Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Will the cost of building a home drop over the next 2 years?

18 September 2007
What are your thoughts of building a home this year and locking into a mortgage opposed to next year? :banghead: (not taking into account the cost of land)

Any thoughts appreciated…
i know for sure plumbers are cheaper and easier to get round here these days

also know theres a lot more former west ozzie subdivisional "stonemasons" turning into brickies these days to just to make a buck
Not likely.

I'm a builder.
Steel has risen 60% in just over 8 mths and our indent orders are 30% higher again for Janurary delivery.

Labour is getting more expensive.
trades are just as hard to get as they were 2 yrs ago---good trades!
Concrete is due to rise next month.
Fuel has hit hard on costs.

So from what Im seeing--NO.