Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Will Craig Thomson finally give us some relief?

Dunno if any of this has been covered, and I dont know if that Fair Work report is available, or whether his mobile phone records are accessed.

His call pattern would be the most defining evidence. One would think.

As I can understand, what they allegedly did is use union funds to pay inflated contracts to suppliers, who then issued Credit Cards, in the Unions name, but given to them (Thompson, Jackson etc).

A smart lawyer bastard like Thompson would have though that spending on that card was not technically accountable or illegal or a breach of Union regs, due to the way it was setup

( I think they will get done for giving the inflated contracts if the suppliers rolls over)

The above practices are not unknown in several industries I have been associated with, including Construction.

So presumably Thompson used this for is my understanding that the majority of brothels will not send an outcall worker without identification and credit card details, for security purposes, which is the only reason I can imagine why he was that stupid.

However, there would have been nothing stop him getting the girls mobile phone number, then arranging a later meeting...for which he would pay cash!...after getting an advance from the ATM.

An accquantance had a 2nd job driving girls to the job, he would wait, and take them back, and I am sure he told me that the girl checks the dude matches the ID, (once again for security reasons)...and he wasnt working at some posh joint that charged $500 either.

Now that story of yours past me again:rolleyes:

I very much doubt he can last much longer...even SAS soldier has a breaking point, and Thompson appears flawed.

Opposition will go for jugular

Now where the hell are them Ho's...surely they wer'nt being paid for nothing by nobody...let them speak I say:)
Not aimed at you Bradk - just what you have quoted-

Re: Mark Lathams comments - Absolute crap - Thomson calculatedly stole money from hard working people - he knew what he was doing - he still does - he got caught and now he is trying to weasel out of it.

He and Williamson are low-lifes.

He should be in jail - end of story!

Its the union members whom deserve pastoral support - they have seen their hard earned money wasted on these two degenerates.
Completely agree.

Now where the hell are them Ho's...surely they wer'nt being paid for nothing by nobody...let them speak I say:)
Yes, is there any reason why the girls cannot individually identify him as the person who, um, used their services?
Yes, is there any reason why the girls cannot individually identify him as the person who, um, used their services?

You would have thought there was a big cheque from one of the women's mags or tabloid TV waiting for them and their story?

Maybe this whole story is so stinky that they don't want their reputations sullied by being connected to this.

That says alot about the government, I reckon.
...Yes, is there any reason why the girls cannot individually identify him as the person who, um, used their services?

I have heard it suggested that they may have other high profile customers who pay well. Perhaps they have their reasons...:eek:
I have heard it suggested that they may have other high profile customers who pay well. Perhaps they have their reasons...:eek:

That would be the case, there's no doubt the cheque books would have been out trying.
"... After the Oakes interview, they should have little doubt of Thomson’s delusional state of mind. No matter the political outcomes at stake, such a person is in need of pastoral support and consideration. We all know of instances when the pressures of parliamentary life have been too severe for individuals to handle.

Abbott’s first concern should be a matter of common humanity: giving Thomson and the people close to him time and space to sort out his thinking. I say this, not as an apologist for the unions or the Australian Labor Party, rather, the time has come to see beyond the politics of the HSU controversy and think about the man himself..."

What an absolute crock!!
What an absolute crock!!

I would agree, many thousands of people have been hurt by the shenanigans in this Union, and by extension this Government which condoned it by inaction over Thomson in the face of a decision by Fair Work Australia.

I am not at all condoning Thompson's behaviour - just suggesting that this appears to have turned a corner that goes beyond the legal, political and criminal dimensions.

And that the pressure must be incredibly intense for him, and everyone is deserving of some pastoral support. No?
I am not at all condoning Thompson's behaviour - just suggesting that this appears to have turned a corner that goes beyond the legal, political and criminal dimensions.

And that the pressure must be incredibly intense for him, and everyone is deserving of some pastoral support. No?

No! Not until he has confessed his sins, repaid his victims and done jail time.
I am not at all condoning Thompson's behaviour - just suggesting that this appears to have turned a corner that goes beyond the legal, political and criminal dimensions.

And that the pressure must be incredibly intense for him, and everyone is deserving of some pastoral support. No?

Brad, I have no problem with anyone having pastoral care provided that doesn't in any way excuse the severity of their actions.

"Do the crime, do the time" is appropriate. Not presuming Thomson as guilty, but if he is found to be so, then he needs to accept whatever discipline comes his way.
These three conspirators are guilty of propping up a corrupt government to save their own necks.

I am not at all condoning Thompson's behaviour - just suggesting that this appears to have turned a corner that goes beyond the legal, political and criminal dimensions.
And that the pressure must be incredibly intense for him, and everyone is deserving of some pastoral support. No?

If the pressure is so great he should resign and disappear somewhere.

You shouldn't be fooled into sympathy for someone who professes innocence in the face of such findings, feel sorry for the union members taken for fools over a number of years.
If the pressure is so great he should resign and disappear somewhere.

You shouldn't be fooled into sympathy for someone who professes innocence in the face of such findings, feel sorry for the union members taken for fools over a number of years.
Exactly. Think about the low paid person who empties bedpans and whose union dues have been buying prostitutes for Thomson. What an insult to those people.
Exactly. Think about the low paid person who empties bedpans and whose union dues have been buying prostitutes for Thomson. What an insult to those people.

I agree, there are many people being screwed here (if you will pardon the crude analogy). Whole thing makes me feel sick :vomit:
I am not at all condoning Thompson's behaviour - just suggesting that this appears to have turned a corner that goes beyond the legal, political and criminal dimensions.

Brad, you are being naive in the extreme! You are making excuses for him. This man's greed, arrogance and complete disregard for other people led him to (knowingly) do what he has done. You seem to be suggesting he is not responsible for his actions. Spare me! He deserves no sympathy.

And that the pressure must be incredibly intense for him, and everyone is deserving of some pastoral support. No?

Well diddums! Poor little Craig! He created the pressure and can diffuse the situation any time he wants to by taking responsibility for his actions. We all have to face up to what we do. He can get pastoral care if he wants it. There are plenty of counsellors / psychologists / priests around.
Well diddums! Poor little Craig! He created the pressure and can diffuse the situation any time he wants to by taking responsibility for his actions. We all have to face up to what we do. He can get pastoral care if he wants it. There are plenty of counsellors / psychologists / priests around.

Let's just see what judicial proceedings come up with before we all rush to ultimate judgement.
Let's just see what judicial proceedings come up with before we all rush to ultimate judgement.

What judicial proceedings? If FWA or HSU go to the Federal Court, it will be to attempt to recoup their money spent by him. If Thomson really wanted to defend himself, he should have done so at any time in the last 4 years.

Instead, he contemptuously maintained his innocence and now claims he was set up. Overnight, the VIC police invited him to provide a statement to them about this and he declined. So he's going to name them in Parliament but keep the cops at bay.

He's been running rings around the Labor Party and the electorate all this time. It took a party elder (Faulkner) to imply his disgust - as opposed to Gillard's stated, but empty, disgust - by directing that the ALP reveal how much it has handed over to Thomson's lawyers to prop him up all this time.

It will be one of the great ironies to see that Thomson squandered half a million on himself, and the 'disgusted' Labor Party then squandered almost as much again on him flailing himself over his innocence. It won't just be the HSU membership leaving in droves.

I'll bet NSW ALP members will be building the Abbott-proof fence from the outside!
I wonder if a business exec did the same thing as Thomson, would he be subject to the same vitriol from the posters here ?

I doubt it.