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Would you go to war?

27 November 2007
Imagine this...WW3...full scale war...not naming races or anything...just a question:

- Would you give up everything you have known to defend the country that has treated you so well? The lucky country as people have put it...

- Would you, in this day and age, be willing to say goodbye to loved ones and know there is a chance you may not return?

- What would you do if conscription arose?

In all honesty, I think I would go. Not because I believe in the principles of war or what it achieves, but I have so much respect and admiration for the people who fought originally and were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for today's to me...I would do the same so that future generations could enjoy the spoils of this beautiful country.

Please discuss...
Re: Would you go to war...

Re: Would you go to war...

But I will qualify that...

Even though I have had a great-grandfather who was in the 9th Division Rats of Tobruk..Are you talking about 'limited conscription' John Curtin policy or conscription regardless of where?
Re: Would you go to war...

- Would you give up everything you have known to defend the country that has treated you so well? The lucky country as people have put it...


Without a second thought.
Re: Would you go to war...


why the need for soldiers? we'd all be nuked.

*gets out his old 'on the beach book'.
Re: Would you go to war...


why the need for soldiers? we'd all be nuked.

*gets out his old 'on the beach book'.

Yeah but surely you wouldn't nuke a beach head if the need to occupy it had no productive resources. That's just crazy!
Re: Would you go to war...

Even better question!

Would you do everything you could to stop terrorists within Australia?
(Of course this means people from any continent on the earth)
Re: Would you go to war...

To defend an ally, possibly.
To defend our immediate interests, probably.
To defend our territory, no question.
Re: Would you go to war...

To defend an ally, possibly.
To defend our immediate interests, probably.
To defend our territory, no question.

Yes, Yes, Yes.

I agree Kennas.

I noticed that Joe Biden mentioned Australia 'might' be a target this week in the news. Deterrence is best IMHO!
Re: Would you go to war...

To defend an ally, possibly.
To defend our immediate interests, probably.
To defend our territory, no question.
I'll be with you on the front line in the 3rd instance... the other two would depend on the circumstance.
Re: Would you go to war...

Yes, Yes, Yes.

I agree Kennas.

I noticed that Joe Biden mentioned Australia 'might' be a target this week in the news. Deterrence is best IMHO!
I probably wouldn't have a choice anyway if it was full scale war. I'd be called back.
Re: Would you go to war...

I probably wouldn't have a choice anyway if it was full scale war. I'd be called back.

Yes you would.

Im sure there are plenty of guys who could assist you, even though formally could "informally" assist you too.
Re: Would you go to war...

Even better question!

Would you do everything you could to stop terrorists within Australia?
(Of course this means people from any continent on the earth)

id spend my country broke causing 'the terrorists' to hate it more.
Re: Would you go to war...

I'll be with you on the front line in the 3rd instance... the other two would depend on the circumstance.
Yes, absolutely, and who. I'd put my hand up to assist a Kiwi under just about any circumstance though. Then, not sure. I'd probably assist a West Australian too.
Re: Would you go to war...

Yes, absolutely, and who. I'd put my hand up to assist a Kiwi under just about any circumstance though. Then, not sure. I'd probably assist a West Australian too.
I'm guessing Tasmanians are out of luck then...
Re: Would you go to war...

I'm guessing Tasmanians are out of luck then...

Doubt it mate. How many tassies died in Nam?
Tassies even though they are not born on the mainland are still very much aussie!

I know the Newfoundlanders who died at Gallopoli in their THOUSANDS may have an issue because they were not part of Canada back then.

But Oz has been a federation since 1901. Including Taz.

Taz has always fought with the government about state excise taxes and so they should, they are a small island after all. But as always a strong contributor to Canberra! TAX wise that is and a tiny population to boot! Rudd should provide Tasmanian business with some tax relief. IMHO

A lot to offer. A lot to offer. Sorry don't want to sound repititious
Re: Would you go to war...

Bit of tongue in cheek there GL.
Re: Would you go to war...

Yes I would help. I'd prefer a sniper's rifle but if I had to choose another a nice beefy machine gun would be nice.

Regarding the lucky country comment, it is out of date and we aren't so lucky anymore. Who has good health care? Who can walk down the street without being attacked etc. Social engineering and a failure of governments selling our interests to the world and dragging our level of lifestyle down to the third world level etc. Public transportation that is inadequate and a dependence on cars to get anywhere. No we aren't lucky.

I too respect the older guys who fought in the previous wars. I am sure they fought for something much different to what Australia is these days, though.
Re: Would you go to war...

You mean something like this!
"Oh no, I believe your wrong Mr. Chamberlain. But look what I've got"


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