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Who do you hate?

No need for the passive aggressive attack Garpal Gumnut.
I can understand why you are so defensive, and felt compelled to post what you did though.

Let's see... out of your 4,307 posts, 2,830 of those literary gems have been in the General Chat forum;
Hermeneutics of Sausage Recipes
Google Logos
NSW Government Compiling Citizen Profiles
2010 FOOTBALL World Cup
Folau - The Latest Big AFL Signing
Schapelle Corby - Innocent or Guilty?
Whale wars
Good Riddance Malcolm Fraser
Fergie Fingers The Duke
the list goes on...

Of these 2,830 posts, you have been the thread starter for 1,410 of them.

I guess these figures equate to;
2,830 / 4,307 x 100 = 65.7% DR (drivel ratio)
1,410 / 4,307 x 100 = 32.7% NFA (need for attention)

The NFA is cause for concern, so I guess the bottled milk didn't do it for you?

Don't you hate statistics?
Hey, we're back on topic now!

You are a sad little Kransky.
We cannot all aspire to your high standards.
Some of us read posts, all or nearly all posts that are posted, to learn and to become better stock traders, to decide whether options or forex are for us or not, and if so, to develop our skills.
Others post.
I for example am exquisitely skilled in the perambulations of CVN, a stock which has been good and bad to me over many years of buying and selling.
So forums are written to and read by folk in different proportions.
And dictating to others mate, is rude.
Now back on your breast and calm down.
A suckle might do you more good than trawling in a voyeuristic judgemental manner through another member's posts.
You are a sad sack.


i just analysed my post percentage and i am 95.2% genius.

See............who said theres nothing to gained by idle chit chat.

If you get the time can you please check these figures as im sure it was higher.

Thanks in advance.

i just analysed my post percentage and i am 95.2% genius.

See............who said theres nothing to gained by idle chit chat.

If you get the time can you please check these figures as im sure it was higher.

Thanks in advance.

I envy you nunthewiser. My posts only attract a 11.2% genius rating.

The rest is an 88.8% drongo rating.

Alas I will try to aim higher.
I hate myself - specially because I chose to post this general chat forum at this time of night !!

Then I hate the sports journalists who pretend to be experts for all games. Classic example : Glen Mitchell of ABC Sports. He knows footy, cricket, soccer, rugby - you name it. When sports talk comes then he ridicules every one's idea if that becomes a smart one and puts his own opinion about it. A real arrogant and jack of all trades.

The next person in my list is Ken Judge joins the same sports area. He was a total failure and kicked out of Eagles team as a coach. Now he earns his living by such talk shows telling how to play footy. Those who can not deliver often come as better teachers. But where does Ken Judge stands - could not teach but now speaks as an expert.

Probably we should also have a thread calling people I like or love - very positive chat forum it should be.

Fair call Miner.

I hate the acts of smart people too.

In November 1997 the then Treasurer, Peter Costello, shocked some people when he announced he'd signed off on the sale of $2 billion worth of Australian bullion. On the day he announced the sale the price was around $US306.00 an ounce. At the time, according to Mr Costello, gold "no longer plays a significant role in the international financial system".

What's gold priced at today? What's the price? How much does gold sell for an ounce? If a person were to sell their gold how much would they get then compared to today? If I were to buy gold, how much would it cost to buy a troy ounce today compared to when Costello sold the Australian Government's Gold when he was Treasurer? MEGA FAIL!

Just thought I'd add a few questions to deal with the "Peter Costello was a doyen of economics supporters fan-club"?
Middle aged women with kids who dont listen.

After discussion on this topic with others we came to the conclusion that this phenomenon is a result of these middle aged women being too used to being in charge of their children. Being too used to talking and not having to listen, thus forgetting the processes involved.

I have had too much experience dealing with such women, a much higher % of women who are middle aged with kids suffer the symptoms that those without kids (usually I assume whether they have kids after taking into account their physique and the stains on their attire) or men with kids.

Also people that whinge, bitch and moan about being given fines for traffic offenses and taking back late dvd's.

11.25% ish return p.a. would have been made if the gold was kept and a little less due to differences in fx rates. Wonder how much was made with the $$ he freed. A lower case fail would probably be more adequate

Would also be pretty hard to foresee todays circumstances back in 1997. Can be quite difficult to win em all
11.25% ish return p.a. would have been made if the gold was kept and a little less due to differences in fx rates. Wonder how much was made with the $$ he freed. A lower case fail would probably be more adequate

Yes maybe so. But he did appear to have an ego almost as inflated as Kevin Rudd's when interviewed.

Maybe the fail should be written in capital. Gold wasnt held purely for an investment. A hedging tool and equity probably would also have also been a reason, a bit of insight by someone knowledgeable would be nice.
Anyone care to guess how much was actually lost or gained due to the conversion of gold to AUD in nov 1997.

No idea about what it's worth?

How about today? Today is what the traders want to know? I have to admit I'm not a "trader" per se. But I'd love to know what an ounce of gold is worth compared to when the Cth sold the Australian peoples gold reserves?

i just analysed my post percentage and i am 95.2% genius.

See............who said theres nothing to gained by idle chit chat.

If you get the time can you please check these figures as im sure it was higher.

Thanks in advance.

I made it 96.8% genius.
0.4% ( mostly in the forex posts ) show a distinct hatred of mayonnaise and jalapenos with yer one foot subway meat balls.
You are a hater you are.

I do not like the voting system. People on the dole should not be allowed to vote. Us tax payers should decide what's best for them.

There just seems to be more and more dole bludgers and people who think the world owes them a few favours coming into existence....and they all vote for the Australian Labor Party to get their free handouts...and thus increase govt debt.

Thanks Kevin 07

Some of us would rather read such gems than the thinly disguised ramping that occurs on many of the stock threads. This is why there is a "general chat" section. If you don't like it don't read it.

By the way, did I mention this great little stock I own. Guaranteed 50 bagger.......

Oh and I hate religious loonies like Osama bin Laden, Fred Nile and most of the Israeli cabinet
Are you serious? Plenty of people have lost their jobs through no fault of their own with companies cutting back during the GFC etc. And for anyone over 40, finding another job can be difficult, despite their best efforts.

Agree, though, that long term unemployed need to be deployed into some sort of productive activity and assisted to find work. Can't be easy to live on about $220 per week. That wouldn't even cover rent in most instances.

There's plenty of middle class welfare that should be targeted before making life even tougher for job seekers.

I fleetingly considered this during the Hawke/Keating years when Labor sold off many of our precious assets and doled out middle class welfare to the new class elites. I saw it as a way of disenfranchising the rumpen proletariat who wouldn't be bothered voting if given a choice, and lived on bread and circuses.

I discussed it one night with a wise friend. He argued that from his experience, when all stick together and have a say, you end up with a better citizenship in adversity and in plenty. He cited the UK as a society in rapid decline with elective voting.

I took it on board, and have been a believer in compulsory voting since. My belief has been sorely tried recently, when a TV Programme, Sunrise, decided our last change in government.

One in, all in, even if some need to be fined if they don't, I say.

The overuse of the phrase "working families" and not too fond of its most fervent narrator either.


Individuals in our society who believe simply because they are Australian it is their right to receive copious amounts of welfare. See - baby bonus, family tax benefit part A & B, pension payments (bar disability, veteran), sole parent payments and rebates, child care rebates etc etc. As a taxpayer I find it incredibly annoying that my taxes support your decision to have a family, 4 kids, not work .....

And governments who continue to pander to these individuals' sense of entitlement.

Perhaps we can change it so it was like ye olde England. You only get a vote if you are home owner. Obviously, no one other than those of pure Anglo-Saxon blood should be able to vote. If the disenfranchised get uppity, we get set up a militia to control them. I think brown shirts would be a nice touch for the militia. Or perhaps not..................

I've just picked up some contract work after being retrenched in the GFC over 18 months ago. Fortunately, I did not have to rely on the dole, but there are many who have no option. If you ever find yourself unemployed, on the wrong side of 40 and with no savings, or with a sudden disability, you will be glad that Australia has a decent welfare state.

So, I think I might add rabid right wingers to my list of dislikes

Were it not for those of us who choose to have children, you would find yourself with a major problem when you get old. Viz

No one to change your nappy

No one to diagnose your illness

Need I go on.........

Raising children is amazingly expensive (Down to one income, pre-school fees, nappies, more food, bigger car, bigger house, clothes, medical bills etc etc) and the reality is that people without children (PWC) benefit as Other People's Children (OPC) serve them, diagnose them, build things for them etc. It does not seem unreasonable to me that PWC make some contribution to the cost of OPC, given the benefit that PWCs get from OPC's.

Do you seriously believe that on a salary of $40,000 and a wife and three kids to support, that my after tax income and benefits should be the same as a single person earning $40,000?
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