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What knowledgeable investment resources do you use?

31 January 2015
Posted on elsewhere before but hope to get a better response here. Hope some people will be able to help.

a) Who are the most influential ASX commentators that I should listen too?
b) Which top websites and forums will you recommend that discuss mainly ASX investments for local investors?
c) Which are the most valuable ASX podcasts that you listen too and will recommend?
d) Which are the most valuable ASX blogs that you read and will recommend?
e) Any other channels?

I don't need information about books, please!
I know what your trying to do and in my opinion it is a recipe for tears!

Put in the effort to understand and have your OWN opinions and methods
Its worth it in spades!
Thank you for the comments.
I still would like to hear from others what resources you are using!
Thank you for the comments.
I still would like to hear from others what resources you are using!

As @tech/a has mentioned everything you read/hear/watch are all opinions, weather it is an economist or the blokes in the crib room. None know the exact answer and nor will they ever with foresight.

In looking for resources, I have found much more benefit in reading/hearing/watching/learning more about the following (and in no particular order).
  • Funds/Risk Management - For this I have learnt a bit from Nick Radges books
  • Idea conception - Looking for trading opportunities and ideas around how to identify - This goes to @Skate
  • Fundamental analysis - Unfortunately I have read many texts in regards to this studying an Accounting Degree and cant point you in a particular direction
  • Giving it a go, and sticking to it @qldfrog and @Warr87
  • Coding and System development - Howard Bandy, Skate and Dave McLachlan (
  • Company Research and Analyst Recommendations - Bell Potter Research, Macquarie Investment Managment, CommSec (They can all have different opinions with different ideas - none which may be right)
  • The subtle art of trying a bunch of stuff and finding what works for you based on what you have learnt or not learnt from any of the above goes to @tech/a
I am not saying any of the above will work for you, but they have influenced my opinions to help me develop my trading styles.

Consider the opinions from the resources you choose, but then form your own opinion, use it and learn from it. Radges book (i think adaptive analysis) just helped me in limiting risk whilst I learnt how to develop my opinions.

Hope it helps

I have been investing since 1996, and can honestly say I don't use any of those resources.

Sorry for not being much help, I tend to agree with the Duck, those resources are just opinions and good for entertainment purposes or at the most giving you ideas of areas you can go and seek your own information in.

I listened to a pod cast today by the Motley fools because a mate of mine sent it to me because they discussed a stock he knows I invest in, and the pod cast was the biggest load of rubbish I have heard, Never trust these media whore types seeking clicks and views to give you the kind of knowledge you need, probably spend your time reading books and applying the knowledge directly your self.
Personally the most useful thing I've done is develop my own approach.

In doing that some things were worked out from scratch whilst others are concepts from non-investing areas that I'm familiar with and which I realised could be adapted to investing. The value there's in the understanding of the process - something that's imperfect but which you can successfully apply is far more useful than something that's perfect but which you can't actually put into practice.

Successfully walking beats unsuccessfully running.

As for actual resources though well this forum most obviously. I'm reluctant to single out any individual contributors, since I don't want to offend all those I don't mention, but one of tech/a's posts some years ago was a definite "lightbulb moment" but there are many others too.

Beyond that well it really depends what your focus is. There's no point paying attention to a technical trader who's looking at hourly charts if your intent is to invest in something and hold it for years. There's no point in paying attention to the outlook for inflation, bond yields and the stock market through to 2030 if you're a day trader. Etc. Depends on context.

Far more useful than hearing an individual's opinion is to understand why they hold it. If technical analysis says a stock should go up in price, fundamental analysis says it's already overvalued, broker recommendations say sell, a website tallying up 20 indicators says buy and so on well you really need to understand how that was worked out. Failing to do so and just following someone's opinion blindly is risky at best.

You can do a lot better than those guys. I used to see Motley Fools all the time. When they have 'articles' that state 'if you bought these 3 stocks when we said, you'd be ...... rich' you know they're no good. I really hope people don't listen to that group.

For podcast's I like 'Chat with Traders'. I have finished the new market wizard's audiobook today too. Some good podcast's out there.

I am a researcher. i read a lot. i found myself falling into the auto/semi-auto system design so books by Clenow or Davey have been good. Plenty of others too.

This forum has been great too. No way I would be successful without the aid and advice of people here. being sent pieces of code. help with code. trading ideas. etc
someone asks a question .... and a flow of knowlegeable information ensues.
Thank you for all the responses - much appreciated

Hi OTTG ...... Slightly different tack you might consider ....

Have a look/listen to any ASX "commentators" you suspect might be giving you the kind of advice you seek .... then ....

Post them and a reference to what you have looked at on this thread; then ask what other punters think.

That would be a bit more specific/helpful on two fronts:

You would do some valuable leg work and likely learn more

Other ASF punters will get a better idea of what you are looking for/at, and be able to give better opinions.

Nick's a mate.

I can tell you he's a normal guy (Actually that's probably not accurate!).
He takes trading both for his personal portfolio and his clients very seriously.
As he does Fishing and Cross fit.
Dry sense of humor--

He doesn't suffer fools easily.(nor do I!).
Is easy to talk to and wont feed you BullSh*t.
But let me tell you he can spot Bullsh*t from 50 Kms away.
Straight as an arrow.

The best Trainer I have come across in Aus.
Strangely I dont think we have touched on the markets for more than a few hrs
in the 27 years I've known him. Other than general banter.
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