Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Where in the hell is Australia heading?

Wayne et al . Why not simply focus on discussing the logic and validity of peoples contributions instead of just dismissing them with a label ?

"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye." Does the term "denier" ring any bells?:rolleyes:

You too are not reading posts. Your entire focus is one one sentence and are ignoring the rest of the points presented. Happy to discuss logic if you are prepared to venture there.
"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye." Does the term "denier" ring any bells?:rolleyes:

You too are not reading posts. Your entire focus is one one sentence and are ignoring the rest of the points presented. Happy to discuss logic if you are prepared to venture there.

Simple enough Wayne. I didn't criticize or comment on the rest of that particular post because , as you said , it was directed at the issues raised.

But at the end you chose to throw in the Fabian line in a sense to dismiss anything Starcraftmatzer said as just dangerous Fabian nonsense.

Trainspotter as the next poster picked up on this throwaway line and requoted it. Essentially this was all he needed to dismiss Starcraftmatzer's coments. And if we go through many other posts we'll find a similar rush to label people or organizations with "Fabian" " "communistic" "socialist" and not actually discuss the questions.

It turns what could be an interesting discussion into a simplistic slanging match.
Trainspotter as the next poster picked up on this throwaway line and requoted it. Essentially this was all he needed to dismiss Starcraftmatzer's coments. And if we go through many other posts we'll find a similar rush to label people or organizations with "Fabian" " "communistic" "socialist" and not actually discuss the questions.

It turns what could be an interesting discussion into a simplistic slanging match.

I resemble that remark. The discussion was going along nicely until this happened for me.

Ideally, these resources should be rationed in such a way as to account for the energy required to extract them against future surplus energy, and our progress towards replacing these raw resources, and more likely our progress towards getting these resources from other planets - as we will inevitably have to, if we are to survive in a world which has even a fraction of our present quality of living.

Let's get a grip here peoples. We have a looooooong way to go before we are flying the space truck up to Mars and digging up some invaluable metal to meet our future needs.

Let's use the resources we have here on our own planet IN CONJUNTION with a willing government that will SPEND THE MONEY raised from a CO2/MRRT/PRRT tax to invest in renewable energy rather than buying votes with compensation and licking the Uranus (we are talking about planets afterall) of the Greens. How much pollution will go into the atmosphere if we are launching rockets every second day to go and mine other planets/asteroid belts.

And you want to talk logic? Fantasy Island logic more like it.

Did Al Gore invest his money into renewable energy? NO he did not .... he started up a carbon credit company instead. Yeah man that is saving the planet.

To get back to Nocos' original question "Where is Australia heading."
Just step back and look.
We now have a ragtag bunch of irrisponsible fools who wish to experiment with our country. The Greens consist of every type of ........ism, including the most illogical and dangerous which idealism, nicely wrapped up in their personal Gay and Lesbian club.
The world must think we are a joke.
Can someone tell me what a 60 year old can do to fast track the removal of this vile experiment.

Unfortunatley I cannot chrisalex. I am having enough problems dealing with it myself. Maybe we could create a rumour that the Labor/Green party is somehow related to John F. Kennedy. We all know what happened to him.

It would appear the natives are getting very restless and are asking for similar scenarios.

One audience member drew parallels with the American revolutionary war, echoing the slogan of "no taxation without representation".

"What is the Coalition going to do to try and stop the people of Australia taking up arms against their government the way the Americans took arms up against their government 200 years ago?" he said.

Mr Hockey said he understood the man's anger but said Australians were a peace-loving nation who fought with words.

Read more:
"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye." Does the term "denier" ring any bells?:rolleyes:
We saw former PM Keating on Lateline last night, opining that someone should 'judo chop' Tony Abbott. The luvvies can get away with that sort of language, along with saying that 'deniers' should be tattooed and gassed.
Guess who the Guest Speaker is for the Fabian Society of Australia at the Vic annual dinner?

Victorian Annual Dinner - Ross Garnaut Friday, 2 September

Oh look over here ..... Wayne Swan has written an essay for the same organisation.

But wait there is more on the Who's Who of Conference Speakers.

Anthony Albanese MP, Shadow Minister for Environment & Heritage, Shadow Minister for Water
David Bassanese, Journalist, Australian Financial Review
Caroline Bayliss, Acting Executive Director, Global Sustainability, RMIT University
Eric Beecher, CEO, Private Media Partners
Julian Burnside QC
The Hon Kim Carr, Shadow Minister for Housing; Urban Development; Local Government
Tricia Caswell, CEO, Victorian Association of Forest Industries
Barry Cohen, former Federal Minister for Arts, Heritage and Environment
Greg Combet, Secretary, ACTU
Simon Crean MP, Shadow Minister for Regional Development
Professor Glyn Davis, Vice-Chancellor, The University of Melbourne
Julian Disney, Professor and Director of Social Justice Project, Department of Law, University of NSW
Stephen Duckett, Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe University
Senator John Faulkner, former Labor Senate Leader
Professor John Freebairn, Director of the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research at the University of Melbourne
Dr Joshua Funder, GBS Venture Partners Limited
Dennis Glover, Associate Fellow, School of Social Sciences, La Trobe University
Mike Georgeff, Australia s leading expert on artificial intelligence and successful Silicon Valley entrepreneur
Nicholas Gruen, CEO, Lateral Economics
Julie Hansen, former President of the VLGA
Tony Harris, former Auditor of NSW
Ryan Heath, speechwriter and events coordinater for Britain's most senior public servant, Gus O'Donnell, the Cabinet Secretary
Ashley Hogan, Historian, Senator John Faulkner’s Office
Brian Howe, Professorial Associate, Centre for Public Policy, The University of Melbourne
Jim Jupp, Centre for Immigration and Multicultural Studies, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University
Bill Kelty, Former ACTU Secretary and Reserve Bank board member
John Langmore, Professorial Fellow, Political Science Department, The University of Melbourne
Jenny Lewis, Senior Research Fellow, Political Science, The University of Melbourne
Ian Lowe AO, President, Australian Conservation Foundation
Jenny Macklin MP, Deputy Leader of the Opposition
Robert Manne, Professor of Politics, La Trobe University
Ian Marsh, Professor of Public Management, Australia & New Zealand School of Government, University of Sydney
Dr Race Mathews, National Chairman, Australian Fabian Society
Stephen Mayne, Business Editor, Crikey
John McInerney, Councillor, Sydney City Council
David McKnight, Sydney academic and author of 'Beyond Left and Right: New Politics and the Culture Wars’
Alison McClelland, Associate Professor & Head of School of Social Work and Social Policy, La Trobe University
Geoff Mulgan, Director, UK Institute for Community Studies
Barbara Norman, Deputy Chair, Australian Fabian Society & Program Director, Environment & Planning, RMIT University
Michael O’Connor, National Assistant Secretary, Forestry Division, Construction Forestry, Energy & Mining Union
Scott Rankin, Writer and Director
Heather Ridout, CEO, Australian Industry Group
Guy Rundle, Co-editor, Arena Magazine
Bill Shorten, National Secretary, AWU
Mark Spiller, Director, Planning Institute of Australia
Wayne Swan MP, Shadow Treasurer
Evan Thornley, National Secretary, Australian Fabian Society and LookSmart Co-founder
Beth Wilson, Health Services Commissioner of Victoria
Penny Wong MP, Shadow Minister for Employment & Workforce Participation
Tony Wood, Origin Energy
Professor David Yencken

Small bit of bias in the Guest Speaker category perhaps?
Yes, Trainspotter - they are trying to take over our country by stealth under the guise of saving the planet. This carbon tax clearly has little, if anything to do with co2 reduction. Trading carbon credits to ease our conscience while not actually reducing anything in the atmosphere? I think even kindergarten kids would realise the stupidity of that one.

Can only hope that any remaining fence sitting Aussies will wake up to what's really going on...sigh..
Guess who the Guest Speaker is for the Fabian Society of Australia at the Vic annual dinner?
Victorian Annual Dinner - Ross Garnaut Friday, 2 September.
But wait there is more on the Who's Who of Conference Speakers...Greg Combet, Secretary, ACTU...Heather Ridout, CEO, Australian Industry Group...
Yes it's a Luvvies Picnic Day alright. That would be full name: Gregory Ivan Combet. And gee, Heather Ridout, who'd have thought ;):D
But at the end you chose to throw in the Fabian line in a sense to dismiss anything Starcraftmatzer said as just dangerous Fabian nonsense.

Trainspotter as the next poster picked up on this throwaway line and requoted it. Essentially this was all he needed to dismiss Starcraftmatzer's coments. And if we go through many other posts we'll find a similar rush to label people or organizations with "Fabian" " "communistic" "socialist" and not actually discuss the questions.

It turns what could be an interesting discussion into a simplistic slanging match.

Once again leftist Fabian ideologues reveal their total lack of objectivity as per my current thesis. Quick to criticize my quip because you incorrectly perceive me to be a right wing (insert favourite pejorative), you fail to consider the comment in the context of the discussion as it evolved. You just lept to defense of your 'comrade' while conveniently ignoring your own monumental hypocrisy as mentioned.

The comment was in particular reference to Star's foolishness as quoted and nothing at all to do with the points above, something you have totally missed.
.... This carbon tax clearly has little, if anything to do with co2 reduction. Trading carbon credits to ease our conscience while not actually reducing anything in the atmosphere? ....

I would prefer if Government threw money at not yet viable alternatives compared to fossil fuels as: wave, wind, solar, geothermal in a form of incentives rather than tax some, give some tax equivalent to do nothing so they are not worse off.

What they do now is further tilt the LEVEL PLAYING FIELD toward Third World Countries.

Hope this can be reveses come 2013 elections.

But with Green vote ever increasing it is possible that Green / Labor coalition with few so called independents will always form majority from now on.

Let's not forget that close to million new Australians a year will also become voters in not so distant future and their sympathy will be toward party that accepted them.
But with Green vote ever increasing it is possible that Green / Labor coalition with few so called independents will always form majority from now on.

Yes the Green vote is bound to increase boosted by indoctrinated school leavers and oldies with dementia...the brainwashed and the brain-dead.:)
Yes the Green vote is bound to increase boosted by indoctrinated school leavers and oldies with dementia...the brainwashed and the brain-dead.:)

I teach some medical students, and indoctrinated is a very appropriate word. Even these so-called independent thinkers are brainwashed by the system, and that has probably only been around since their secondary education.

What hope do my grandchildren have?
I teach some medical students, and indoctrinated is a very appropriate word. Even these so-called independent thinkers are brainwashed by the system, and that has probably only been around since their secondary education.

What hope do my grandchildren have?

They are starting AGW lessons in primary school now. An article last week confirmed it is part of the curriculum, and even though it is scaring some young impressionable primary school kids, Garrett is refusing to remove it.

And I posted about it last year helping my then grade five granddaughter with her homework. A whole term was spent on the nonsense and it was taught as fact. Spelling words, assignments, stage performances were all included.

It's been pretty cold here in Qld and she and I both agreed a little global warming would be very welcome...:) She has been taught from home that the science is not settled and to question things rather than take everything as gospel she learns from school.
I would prefer if Government threw money at not yet viable alternatives compared to fossil fuels as: wave, wind, solar, geothermal in a form of incentives rather than tax some, give some tax equivalent to do nothing so they are not worse off.

What they do now is further tilt the LEVEL PLAYING FIELD toward Third World Countries.
Indeed. If we're going to throw money around then it may as well be at something which is of at least some benefit to Australia and which may have more potential in the longer term, rather than doing something (carbon tax) that's guaranteed to harm us.:2twocents
They are starting AGW lessons in primary school now. An article last week confirmed it is part of the curriculum, and even though it is scaring some young impressionable primary school kids, Garrett is refusing to remove it.

And I posted about it last year helping my then grade five granddaughter with her homework. A whole term was spent on the nonsense and it was taught as fact. Spelling words, assignments, stage performances were all included.

It's been pretty cold here in Qld and she and I both agreed a little global warming would be very welcome...:) She has been taught from home that the science is not settled and to question things rather than take everything as gospel she learns from school.

Heaven help us when the indoctrinated children have their own children...
Gee I didn't know the AGW assumption had become fact. On the brighter side, directing our collective thinking toward constructive, cleaner practices can only be good.
Well who'd have thought Fabian's ....never heard of them in CQ .... but jesuuuus now I'm scared after reserching them.... hey where's Stargazer?