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retail longs go from 72% long at open to 55% when xjo cash retakes the open HOD

psycho swing in action

so long as youre not glued to those levels ....afterall with or without a channel or trendline theyre nothing more than levels of permission and risk
two lower lows got bought in the front month sp200 contract
honkers had a solid rotation and spx/dax appear to have printed lows, $spx appears to be in distribution mode (to a new high?)

There will always be scare factors that appear from time to time (in this case trade wars) but the only thing that stops a bull market is a bear market and that requires near-term earnings declines. That typically doesn't happen until interest rates reach a significantly higher level than we are now.

even then, how high is "significantly" ?
can a bull rage for many years on lifting rates?
does the rate force trend or does the trend force the rate?
what is the function that causes rates to lift and and trends to change, as they maybe (i say) the same driver and if they are (inverse correlation is not necessarily causation) they are mirrors of the same manic buy mode or same manic sell mode but not a mechanical function, rather, a representation of growing extremes where the growth itself (and contraction) are a function of value?
to inspect that function for trade how can it be done in foresight?
I'm smacking it short again at 5,815 - 20s

EDIT: If it holds 5,750s on return I will be a happy buyer targeting 5,900
not much liquidity whipping until tomoz NFP's baddaboom ?

10:30pm CAD
Employment Change
18.8K 15.4K
Unemployment Rate
5.8% 5.8%
Average Hourly Earnings m/m
0.3% 0.1%
Non-Farm Employment Change
190K 313K
Unemployment Rate
4.0% 4.1%
Damn nice gap down from 5815 - 20. Taken half off at open at gap, let’s see if it can touch 750
when ya feel a little rip, go n buy the dip ......have no feah ....something something something
Just my opinion but I believe there is very little chance any of these tariffs get implemented as the US will eventually agree to go to the WTO as China is asking to settle the intellectual property issues.

Once that happens it'll be back to the fundamentals of the current economic trend of improving growth for the next 18 months or so.

As far as how much leeway there is to rise interest rates my model requires about a further 1.5% (for a yield inversion which has signified every turning point in the economy for the past 50 years) so 6 hikes from the US Fed which would take us to late 2019 or early 2020.
Damn nice gap down from 5815 - 20. Taken half off at open at gap, let’s see if it can touch 750
Still holding half for lower prices (green line) going into the big US News

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