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Where is/can Donald Trump take US (sic)?

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Well ...
She and others are merely asking for what we have ... universal healthcare and progressive tax.

Fox and even moderate news sites call her and others communists or socialists ...
Its a hate hate they have with say Bernie Sanders and any of them.
I would add the lower 50% have NEW negative assets .... the lower 80% ... all the middle class a mere 7% verses our own at 36%.

Something very wrong with this picture ignoring politics.
Well the "good" news is that The Idiot-in Chief didn't turn the tank led July 4th wet fest into a rampantly partisan Trumpist diatribe.

Good so far.

And then we come to the "stable genius" who somehow manages not just to stumble over his set piece speech on victorious Continental Revolutionary Army but creates a whole new world of the 1770's with fights in the air, armies occupying air ports ect.

You couldn't make this up. It takes a uniquely special Idiot-in-Chief to create such worlds of wonder.

Please revise your American History folks. It has just been re written by Gods' Son-on-Earth. And of course there are many people helping us remember just what it was like way back then.

Dearest Martha, please find enclosed a tracking number for my lost luggage at Philadelphia. It shall arrive to Mount Vernon via carriage in 21-25 days. Also enclosed is a receipt for the cost of parking my horse at Dulles for the weekend. #RevolutionaryWarAirportStories

Seth Cotlar @SethCotlar

Put ye powder hornes and buckled shoes in ye olde bins. Poultices over 3 ounces must be left with the magistrate and can be retrieved at ye postmaster’s office upon return. Muskets and pipes are stryctly forbidden on board ye airecrafte. #RevolutionaryWarAirportStories

Diane@hpochocolate1‏ @hpochocolate1 20h20 hours ago

Abigail, it's hot as hell in Philadelphia. My desire for a quick trip to Boston is thwarted by a connecting flight through Atlanta. It's as if the world has turned upside down. Yours, John. #RevolutionaryWarAirportStories
So lets consider the possibilities of what actually happened on July 4th in Washington (as distinct from what we believed we saw )

1) There was an Idiot-in-Chief Deep Fake posing as The Don and speaking rubbish to make the real stable genius look like a proper idjit.

2) The televised reports of Gods Sons speech were switched with a look- a- like Deep Fake - again to mock the Great Man

3) American History needs to drastically reviewed. There were in fact aerial dog fights, and battles over airports. These inconvenient facts have been air brushed from history until the Great Leader brought them to light in the most auspicious way imaginable.

4) The tele prompter died and Idjit Trump who knew his American history by heart just told it like it was. No problems folks.:)
Oooh we are all silly ...

Stupid compared to Donald.
Don't ... be eating if you watch this, you may choke ....

Smart people, and at times,me. If not always, being the dumbest person in the room, full of brilliant minds over the years, people with IQ's over 140, I don't think I ever heard one ever refer to their IQ or supposed intelligence and this at times was heated discussion about theories and things that often are subjective or mixed with religion and politics and other issues. Not once did anyone ever wheel that one out.

I must bow down to his superior intellect and its better than Bran or a very spicy curry, for me at least.
F---k me and this guy has access to the big red button to send nukes.
Think I will convert and start believing that there is a god, surely he has a brain.
Where was John Bolton when Donald Trump was shaking hands with nhs new 'bestie' Kim Jong un ?
Yep he was taking care of business in Outer Mongolia..:eek:

This is a very interesting analysis of how Donald Trump has been straightening out his foreign policy contradictions.

Trump Couldn’t Ignore the Contradictions of His Foreign Policy Any Longer
The president moves to straighten out his own foreign policy—and leaves his hawkish national security adviser on the sidelines.
But BUT ..... Ticker ... aka Trust fund baby ... Tucker Carlson was right there beside him ... the Fox reporter who now is a policy advisor.

Nepotism Barbey ... Ivanka was still trying to talk to EU leaders and UK prime minister.

Ex UN USA rep ... also a Fox reporter was not able to make the trip.
I thought this sums up the current state of play really well particularly when you continually see people get sucked into the the culture war obsession while being stripped of wealth and freedoms.

There is no 'right' v 'left': it is Trump and the oligarchs against the rest

So why do we continue to hear and use the same old “right” and “left” labels?

I suspect it’s because the emerging oligarchy feels safer if Americans are split along the old political battle lines. That way, Americans won’t notice they’re being shafted.

In reality, the biggest divide in America today runs between oligarchy and democracy. When oligarchs fill the coffers of political candidates, they neuter democracy."
There is no 'right' v 'left': it is Trump and the oligarchs against the rest

Very true.
All the rest, is a distraction. In fact a relationship, a society and a government can and does at times become and abusive one.

In an abusive one, the goal post are moved slowly and slowly and what would be intolerable becomes normal in every sense. Yemen .... USA bombs killing 300,000 in 2019 .... a million in 2020 ... Trump asked and on tape its all about USA arm sales.

When one see's say Amazon turn 25, valued at 1 trillion USD declaring an 11 billion profit so a P/E of 90 ... yet paying NO tax and controlling 8% of retail sales, there is something wrong with the picture.

Is it 1999 or 1996 ? Tech side ?

Google 135 billion USD sales, declares only 15 billion in the USA instead of 60 billion ... pays 2.1 billion tax on 30 billion profits, pays 1 billion to rest of the world where 60% of sales go .... one cannot compete. In fact for Australia it books 3 billion of sales overseas ... avoids 300 million in GST ... let alone pays bugger all tax anywhere.

Chevron operates a LNG plant built the same time as Pluto and exports Australian LNG .... one pays 300 million tax on this part of their business .... the other ... pays NONE ... not likely to for 10 years.

One could go on and on ... foreign policy of the USA .... ignore genocides and in fact sell the guns to them for Yemen ....knowing full well the atrocity going on.

The arrogance and contentment of Custer mixed with the disdain for all non whites, now all non white Americans ...

Delusional and abusive on so many levels ... from tax ,,, to humans ... to religions and why does a Shia Muslim who are quite moderate have the current Genocide target on their back verses Sunni ? Or Mexicans and Latino's fleeing from not Mexico but 3 nations where USA sponsored the contras who literally peeled skin off people 1980-89 . The guy behind that ... is USA special Ambassador to Venezuela .... the one idiot there with Junior Bush when WMDS were the excuse for Iran ... the ... Bolton is the ? As for Pompeo ex head of CIA and well from a religious cult much like Bolton and vice president ... all white ... end of world types.

what values USA had when we joined ANZUS .... as this ... America first, any price and now stuff all the rest ... is NOT what we signed up for.

Then again, a weak non existent leader ... one hung up on the first call .... left waiting for 45 mins late for the first face to face, then Tony ... Abbot ? Well ... he lost his own seat ... Now PM fathead with 10 people at dinner .... one side 20 years older than the other ... one lilly white ... one with 3 first generation Australians. One side, two elected officials. ours with 4 including Hockey ... one side only including 500 mio for Donald ... but had 4 billion plus NEt worth ... our side ... 40 mio at most ... so a ratio of 100 to one .... one side 6 religions representing a mere 5 % of the USA .... our side a grab bag and whilst Hillsong is NOT anything compared to the far extreme Christian cults some of the other side practice and speak about the end of days ... and chosen few ... and rapture, Hillsong ... is bloody harmless and sing sing not even in the same ballpark as TV evangelists from the USA.

Yes ... it was a wonderful meeting ... Korman ... Senator at the G20 and he is from I think ... Netherlands and a first generation Australian which they mistook for German the strong accent and played ... well their favorite movie !!

Why are we even in ANZUS ?

Why does Chevron pay n tax verses Woodside ?
Why does 75% of Microsoft sales go via Singapore and avoid GST on 3 billion sales costing 300 million GST stolen ? EVERY YEAR

Ditto for Google same size .... Ditto for FB but about 1 billion ?

Why is it so ?

If their was an Ossie google and it had to compete ... could it compete with someone not paying GST ?
Same for Apple ... or any others.

What about them paying 7% effective tax verses say 25% ... HERE .... ? What value would one company be ?

What is the outcome for the USA people of no tax for the rich ... a healthcare system that is about 65% of Medicare yet costs DOUBLE ... so 20% of GDP but adjusted 30% of GDP ... or 3 times the cost for identical cover and treatment ?

Does it matter the people with awful cover are non White .... lilly white ... so Latino with the lowest cover of all ? 25% with NO healthcare insurance at all ... the rest with ones that a test costs $1,000 co payment >?

Is that why the lower 50% of USA has NEGATIVE net worth ? And the lower 80% ... all the middle class a mere 7% compared to Australia at 36% for the lower 80% ?

If you see the doctor 20% of the time and pay 3 times as much for treatment is it good for you ?

Should Australia adopt this policy ?

Should it, condemn it ? Or should it ... run the hell away and as far as it can and just go ... FAIR GO ... you arse stealing 30 billion and you no longer even resemble a friend on any level ?

I do love yanks .... all colours, but when the white only club of maniacs not representing the whole nation take over and scare even reasonable people, into fearing all others. ... our friend is still there but voiceless against all of this. Reminds me of 1925 in Germany, the policy of Woodrow Wilson and Hoover identical ... same policy as they now adopt. A few changes, new demons ... Muslims ? Or is it immigrants ?

I love that movie ... Historical amnesia awakes and 3 million klan members in the 1930's now .... know better ... USA almost missed WW2 ... thank god for FDR .

As for climate change ,,,. wars ... casually mentioning a first nuclear strike against North Korea ? Gee would China like that ?

Custer and his arrogance mixed with racial intolerance and ... well ... whatever the hell one calls USA tax theft polices verses rest of the world. Not just China ... I think Apple has set a record post 2000 with Iopd and Iphone sales and not paying tax to around 20 nations.

Watch the movie and not much ... one can say ... same movie ... playing right now. This was NOT Germany ... but USA ... in 1939. or 2019 ?
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The charging of Jeffery Epstein potentially opens up very ugly can of worms. Trump is one of the scores "rich and powerful" friends who frequented Epsteins parties.
Bill Clinton is also in the frame...

Jeffrey Epstein sexual abuse case could push powerful friends into spotlight
Epstein faces 45 years in jail over alleged sex trafficking – and the case could have implications for others who have mixed with him
Meanwhile the capacity for self delusion around the Liar-in-Chief has taken hold in the Supreme Court.
You couln't make this up

Trump Lied to the Supreme Court, and Four Justices Don’t Care
The White House insisted allegations that it wanted to add a citizenship question to the survey for political reasons were conspiracy theories, right up until the moment the president confirmed them.

“There is no smoking gun here; only smoke and mirrors,” the Department of Justice insisted when liberal groups uncovered evidence that the Trump administration was seeking to add a citizenship question to the census for the purpose of enhancing white voting power through redistricting. The Justice Department characterized the new evidence as resembling “the product of a conspiracy theorist.” The respondents’ “conspiracy theory” was “implausible on its face,” Solicitor General Noel Francisco echoed in a brief written for the Supreme Court in June.

.... Then Donald Trump himself confirmed that the “conspiracy theory” put forth by groups challenging the legality of the citizenship question was true.

“Number one, you need it for Congress for districting, you need it for appropriations, where are the funds going, how many people are there, are they citizens or not citizens?” Trump told reporters on Friday, explaining why the administration was reversing its original decision to abandon the citizenship question. That statement not only confirms that the majority in the census case was correct, it proves that the dissenters were defending a lie, while accusing their opponents of bad faith. Ironically, this sort of behavior is all too typical of Trump backers like Thomas.
An interesting thread of stories about Jeffery Epstein. Great one from 2002 and then the current crop...:(
Oct. 28, 2002
Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery
By Landon Thomas Jr.


Cash Casual: Epstein dresses down.Photo: Courtesy of Jeffrey Epstein

He comes with cash to burn, a fleet of airplanes, and a keen eye for the ladies – to say nothing of a relentless brain that challenges Nobel Prize–winning scientists across the country – and for financial markets around the world. Ever since the Post’s “Page Six” ran an item about the president’s late-September visit to Africa with Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker – on his new benefactor’s customized Boeing 727 – the question of the day has been: Who in the world is Jeffrey Epstein?

It’s a life full of question marks. Epstein is said to run $15 billion for wealthy clients, yet aside from Limited founder Leslie Wexner, his client list is a closely held secret. A former Dalton math teacher, he maintains a peripatetic salon of brilliant scientists yet possesses no bachelor’s degree. For more than ten years, he’s been linked to Manhattan-London society figure Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of the mysteriously deceased media titan Robert Maxwell, yet he lives the life of a bachelor, logging 600 hours a year in his various planes as he scours the world for investment opportunities. He owns what is said to be Manhattan’s largest private house yet runs his business from a 100-acre private island in St. Thomas.
The charging of Jeffery Epstein potentially opens up very ugly can of worms. Trump is one of the scores "rich and powerful" friends who frequented Epsteins parties.
Bill Clinton is also in the frame...

Jeffrey Epstein sexual abuse case could push powerful friends into spotlight
Epstein faces 45 years in jail over alleged sex trafficking – and the case could have implications for others who have mixed with him
you guys are deluded.
Jeffrey Epstein was a major democratic donor who was connected to the Clintons. Same with Harvey Weinstein. Same as Robert de niro and his little bust in france.

There is very much a left vs right thing going. The left in the US is trying to completely shut down freedoms to box people into their own way of thinking. On campus, workplaces, Hollywood, business influence, tech giants, even street protests. There are highly funded organizations thats sole purpose is to attack anyone that says the wrong thing. And to shape society how they want it.

And here are you twits thinking its about supporting trump. AOC is ten times worse. The Democrats have consistently lied about collusion and rapes and you bunch of brainless drones continued to lap it up.

It's not about Trump. Its a rejection of the idiocy that is the current left.
Wrong war Mo you are being played........

"I thought this sums up the current state of play really well particularly when you continually see people get sucked into the the culture war obsession while being stripped of wealth and freedoms."

There is no 'right' v 'left': it is Trump and the oligarchs against the rest

you guys are deluded.
Jeffrey Epstein was a major democratic donor who was connected to the Clintons. Same with Harvey Weinstein. Same as Robert de niro and his little bust in france.

There is very much a left vs right thing going. The left in the US is trying to completely shut down freedoms to box people into their own way of thinking. On campus, workplaces, Hollywood, business influence, tech giants, even street protests. There are highly funded organizations thats sole purpose is to attack anyone that says the wrong thing. And to shape society how they want it.

And here are you twits thinking its about supporting trump. AOC is ten times worse. The Democrats have consistently lied about collusion and rapes and you bunch of brainless drones continued to lap it up.

It's not about Trump. Its a rejection of the idiocy that is the current left.
Wrong war Mo you are being played........

"I thought this sums up the current state of play really well particularly when you continually see people get sucked into the the culture war obsession while being stripped of wealth and freedoms."

There is no 'right' v 'left': it is Trump and the oligarchs against the rest
The oligarchs can always be strung from a rope. Bit harder to repair the damage done by marxist brainwashing.
How the hell do you hang them without a revolution?
Well you don't get into bed with them when starting a revolution....

The revolution will come from those fighting for freedom. Not from those trying to bully and limit others.

Trumps not a bloody threat, he can get voted out.
The tech giants, Universities, media and other assorted loons are. The hive mind brainwashing that goes on is frankly astonishing. Not as much so as the otherwise intelligent people who lap it up.
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