I couldn't agree more DVEOUS. There is lots of **** posted on this forum which lowers the tone of debate.
Some people have nothing else to do except try and stir people and annoy other posters.
By the way, may I ask, were you breast fed?
A Psychistrist (can never spell that word) friend of mine tells me that invariably people who hate inconsequential things were often abruptly taken off the breast between four and six months of age. He's quite barking mad by the way, but at times he can be lucid and he showed me it in a book, so it must be true.
So lets have the moderators be more attentive, they get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly to moderate.
As DVEOUS said, lets stop this drivel.
No need for the passive aggressive attack Garpal Gumnut.
I can understand why you are so defensive, and felt compelled to post what you did though.
Let's see... out of your 4,307 posts, 2,830 of those literary gems have been in the General Chat forum;
Hermeneutics of Sausage Recipes
Google Logos
NSW Government Compiling Citizen Profiles
2010 FOOTBALL World Cup
Folau - The Latest Big AFL Signing
Schapelle Corby - Innocent or Guilty?
Whale wars
Good Riddance Malcolm Fraser
Fergie Fingers The Duke
the list goes on...
Of these 2,830 posts, you have been the thread starter for 1,410 of them.
I guess these figures equate to;
2,830 / 4,307 x 100 = 65.7% DR (drivel ratio)
1,410 / 4,307 x 100 = 32.7% NFA (need for attention)
The NFA is cause for concern, so I guess the bottled milk didn't do it for you?
Don't you hate statistics?
Hey, we're back on topic now!