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Who do you hate?

So where is the logic in having three children if you know you can't support them without the help of others? Having children is your choice not the choice of others ....
So where is the logic in having three children if you know you can't support them without the help of others? Having children is your choice not the choice of others ....

I can support my own family, but there are lots of families that would not be able to support children on low incomes. If you take your logic to the extreme, there would be no government funding for schools or universities or libraries. Indeed, we would have a big user pays world, but IMHO a much poorer world - think of the poverty in the United States and you will get the idea.

We support the sick, the disabled, many of whom are disabled or sick by their own choice (extreme sports, smoking, overeating etc). Do we remove health funding for these people, or for everyone?

You may think this is going too far, but it is one end of the spectrum you are advocating. There is the opposite end that would provide family tax benefits irrespective of income (a Tony Abbott suggestion).

I guess the issue is where should we be on the spectrum. I think the balance is about right at the moment. And I speak as someone who has only received family tax benefit in the current financial year due to being unemployed whereas previously I earned too much to qualify.
I mentioned Tom Waterhouse down the pub the other night and the response was rather immediate ....seems my bar fly mates aren't alone:

I mentioned Tom Waterhouse down the pub the other night and the response was rather immediate ....seems my bar fly mates aren't alone:

Bill Shorten didn't even make the list !

Must have been a poll of FABIANS

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