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Why do forums attract wankers and Dheads?

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Take it away Chicken
It's Snake Pliskin said:
I think your conversation wit N Radge was compelling in another thread. So, it seems we can all judge.
Good Morning too.

That's nice. Mine were full last night.

Well retreived from the mental archeives Snake, good thing I had the decency to remove my own post, with no prompts...

I'm sure your glass was full of Wine and now the forum is becomming full of Whine.

Anyway I said what needed to be said and off to greener pastures...

BYE now.
carmo said:
I think the forum is like the TV, if you don't like the show turn it off!!

Or change channels, and if you don't like the commercials, don't watch them, or practice the Art of Meditation during the break.
if all i did was read the papers the only stocks i would have invested in are




etc etc.

i think these forums are good for picking up on some very undervalued stocks before the papers get onto them. sure there are a lot more speccies talked about, but there are some serious fundamental and technical analysis that help distinguish between complete spec and undervalued stock with solid assets.

if you had have followed the papers this whole time you would still be stating that the bull run has been over for the last year and a half. when i started getting into shares the papers were stating the bull run had ended and that was a year and a half ago.

follow the papers and you can get into financials and infrastructure.

Also what are the Jourlalists financial portfolios or Wealth Managemnt like, if any at all.... Just because they're the Fin Review, Age, etc doesn't mean their view will agree smart investors n traders.... which I'm sure makes more money than any journalist.

SevenFX said:
Agreed, Getting tips from strangers and ramping stocks that they hold is common place, but that happens in Life, Like Listening to your Accountant, Solicitor, School Teachers, Mates without truly knowing their Wealth & Life Success.

I personally think a bit of ramping doesn't hurt anyone, except fools maybe!

As long as its done in style, why not chill people
new girl said:
I personally think a bit of ramping doesn't hurt anyone, except fools maybe!

Good, if it doesn't hurt and you want to do it, I'll give you the link to Hotcopper, although I suspect you already ramp for Australia there

This is a great forum to learn from and we don't want idiots who haven't got a clue how to make money in the markets sabotaging it.

If you need to ramp you obviously don't make money from a method or plan and have a negative expectancy.

Happy New Year.
Snake, I don't feel you're describing the majority of members on ASF, many of whom I've found to be interesting, constructive and knowledgeable.

I think our approach to a forum pretty much reflects our approach to anything else in life: i.e. if we are basically competitive and jealous of anyone we perceive to be doing better than ourselves as a general rule, then we will take that same attitude on the forum.

It's a pity that some people haven't learned the skill of basic assertiveness - how to maintain your position or raise an objection without making personal attacks or getting angry and feeling the need to pull someone down.

Few of my friends are interested in shares, so I value the forum as a venue where I can access opinions and views of people I wouldn't normally encounter in my "real" life.

I've come to respect several people on ASF, and to enjoy a form of cyber friendship with others. I pretty much believe people behave as we expect them to. So tell people they are rubbish and they will behave accordingly.

There was never anything wrong with showing a few basic good manners towards the other members in any community, including a share forum.


Agreed, Porper. And said ramping can apply to other than stocks.


Hi proper

Im not a member of any other forum, I've never ramped a stock because I dont know much I keep my mouth shut and try to learn from smart people like you

I said what I said as a joke knowing that some people (not you) will be offended as usual and nothing gives me more pleasure than to hear their whinging over and over and over again, relax life is short

I wish you and your family a happy new year, I mean it
I am surprised you have less then 500 posts for all the time you have been a member on ASF.
With all the ramping that goes on I thought you might have a couple of thou.

I must say you are always very quick to spot the ramp and always challenge, keep up the good work.
brerwallabi said:
I am surprised you have less then 500 posts for all the time you have been a member on ASF.

Yes, a long time member, and a lot to thank ASF and it's members for.Maybe not many posts, but time is an issue as with a lot of others.

brerwallabi said:
I must say you are always very quick to spot the ramp and always challenge, keep up the good work.

With being a member (and total beginner when I joined) I don't want to see it devalued by rampers.This is a great forum for people to learn from, unfortunately some of the more senior members track record has found it's way onto other forums. I would say this is the reason it is attracting some unscrupulous people that think they can make a quick buck following some of their trades on here.

A shame but inevitable.But we can all help by trying to keep standards of posts high.
Julia said:
It's a pity that some people haven't learned the skill of basic assertiveness - how to maintain your position or raise an objection without making personal attacks or getting angry and feeling the need to pull someone down.
It never ceases to amaze me how so many people find it difficult to accept something is true even though they don't like it. Just because you want rain doesn't mean the sun isn't shining right now and there's no point in denying reality.

It's how you respond to reality, rather than what that reality happens to be, that usually determines success or failure. Getting personal never helps.
I've had a great year on the market with some great stock finds, but one of my best finds was ASF (gee that sounds corny). It is so far ahead of other forums. I'd even pay to be a member here.

Happy new year all.

And imo the answer to the thread question is: Anonymity.
juddy said:
I'd even pay to be a member here.
Shoosh, you'll give them ideas

I think what we need to realise is that the sharemarket has had a record run over quite an extended period. This obviously is going to attract more people to sites like this as they try to find a quick buck. And with more members will come some dickheads. But sooner or later there will be a bear market and that should sort out the truely interested people from the imposters.

Billhill ,

I enjoyed your post, you can tell the wankers from the D'heads ~

I agree with Julia that there are some very good posters and the forum is A class.
My intent was not to offend, simply to state what I see and feel.
It's Snake Pliskin said:
I agree with Julia that there are some very good posters and the forum is A class.
My intent was not to offend, simply to state what I see and feel.
Snake, try and drink in moderation and you see life in a different light....maybe you think you know it all...but follow my thread...we all can learn from each other...and the computer made it more possible....At 66 years of age I still am learning everyday....I started seeing this as soon as I decided to change my life style and I do everything in moderation...and now using the tools my computer which I learned 6 years ago find that life is great..I still moderation....hope to make 80..and have many happy investing years in front of me...the forums stimulate to see and make research in all sorts of stock...which was not possible before the computer age...we now can ALL be brokers as we get All the information..which before was just for certain people....If you understand your tools..computing...and the working of the markets...$$$$ can be made...even for Dickheads like Sargent Schulz said.....I know noting... ..HAPPY NEW YEAR
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