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World last

23 September 2008
Has Bob Brown lost the plot? With the demand for a Carbon Tax at an all time low, a massive drop in support for climate change and yet Bob Brown throws into the ring his strategic ambitions for global governance. Brilliant timing - not.

His ambitions simply reflect the underlying strategy to use the fake climate change agenda developed by Maurice Strong decades ago for a global government. A failed Global Governance attempt exposed with the draft Copenhagen treaty of 2009 revealed the deceit to achieve the elitist one world government....the cards are being played out for all to see. Your turn Bob....

Yep, I heard this in "PM" tonight and included a reference to it in the climate thread.
I'm amazed that Mr Brown is so full of confidence about what he intends to achieve with balance of power in the Senate, he's actually prepared to come out and state global government as being amongst his aims.

However, much as such a thought is totally unacceptable to most people, perhaps such a statement of intention is just what Mr Brown's followers want to hear.

Perhaps some Greens devotees on this forum might care to comment on this?
Sounds like Bob fits section 44 part i of the Australia Constitution to a 't' - he needs to step down.

Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act

44. Any person who -

(i.) Is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power: or

(ii.) Is attainted of treason, or has been convicted and is under sentence, or subject to be sentenced, for any offence punishable under the law of the Commonwealth or of a State by imprisonment for one year or longer: or

(iii.) Is an undischarged bankrupt or insolvent: or

(iv.) Holds any office of profit under the Crown, or any pension payable during the pleasure of the Crown out of any of the revenues of the Commonwealth: or

(v.) Has any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in any agreement with the Public Service of the Commonwealth otherwise than as a member and in common with the other members of an incorporated company consisting of more than twenty-five persons:

shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a senator or a member of the House of Representatives.​
I'm sorry, you'll have to forgive me; this concept of world governance is new to me, so perhaps I am a little naive. I watched the linked youtube video, and I can't find fault with what Senator Brown was talking about.

What's wrong with a global parliamentary governance?

Sounds like agenda 21

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I'm not sure if this is a serious question since there's plenty of information across the net. Maybe a quick history lesson - "new world order" was attempted by some folks in 1939-1945 by use of force. A new world order today is being driven predominately by law and deceit, the objective is the same - control of the population and global resources.

Not something I'm too keen on quite frankly.
People are pretty incredibly stupid, they don't understand policies, just platforms.

Most people these days are stupid enough to say things like "I'll support anyone who will do something about the xxxx issue, no matter how they're trying to tackle it!"

How many people understand economics, geology, climate, etc? Very few. It just confuses them. They do understand concepts as basic as "I like the environment and want to help it" or "I want the economy to be good"

Even some people you might think are intelligent get sucked into supporting some of the idiotic policies the government proposes or brings in. Just look at the 'ethical treatment of cattle thread' as an example.

Greenies will go for whatever he says. They're at least as blind and mindless as any other group.

Chris, are you familiar with communism? Do you know how they operate?

If not, check it out, for that is what a world government would look like.

This is the reason why Brown, Gillard and Rudd are so keen to have one, in the meantime they are doing their best to wreck our economy. This is why Rudd is keen to be a member of the UN with his ultimate dream of becoming the UN Secretary General.

Could you imagine China in a world government, even though they practice communisim
because star trek had interstellar travel, holodecks and replicators. it would be pretty frikkin dreary without all that technological based awesomeness.

<nerd hat> btw the federation was born out of a global war and spent most of its history at war with other species at the cost of untold lives and resources </nerd hat>
Oh god..........domination of empires, etc only ever came at the end of a sword or gun to think that some one is going to sneak up and take over without force hasn't studied history.

If we have a couple of defaults and a decent war gets under way then ............

As a good Fabian Socialist you can't possibly believe this. You should know gradualism is the ideology du jour.
I sometimes think we already have world governance........
IMHO I can't see it ever happening and if it ever did it won't work.

How would the UN handle the multitude of religions and different ethnic groups through out the world?

Would you see China, North Korea, Iran and the 1.6 billion Muslims joining into one big happy family?

As many of us already know, the Muslims want an Islamic world state, so how would the Green backed United Nations assembly convince this group that a world government would be better than an Islamic state? How will the UN go about it? Byforce!!!!

It's an absolute NO,NO.
As a good Fabian Socialist you can't possibly believe this. You should know gradualism is the ideology du jour.

Study history and it will show the concept as complete rubbish, world government by force only nothing else.

Would you chose Europe or the Euro as a good example? They will be lucky to see the year out.
Study history and it will show the concept as complete rubbish, world government by force only nothing else.

Would you chose Europe or the Euro as a good example? They will be lucky to see the year out.

Whoa be careful IF, your superiors will be around to re-programme you if you keep that up.
Study history and it will show the concept as complete rubbish, world government by force only nothing else.

Would you chose Europe or the Euro as a good example? They will be lucky to see the year out.
Actually credit is the new weapon of choice. Simply get a nation hooked and bam the new working slaves.
World government just wouldn't work. But Dictating credit terms on the other hand is a great way to suck a country dry and impoverish the people.

On the topic of war wasn't Berlin overtaken by commies then overthrown by fascists before the war?
Look out Australia
Actually credit is the new weapon of choice. Simply get a nation hooked and bam the new working slaves.

"gold is the currency of kings, silver the currency of gentlemen, barter the currency of peasants, and debt the currency of slaves"

love that quote
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