Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Wisdom Teeth Removal

20 December 2007
i need both my bottom wisdom teeth out

not looking forward to it at all..

just a question regarding anesthetics, i have two options

1 - a GA which requires hospital


2 - a local + sedation

can someone offer me any past experience they have had with wisdom teeth removal..

bring on the agony :eek:
not a very pleasant experience i had something similar to this


on the right side of my mouth, took about 2 1/2 hours to remove at one stage i thought thats it he aint comin out as the dentist was using his entire weight just to pry it out, but in the end he had to make an incision and used what look like a small crow bar. my face was swollen for about 3 weeks.

i still have the tooth with me as a souvenir.


  • Weisheitszahn_NAI.jpg
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not a very pleasant experience i had something similar to this


on the right side of my mouth, took about 2 1/2 hours to remove at one stage i thought thats it he aint comin out as the dentist was using his entire weight just to pry it out, but in the end he had to make an incision and used what look like a small crow bar. my face was swollen for about 3 weeks.

i still have the tooth with me as a souvenir.

obviously you were unconscious at the time? did u have a general? in hospital or on chair?

swollen for 3 weeks? does that mean you were on liquids the whole time?



  • Weisheitszahn_NAI.jpg
    11.1 KB · Views: 44
They are so painful before you go into the operation, that DURING the operation and the recovery is EASY compared to the discomfort experienced beforehand.

Disc: I had mine done in the chair! Ouch.

Seems like an extreme case.
If yours was similar your dentist would advise general and a hospital.
Ive had all mine removed over time and each was a local in the chair and over in 10 mins.
I'd just ask your dentist if its not impacted and he's not a novice then general and it will be over before you know it!
Just have some Panadol forte around for the first 12 hrs after.
obviously you were unconscious at the time? did u have a general? in hospital or on chair?

swollen for 3 weeks? does that mean you were on liquids the whole time?


i was awake the whole time on chair only. i actually had solid food after a week or so but chewing was impossible for the first week as i also had stitches there, lost about 5kgs, not to mention a stinky breath which my gf kindly ignored :D this was 12yrs ago btw.
several factors

age; the older u r the harder it is to get them out

previous extraction history: if u have deeply rooted teeth (like mine) they are very hard to get out.

cost: hospital anaethetist adds to the cost (check your health fund cover)

wuss factor: are u good with pain?... I am dental phobic

I had all 4 done under general anath, at once in hospital, after a bad experience with a previous extraction.

ask the dentist what he would do if it was his teeth.

If u r are young, poor and tough, go the chair...also much quicker

if u are older and can afford it, I would go the general an.

ps, in my case the surgeon said 3 were ok but the 4th was a bitch to get out, also told me before they would take 3 months to heal up, but they took at least 12 months, especially the bad one.

u can also get one side done at a time, means u can eat easier
i was awake the whole time on chair only. i actually had solid food after a week or so but chewing was impossible for the first week as i also had stitches there, lost about 5kgs, not to mention a stinky breath which my gf kindly ignored :D this was 12yrs ago btw.

hrmm - so obviously u had liquids then? like milk shakes? and you couldn't brush your teeth?? could u use mouthwash?

several factors

age; the older u r the harder it is to get them out

previous extraction history: if u have deeply rooted teeth (like mine) they are very hard to get out.

cost: hospital anaethetist adds to the cost (check your health fund cover)

wuss factor: are u good with pain?... I am dental phobic

I had all 4 done under general anath, at once in hospital, after a bad experience with a previous extraction.

ask the dentist what he would do if it was his teeth.

If u r are young, poor and tough, go the chair...also much quicker

if u are older and can afford it, I would go the general an.

ps, in my case the surgeon said 3 were ok but the 4th was a bitch to get out, also told me before they would take 3 months to heal up, but they took at least 12 months, especially the bad one.

u can also get one side done at a time, means u can eat easier

mm, i rather get both done at same side - one set of pain is enough
several factors

wuss factor: are u good with pain?... I am dental phobic

i have been removing all my loose teeth since i was 8yrs old the only time i go to the dentist is for checkup and cleaning which i also do my self sometimes using knives and an electric toothbrush don't mind the pain at all,i actually look fwd to my dentist visits yearly :).
u havent told us how much pain u r in !

i ignored mine for at least 10 years

unless they are impacted, causing constant pain, regular inflamation, or u need to travel OS, then deferal or 1 at a time is a definite option.

if they are impacted or abscessed i would take careful advice from dentist.

if they cant get them out easy, they have to "section them" which means they slice them into bits and dig them out. If that doesnt work, they stitch u up and book u into hospital.

I knew i was having a bad one when the dentist asked the nurse if SHE was alright
hrmm - so obviously u had liquids then? like milk shakes? and you couldn't brush your teeth?? could u use mouthwash?

yup could not brush my teeth, mouthwash yes but bits of food will find there way inside area. mainly soup and bread, but trust me the pain alone will get you to loose your appetite for food.
I had mine taken out, one had to be cut out of my jaw. Had them done in the chair, though they were numb I had an infection so could feel some pain. Far worse things in life that wisdom teeth removal.
Dentists don't bother me; needles do though! I insist on no local anaesthetic when getting fillings done; the dentist always seems more anxious than I am as well ...

Had one of my back teeth removed as it had a crack through it - one of the most painful experiences of my life. The darn thing shattered when removing it, and he had to drill into the gum and nerve to get it out. Every few minutes he kept injecting more anaesthetic deeper in ... just ouch :eek:

Took a few hours as well, was a very unpleasant experience. If I ever go through teeth extraction again ... I'm going under a general. Although, that would prevent me from executing my beautifully timed joke - "It's like pulling teeth doc!"
i need both my bottom wisdom teeth out

not looking forward to it at all..

just a question regarding anesthetics, i have two options

1 - a GA which requires hospital


2 - a local + sedation

can someone offer me any past experience they have had with wisdom teeth removal..

bring on the agony :eek:

GA is probably best, easiest, go to sleep wake up all done, only problem is there is a miniscule chance of complications with a GA

Ask the dentist he should be able to tell from the xrays if it can be done easily in the chair.
I had my wisdom tooth out in the chair, with just a puff of gas and went back to work! No problems whatsoever.;)

Hubby on the other hand, had a fairly strong sedation aneasthetic (not a GA but similar) and was unable to open his jaw more than an inch for 2 weeks; during which time he could only drink sustagen, and yoghurt. Anything involving a chewing action was horrendous. His tooth had to be cut out from under the gum (like that xray), whereas mine had erupted but was in a bad position. We found out later his surgeon was known for being a little, um, lacking in gentleness when removing teeth!:D
I had my wisdom tooth out in the chair, with just a puff of gas and went back to work! No problems whatsoever.;)

Hubby on the other hand, had a fairly strong sedation aneasthetic (not a GA but similar) and was unable to open his jaw more than an inch for 2 weeks; during which time he could only drink sustagen, and yoghurt. Anything involving a chewing action was horrendous. His tooth had to be cut out from under the gum (like that xray), whereas mine had erupted but was in a bad position. We found out later his surgeon was known for being a little, um, lacking in gentleness when removing teeth!:D

i think i am fully covered if i were to have it done in hospital

whereas if it were in his practice in a chair, an anesthetist *sp* would have to travel out and i am not sure if the gap is covered.. was told sedation is better cause u recover faster whereas with a GA takes longer??
I had all my wisdom teeth out at once when i was a teenager. Had them taken out in the chair under a LA. Just from my experience and knowing others that went under a GA in hospital, i would recommend the chair and a local given a choice. Besides being quite a bit cheaper, the recovery period seems to be shorter and less painful.
Its a timely question as a week ago yesterday i had 2 molars taken out. My dentist wouldn't do it and gave me the option of having them out in hospital or in the chair conducted by a specialist. I had them out in the chair. The 6-8 (i wasn't counting!!) needle jabs was the worst part but only took 10 mins to remove both. Was on anbiotics for a week. For pain and inflammation the specialist also recommended Naprogesic (which i'm sure the ladies will no of as its generally used for period pain) and Panalgesic (can make you drowsy). I used both but really didn't require much pain relief at all.
Like i said, given a choice i would always go with the chair under a local but remember everbody is different and every situation different. I would be asking your dentist what they recommend and what they would choose if they were in your shoes! All the best and take care :D
When i had braces they knocked me out and ripped 6 teeth out due to crowding. Now i dont need my wisdoms out because they allowed for that.

I never had any problems having it done as a surgery.
had my wisdoms out 12 months ago. i looked around for an oral surgeon who was qualified in anaesthesia / pain management and went with him. i was given a sedative that knocked me out while the operation took place and apparently the teeth were pretty mashed in so they had to be de-crowned then split then pulled out in pieces. it took place in the dentists office and i wobbled about an hour and a half later with a fat face. i think it cost about $800 or so to get the 2 bottom wisdoms removed, health fund picked up a bit of it. it wasn't cheap but when it comes to something like this i'm not going to skimp.

if you are in sydney i can pm you the name, i recommend him. he even gives me happy gas when he cleans my teeth with that awful sonic thing they jam up your gumline. i love my new dentist and hope my old one loses all his teeth.

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