Republicans. They are blaming the Enviro nutcases, and their Democrat enablers.