Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Will Craig Thomson finally give us some relief?

Well, they can simply cease to become shareholders if they don't approve of executive conditions.
If you seriously expect a CEO to travel to the other side of the world in economy, you're well and truly out of touch with business.

Ditto any expectation that they should get off a long flight and haul their bag on the train to the city.

Just silly.

And if you could explain why you are so defending the corrupt Craig Thomson, implicitly approving of him ripping off the low paid members of the HSU, that would be welcome.

I'm not defending Thomson at all. I hope he gets what he deserves after a proper trial where he has a chance to defend himself. I'm just saying that if he happened to be an ex businessman who pinched shareholder funds in similar manner, all this palaver would probably be dismissed by the people here as "just business".
Well, they can simply cease to become shareholders if they don't approve of executive conditions.

A rather arrogant attitude don't you think ? If you don't like it get lost. Shareholders have no right to question executive payments or benefits ?
I'm not defending Thomson at all. I hope he gets what he deserves after a proper trial where he has a chance to defend himself. I'm just saying that if he happened to be an ex businessman who pinched shareholder funds in similar manner, all this palaver would probably be dismissed by the people here as "just business".

rumpole, what evidence have you got for this rather insulting statement? To say that members of ASF would dismiss the misappropriation of shareholders funds as "just business" makes me wonder about you mate.

I wonder if a business exec did the same thing as Thomson, would he be subject to the same vitriol from the posters here ?

I doubt it.

Hi Rumpole,

I've been in business a while. During the decades its been my experience that companies are careful who they give a blank cheque in the form of a corporate credit card to. There's only been one instance where something along the lines of what you describe has occurred. When the credit card statement came in, the offending executive was hauled in front of the CEO and the outcome was that he left the company for "health reasons". (And he was made to re-imburse the company for a non-authorised expense). Needless to say what he had done became fairly common knowledge, because executives gossip like old women and the executive subsequently retired.

As for business travel... McLovin is dead right. It's not a holiday. And travelling business class means you may actually get some decent sleep on a long flight and be able to function when you get to your destination.

Sir O
rumpole, what evidence have you got for this rather insulting statement? To say that members of ASF would dismiss the misappropriation of shareholders funds as "just business" makes me wonder about you mate.

On the strength of that statement alone the chaps have decided to gift you a 5 year membership at the Melbourne Club, just turn sharp left after the entrance and knock 3 times on the blue door and say Burnsie sent you.
Look forward to buying you a drink ole' chum.;)
rumpole, what evidence have you got for this rather insulting statement? To say that members of ASF would dismiss the misappropriation of shareholders funds as "just business" makes me wonder about you mate.


Misappropriation can be a matter of opinion can't it ?

eg if an exec spent the companies money on hookers to entertain a client and perhaps get his business, is that a legitimate expense ?

How do you reckon the shareholders would feel about it if the deal was done ?

If Thomson did not use the hookers himself, but tried to sweeten a private hospital CEO to give his members a better deal, is that legitimate ?

If his members did get a better deal from this, would they argue ?

Things are not always black and white.
On the strength of that statement alone the chaps have decided to gift you a 5 year membership at the Melbourne Club, just turn sharp left after the entrance and knock 3 times on the blue door and say Burnsie sent you.
Look forward to buying to a drink ole' chum.;)

Yer a real gent Burnsie, I'll pay for lunch . I'll lay on some nice girls for you too <nudge nudge>

Misappropriation can be a matter of opinion can't it ?

eg if an exec spent the companies money on hookers to entertain a client and perhaps get his business, is that a legitimate expense ?

How do you reckon the shareholders would feel about it if the deal was done ?

If Thomson did not use the hookers himself, but tried to sweeten a private hospital CEO to give his members a better deal, is that legitimate ?

If his members did get a better deal from this, would they argue ?

Things are not always black and white.

Let's not get racist now Rumpy.

Fact is he has his snout in the public trough, had his snout in the Union members trough and the FINDINGS are that his main role in everything was as a rorter.
Damn the expense of a trial straight to the gallows I say.
The FWA and Union Disease seems to have permeated this ASF thread, infecting you both, rumpole and Burnsie.

Live your life as you wish, but good governance is practised in private enterprise and in good unions for that matter.

What an utter shame that you would operate like this.

Yer a real gent Burnsie, I'll pay for lunch . I'll lay on some nice girls for you too <nudge nudge>


My appologies Rumpy I was referring to gg, but you can come along ;)

The FWA and Union Disease seems to have permeated this ASF thread, infecting you both, rumpole and Burnsie.

Live your life as you wish, but good governance is practised in private enterprise and in good unions for that matter.

What an utter shame that you would operate like this.


I think you have me tagged incorrectly gg.
The FWA and Union Disease seems to have permeated this ASF thread, infecting you both, rumpole and Burnsie.

Live your life as you wish, but good governance is practised in private enterprise and in good unions for that matter.

What an utter shame that you would operate like this.


Let's not get too sanctimonious, there are good and bad businesses, good and bad unions and many different shades in between.

I can't see how you can look at Lehmann's, JP Morgan's and the other businesses recently that have gone over the top in terms of gluttony and maladministration and say that no business execs ever rort their shareholders. Of course there are lots of well managed companies, but there are shysters as well. Let's not kid ourselves.
The FWA and Union Disease seems to have permeated this ASF thread, infecting you both, rumpole and Burnsie.

Live your life as you wish, but good governance is practised in private enterprise and in good unions for that matter.

What an utter shame that you would operate like this.


Let's not get too sanctimonious, there are good and bad businesses, good and bad unions and many different shades in between.

I can't see how you can look at Lehmann's, JP Morgan's and the other businesses recently that have gone over the top in terms of gluttony and maladministration and say that no business execs ever rort their shareholders. Of course there are lots of well managed companies, but there are shysters as well. Let's not kid ourselves.

I do not think that anyone on ASF would rush to defend Lehmann Bros., JP Morgan or any of the others responsible for capital loss recently. My comments were directed against both you, Burnsie and rumpole in attempting to impugn the morals of ASF members. This is not an ABC forum and free kicks agains the non-left will be tackled as they occur.

You should apologise to ASF members for such insulting comments.

ASF members will continue to speak out against poor governance from the left ( unions ) and the right ( business ) without fear or favour.

ASF members will continue to speak out against poor governance from the left ( unions ) and the right ( business ) without fear or favour.

If you do that, you have my respect and apologies.
I have the utmost respect for both of you but my politics are closer to gg, I guess you now know how I felt on the ABC forums:D

And Mr Burns, do you, unlike Ruby think that Mr Thompson is entitled to some pastoral care? JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION!!! :D