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Your genes can belong to someone else

26 March 2014
This is one time I agree with US courts. Patents should only apply to inventions, not discoveries. I don't know why our courts can't see that.

Court dismisses second appeal to overturn ruling on corporate human gene patenting

Our IP and Patent laws clearly need an overhaul me thinks.

Bloody preposterous that genes can be patented. From what I've heard on the ABC this silly patent is actually stifling research into a common cancer. Doesn't surprise me though, it's that continual search for profit$.
What do you think about patents on genes that have been artificial modified?

I think there is a strong argument for that.

Eg. If a company makes a new version of corn that is more productive, they should be allowed to patent it so that they can make money selling it and recover their large r and d costs. Other wise what would stop some one buying a Handful of seeds and using them to produce more seeds and become their competition, without the spending of the millions.

If the Beatles or elvis can rearrange the words of the English language into a song, and copy right it for 95 years, why can't someone rearrange the genes of a plant and patent it for 30 years?
What do you think about patents on genes that have been artificial modified?

That wasn't the thrust of the original post which dealt with patenting a naturally occurring substance.

GM foods are already patented aren't they ?

If someone "creates" a new gene that doesn't occur naturally then that would be patentable I would think.
Your genes can belong to someone else [/SIZE]

I would think that on the logic used we may well find our entire bodies belong to other parties who have the judiciary in their pockets. In which case they should make sure we are well maintained and cared for.
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