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Where is/can Donald Trump take US (sic)?

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For sure they'll hack and steal stuff. But all these are a bit overblown, in attempts to further enforce "security" and other measures to spy on us ordinary plebs and radical hippies (and some terrorists).

There's those patent database anyone can freely access. The only thing stopping people who read it from stealing the patent would be punishment. But if the comrades turn a blind eye, which they do, who's going to sue inside of China?

And when the stolen ("studied") tech is properly hacked and trialed, bringing in the dole from domestic customers, improvements will be made and export without much noise or legal issues. At least that's what I think anyway.

But as you say... opening the books. I reckon APA was the latest big AusCo. example of welcoming the barbarians with open arms to have a looksy at the methods and operations. For a potential takeover, for sure

Then there's all those JVs with China operations. Manufacturing in China. I heard that most of the world's drones are build in China. It's cheaper there right?

So the first couple of models were as spec by Western corporations. The enterprising Chinese partner soon enough come out with slightly modified models. Leapfrogging the old tech they were hired to build.

That's how it's done.

And that's why some businesses, like the Japanese that I know of, would not send their engine and tech anywhere in China.

But if you ask me... seeing how these large corporations don't pay much, if any, tax anyway... and the stuff that's stolen are patents... If the Chinese, or anyone, who could bootleg it, knock off a similar or even improved tech in return, flooding Western markets with cheaper quality goods... not really harming us peasants now does it?
Trump signs farm bill making hemp federally legal, boosting promising NC cash crop

On Thursday, a group of local hemp advocates celebrated a $867 billion farm bill authorized by President Donald Trump.

The 2018 Farm Bill, a sweeping piece of legislation, bolstered farmers with the passage of The Hemp Farming Act of 2018, bipartisan legislation delisting hemp as a controlled substance and allowing for the continued growth of North Carolina’s hemp farming industry.

"The biggest takeaway is that hemp is now classified as an agricultural commodity," said Blake Butler, Executive Director of the North Carolina Industrial Hemp Association.

Butler, who was among those celebrating after many wondered if a looming government shutdown might impact the bill's signing, has held up hemp as one of the most promising cash crops to replace tobacco in North Carolina.

That's in part what helped push the passage of a 2014 farm bill, which paved the way for states to mandate whether farmers could plant hemp as part of a Department of Agriculture-guided pilot program.

Since then, more than 400 farmers have planted it in North Carolina, with more than 50 of them in Western North Carolina.

Lets make Hemp Great again.........

Amazing after all these years one of the best natural products finally makes it back to main stream
The US government is shutting down because Donald Trump can't get support for his "big beautiful wall". What a great Christmas present for the hundreds of thousands of people who serve the US government.

Another day in the life of a single minded sociopath.

US government shutdown goes ahead amid deadlock over Trump's wall
  • Frenetic negotiations fail to avert federal paralysis
  • Shutdown will leave hundreds of thousands without pay before Christmas
Very insightful analysis of how dangerous Donald Trump is as President of the US. Just where the hell do we go from here ? Will the new Defense Secretary just be another sock puppet in the Trump Cabinet ? Hard to see another option.

Why did Mattis resign? To issue a wake-up call to the world
Michael H Fuchs
It’s difficult not to respect what the defense secretary did: go public with his grave concerns about the danger Trump poses to the country and world

Sat 22 Dec 2018 05.12 AEDT Last modified on Sat 22 Dec 2018 06.34 AEDT


‘The depth of Mattis’ concerns with Trump are anything but normal.’ Photograph: Leah Millis/Reuters
James Mattis just shattered the glass you only break in case of emergency.

The US secretary of defense resigned in protest over the president of the United States actively undermining “an international order that is most conducive to our security, prosperity and values”.

You don’t have to like Mattis or agree with his policies or sweep under the rug all of the times he didn’t resign when Donald Trump did something truly abhorrent. But it’s difficult not to respect that he just had the courage to do what no one else in the Trump administration has done – resign in protest and go public with his grave concerns about the danger that Trump poses to the country and the world.

That Trump is dangerous has been clear to anyone who has listened to him since the moment he descended the escalators at Trump Tower in 2015 to announce his candidacy. And Trump’s worldview – disdain for democratic allies, embrace of autocrats, and opposition to America’s role in the post-war world – has also long been clear. But the fact that Trump’s current Defense secretary felt the need to resign and let the world know about his deep-seated concerns about the president is an unprecedented event in an unprecedented presidency.
Why did Mattis resign? To issue a wake-up call to the world

Mattis was apparently well respected among world leaders as a supporter of Western Alliances and co-operation.

His departure will send a shudder around the world and apprehension for what is to come.
Came across a good story about General Mattis. Gives a real perspective to the Trump situation.
You Can't Serve Both Trump and America
The departure of Jim Mattis is proof that you cannot have it all.

Dec 22, 2018

Eliot A. Cohen

Professor of strategic studies at Johns Hopkins University

Yuri Gripas / Reuters
The story is told of Jim Mattis, when he was the commanding general at Quantico, relieving a young lance corporal on Christmas. The rest of that wintry day, those entering the front gate of the Marine base were startled to see that the sentry was a general, checking passes and waving cars through so that a young man could spend the holiday with his family. It is the kind of behavior animated by sentiments Donald Trump could not understand, and it reflected a kind of code by which he cannot live.

The president misunderstood his secretary of defense. The Jim Mattis one saw on the battlefields of Afghanistan and in the shattered cities of Iraq was not “Mad Dog,” a sobriquet he loathed, but a resolute military leader who was a reader and a thinker. Give him a copy of Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations, and he would compare it with the other two editions that he already owned.
Another day in the life of a single minded sociopath.

Mattis was apparently well respected among world leaders as a supporter of Western Alliances and co-operation.

His departure will send a shudder around the world and apprehension for what is to come.

On a serious note I ponder what this means for Australia.

Are we in practice now on our own so far as defence is concerned?

Do we need to be urgently building up our own military and/or forming alliances with countries other than the US?

I say that as someone opposed to war in principle but from a pragmatic perspective this would seem to be a rather major problem. The US just walked out on its allies is how I interpret the ultimate consequence of it all.

Or am I over thinking this?
No overthinking of this situation at all Smurf. All the worlds alliances are now fluid. Under Trump the US has made it clear it is "America First (and only..) " (actually Trump first and only.)and that defending/protecting other countries is problematical at best.

If Trump is making any other alliances it is with right wing, authoritarian Nationalist governments like Russia, Turkey, Poland, Hungary, Brazil, North Korea. With the loss of almost all the ministers and diplomats who have been attempting to shore up the old alliances it is hard to see how there won't be massive shifts in policy direction.

America is no longer a friend of the free world.
And by the way Trump has decided to throw General Mattis out a couple of months earlier than his resignation. That should herald a bracing New Year.

Trump forces defense secretary Jim Mattis to step down two months early
  • In act of payback, Trump brings departure forward to 1 January
  • Deputy Patrick Shanahan named in acting Pentgaon role
Ed Pilkington and Martin Pengelly in New York

Mon 24 Dec 2018 05.36 AEDT First published on Mon 24 Dec 2018 03.59 AEDT


James Mattis. Photograph: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Donald Trump is forcing defense secretary Jim Mattis to step down on 1 January, two months before his agreed departure, in open payback for the former Marine general’s public rebuke of the president’s decision abruptly to withdraw troops from Syria.

Trump stance on shutdown is 'useless' and 'puerile', senior Republican says
Read more
Trump issued the bombshell news in characteristic fashion: in a tweet. He announced on Sunday morning that Patrick Shanahan, the current deputy at the Pentagon, would step up at the start of the New Year. The president lauded his temporary pick to run the world’s largest military force as a man with a “long list of accomplishments”.
It wouldn't be Christmas if there weren't a few more totally xxxxing outrageous actions by the Idiot/Liar/Sociopath in Chief. In no particular order.

1) Jumping on a plane to Iraq to fly the flag and infuriating all the Iraq politicians to the point they all want US troops out of the country pronto.
2) Showing off with Navy Seals in selfies and totally trashing all military sense by identifying them by sight, name and location. Yep exactly the sort of thing people get serious jail time for any other time
3) Big noting himself to the military by saying they will get a 10% pay increase when they never had, never will, never can.

This creature is truly a walking National, International and Intergalactical disaster.

God gives us strength..

Trump 'accidentally reveals location and identities of US Navy Seals in Iraq

Trump misleads about military pay raises again

Iraqi MPs unimpressed by Donald Trump's surprise visit, call for US forces to leave
Donald Trump's surprise visit to US forces in Iraq has left a sour taste in the mouths of local MPs, prompting calls for an end to American deployments.

Key points:

    • The Iraqi parliament called for a vote to end US troop deployment
    • Baghdad requested US troop support to defeat IS in 2014
    • Mr Trump snubbed Iraqi representatives, only calling the Prime Minister
Politicians from both blocs of Iraq's divided parliament called for a vote to expel US troops and promised to schedule an extraordinary session to debate the matter.
"Parliament must clearly and urgently express its view about the ongoing American violations of Iraqi sovereignty," said MP Salam al-Shimiri, loyal to the populist cleric Moqtada al-Sadr.


Baz, you heard about Trump's withdrawing US troops from Syria, and potentially Afghanistan?

It'd be a great thing right? But nope...

Heard from RT that it's very possible Trump's pulling out the US troops to make way for privatised US mercenaries to come on in. Erik Prince, founder of BlackWater and some new TigerSwan [?] have been trying for years to lobby for his mercenaries to take over.

Mattis was the big man standing in the way. Refusing to privatise an entire war to mercenaries. Now that he's gone and all the evil dudes are apparently still in Syria and Afghanistan...
I say that as someone opposed to war in principle but from a pragmatic perspective this would seem to be a rather major problem. The US just walked out on its allies is how I interpret the ultimate consequence of it all.

Or am I over thinking this?

Looks like the world will just have to ride Trump out and hope that sanity returns on his departure.

He doesn't seem to have any concept of the value that allies provide in the way of intelligence, mutual support etc. In the meantime we do need to up our defences imo, and this poses big challenges to a budget that is fragile and dependant on China and commodity prices.

Can't live with them, can't live without them.
It will be interesting, when the U.S finally butts out of everyone else's business.
Can't wait to see the outcome.
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Yes, just like the great deal the allies are giving the U.K on the Brexit.
What is their offer, thanks for your effort in the wars, but you can't keep your sovereignty. lol
Can't live with them, can't live without them.
It will be interesting, when the U.S finally butts out of everyone else's business.
Can't wait to see the outcome.

Empires never really retreat or draw the line until they're forced to. Definitely not when there's so much money to be made.

There's always been mercenaries in the military. But if it's true that Trump is pulling the US troops out to make way for privatisation of an entire war... that's something completely new.

Looks like more trade wars with China coming up. Trump's WH is discussing whether or not to sign an executive order to ban all US gov't offices from using Huawei or ZTE tech.

Isn't it up to the Country to decide if it wants to employ private companies to protect them.
I would have thought, they would just increase their armed forces.
As for it being completely new, I don't think so, the Crusades in the middle ages had mercenaries fighting all over the middle East.
What is new, is everyone complaining about a Country fighting supposedly to help a foreign Nation, then when they say they are pulling out everyone complains about that.
I think Trump and the U.S should do exactly what everyone wants, and pull out of all conflicts.
It is about time people started reaping what they wish. IMO
It isn't as though anyone is saying thank you, to the U.S in any way or form, I think most Countries will find they rely a lot more on the U.S than the U.S relies on them.
It is a bit like kids that don't appreciate what their parents do for them. IMO
But that is an old worn out chestnut also. lol
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Yes, true. My bad. There are instances of countries whose military are entirely mercenaries.

Those countries tend not to last very long though. When foreign soldiers fight for a paycheck... they'll either keep on fighting to send you broke; or run and left you hanging the moment real danger come along.

Peaceniks aren't complaining about Trump withdrawal of troops and ending wars. Just that if he is planning to withdraw and privatise it to the BlackWaters... the "US" will actually be in the Middle East for another 100 years... or go broke trying.

Like I said, I can't understand why the U.S keeps doing it, they get no thanks and are actually hated for it.
Some people will say, they have a vested interest in the oil or natural resources, but in reality they can buy out a major interest in any or all of it.
This is the problem with the press IMO, they keep throwing crap endlessly eventually it becomes fact, the problem is some may not wish for the alternative they will have to endure.
I think this will all end badly, especially for us, an affluent over indulged zit on the bottom of the World. Just my opinion.

When the US take over another country, the average taxpayers foot the bill.

When the country is being rule, democracies put in place, new infrastructure set up; exports and trade licenses and profit to be had.... private corporations come on in.

Some US historian I saw said that empire never really benefit the plebs. In fact, plebs are worst of because of it.

Military spending mean less tax dollars for social programs. It also invite blowbacks. To stop that, it require further spending on securities etc. etc.

Who does it benefit? Corporations who own the place.

No country, no empire, ever send their troops overseas to help or liberate or hand out chocolates to the locals for nothing.

Trump might be the few who actually believe it.
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