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Who thinks there will be a slump?

August 02 the pin will come out of the handgenade ,,,then stad back and see what is left standing.

And so the closures continue, add to this the flow on effect of the carbon tax fallout to unemployment and the gloom deepens.
Wonder who will be next?
Lets see if 4500 is broken through today, if it is buying time may be closer.
Is it too late to call it at 11.23am on the 03/08/2011?
Time to hibernate for a couple of months me thinks.
Is it too late to call it at 11.23am on the 03/08/2011?
Time to hibernate for a couple of months me thinks.

I'm going to be loading up soon - after GFC 1 everyone was talking with hindsight about how they should have bought. Well it looks like the 2nd opportunity is coming.

Who will be courageous enough to take it?

Oh well, more fore me
August 02 the pin will come out of the handgenade ,,,then stad back and see what is left standing.
Very accurate with the dates there Glen. The overnight reaction to some excuse has seen our market participants panic today. Mining industry still intact last time I checked.
I'm going to be loading up soon - after GFC 1 everyone was talking with hindsight about how they should have bought. Well it looks like the 2nd opportunity is coming.

Who will be courageous enough to take it?

Oh well, more fore me

Been accumulating for the past 4 months - no $'s for anymore.
C'est la vie - it will turn at some stage.
I'm going to be loading up soon - after GFC 1 everyone was talking with hindsight about how they should have bought. Well it looks like the 2nd opportunity is coming.

Who will be courageous enough to take it?

Oh well, more fore me

Your at K-mart and the red light is on, There is bargains everywhere.
Is it too late to call it at 11.23am on the 03/08/2011?
Time to hibernate for a couple of months me thinks.

The thread started 5/4/2011 its not a time for hibernation, these are the times when you pick up quality at a discount. LOL
I'm going to be loading up soon - after GFC 1 everyone was talking with hindsight about how they should have bought. Well it looks like the 2nd opportunity is coming.

Who will be courageous enough to take it?

Oh well, more fore me

In GFC 1 the US market lost 50% from its peak to the bottom.

Now the US market is only 8% or so down from recent peak.

Too early to make a comparison?!
Who thinks there will be a slump?
Isn't the better question - when will the slump end?

In my mind we have never really recovered from the GFC, sure the market bounced off its low - but we are still nowhere near the previous high..
Some unnerving drops in the past few days. All very well to talk about going back into the market but the last crisis saw ASX go to 3300 .

Makes one wonder about the "fundamental value" of our portfolio.
Some unnerving drops in the past few days. All very well to talk about going back into the market but the last crisis saw ASX go to 3300 .

Makes one wonder about the "fundamental value" of our portfolio.

Indeed. We could well be on the precipice of Monster GFC MkII.

Some of the worrying signs for me are...

(1) US "debt deal" (aka "smoke & mirrors") has not given a healthy boost to the markets. Obviously market analysts can see past Obama's rhetoric! It can only be all down hill from here, especially once the detail of those spending cuts is released (must be some real nervous companies that contract services to the US gummint). followed by mass sackings, layoffs etc.

(2) Eurozone reporting season is shaping up to be a doozy - eg: big banks slashing profit forecasts & throwing 1,000's of employees on the scrapheap (fat lot of good that does for increased consumer spending!)

(3) Warning today that this years corn production in US is suffering badly in heat wave conditions. If this continues, world food prices will spike yet again. Not good for anyone...

(4) I think some elephants are still in the room re: Oz reporting season. As usual, those wanting to beat their chest and pronounce great profits are out of the blocks first. Methinks there are still a heap of potentially big downgrades to come, especially in retail & manufacturing - the poor performers wont want to show their hand till the last possible minute in this downward spiralling climate (saw the same approach during GFC 1).


It all looks soooo familiar. I wish it wasn't happening....
No worries,,,,,,,,,,,, Moodies reaffirmed the US triple A rating today.

Go back to sleep brothers the party is too hectic for us codger and codgesses.

And I dont' like heights anyway.

Don't most companies already scheduled in their reporting? I didn't know they get to choose and pick the dates?!
All indications the madhatters tea part et al talks agreeing on nothing should have signaled it party hard time again,, but Mr. Market and gold have other ideas if gold keeps going up each day between now and Xams the partys over ,, nothing to see move along just go home and wait . start up you own funeral home plenty of work coming up.
I'm going to be loading up soon - after GFC 1 everyone was talking with hindsight about how they should have bought. Well it looks like the 2nd opportunity is coming.

Who will be courageous enough to take it?

Oh well, more fore me

Been accumulating for the past 4 months - no $'s for anymore.
C'est la vie - it will turn at some stage.

Ouch! those knives are sharp!

Why would you buy at the start of GFC phase 2? I'll be the one shorting to your bid

Your only hope will be when they anounce QE3,4 & 5......timing.

ie don't you realise the world is entering a new, much worse, recession, perhaps depression?
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