Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Who do you hate?

Were it not for those of us who choose to have children, you would find yourself with a major problem when you get old. Viz

No one to change your nappy

No one to diagnose your illness

Need I go on.........

Raising children is amazingly expensive (Down to one income, pre-school fees, nappies, more food, bigger car, bigger house, clothes, medical bills etc etc) and the reality is that people without children (PWC) benefit as Other People's Children (OPC) serve them, diagnose them, build things for them etc. It does not seem unreasonable to me that PWC make some contribution to the cost of OPC, given the benefit that PWCs get from OPC's.

Do you seriously believe that on a salary of $40,000 and a wife and three kids to support, that my after tax income and benefits should be the same as a single person earning $40,000?

So where is the logic in having three children if you know you can't support them without the help of others? Having children is your choice not the choice of others ....
So where is the logic in having three children if you know you can't support them without the help of others? Having children is your choice not the choice of others ....

I can support my own family, but there are lots of families that would not be able to support children on low incomes. If you take your logic to the extreme, there would be no government funding for schools or universities or libraries. Indeed, we would have a big user pays world, but IMHO a much poorer world - think of the poverty in the United States and you will get the idea.

We support the sick, the disabled, many of whom are disabled or sick by their own choice (extreme sports, smoking, overeating etc). Do we remove health funding for these people, or for everyone?

You may think this is going too far, but it is one end of the spectrum you are advocating. There is the opposite end that would provide family tax benefits irrespective of income (a Tony Abbott suggestion).

I guess the issue is where should we be on the spectrum. I think the balance is about right at the moment. And I speak as someone who has only received family tax benefit in the current financial year due to being unemployed whereas previously I earned too much to qualify.
I mentioned Tom Waterhouse down the pub the other night and the response was rather immediate ....seems my bar fly mates aren't alone:

Tony Abbott second most-hated personality as politicians enter Encore Score for first time

by Brooke Hemphill, Grant Bell, Paul Chan and Ben Welsh

Prime Minister Tony Abbott is the second-most hated personality in Australia according to the Encore Score, the results of which were revealed at today’s Mumbrella360.

It was the first year politicians were entered into the Encore Score mix, with Joe Hockey, Clive Palmer and Pauline Hanson also ranking in the bottom ten.

Speaking at today’s Mumbrella360 conference Grant Bell, co-owner of The Acid Test, said: “This year we had more celebrities, 1,173. This year we’ve included more sports people, some politicians and some celebrity chefs.

“Politicians didn’t do very well at all, the only positive ones were Julie Bishop and Tanya Plibersek.”

The Prime Minister was only kept off the bottom of the table by disgraced entertainer Rolf Harris, but both men pushed out KiisFM DJ Kyle Sandilands who has held the most-hated position for 2012 and 2013 Encore Score reports. Hugh Jackman held onto his position as Australia’s favourite personality.

The spree of gambling ads fronted by bookie Tom Waterhouse, now head of William Hill in Australia, also did him no favours as he came in the bottom ten on the list.

Launched in 2012, the Encore Score is a survey of the public designed to gauge the popularity of Australian personalities. Using a list of more than 1,000 local and international names that have graced Australian screens, radio, magazines and billboards, the Encore Score asks 3,000 everyday people which of these names are their most or least favourite.

M&C Saatchi executive creative director Ben Welsh said casting the right people definitely has an affect on ROI.
“If they’re the right person and the right fit with the brand, and a lot of people aren’t the right fit,” he said.
Welsh said the casting of Nicole Kidman in the recent Etihad campaign “was absolutely the right choice”.
“She comes across as being a nice person,” he added.

On the casting of Josh Thomas as the face of Optus’ Live More Yes campaign, he said: “The client didn’t actually know who he was.
“He wasn’t the first thought, but when we considered the target audience which was very much Australian millennials who are much more switched on and have a greater hunger for doing things and their own personal success, Josh Thomas had just done a big deal in the US for his show there.
“He resonated massively, he’s worked phenomenally well.”

Welsh admitted Thomas was “polarising”, but said he was the right choice because he was unexpected.

“He kind of embodied the live more yes idea.”

Celebrities, brand managers, agents and advertisers are now able to purchase the data for the first time by visiting The Encore Score website.

Australia’s top 10 favourite celebrities:

Hugh Jackman
Cate Blanchett
Eric Bana
Olivia Newton John
Anh Do
Hamish Blake
Rebecca Gibney
Amanda Keller
Nicole Kidman
Simon Baker

Australia’s least favourite celebrities (lowest first):

Rolf Harris
Tony Abbott
Kyle Sandilands
Joe Hockey
Clive Palmer
Pauline Hanson
Ben Cousins
Tom Waterhouse
Brynne Edelsten
Lara Bingle

June 3rd, 2015 at 1:40 pm