Hi Julia,
A good thread you have going here for some weekend contemplation.
Started this reply and lost it as ASF decided to eliminate it
during its compilation, for no apparent reason ..... lol
..... so, let's try again.
It seems you may have already been researching these
personal issues about trading or dealing with others in a
similar vein ..... yes???
Using your own post as a guide in quotes, though not in the
same order, here's some additional thoughts to keep the
thread alive.
"Is it simply so that we have the freedom to do whatever we
want - buy a new car when we feel like it - travel business
class etc?"
"... is it a sense of pride in having achieved financial security?"
These two motivating factors, may well be tarred to the same
brush, even though they may appear to be different, at
various stages in our lives.
In the primary years of our lives, when our bodies will cope
with the use and abuse of honest and hard work, we may well
feel that we deserve the rewards of the high life .....
.... party on, spend-it-while-you've-got-it, you-only-live-once
and you-can't-take-it-with-you ..... you have earned your
money and you are prepared to legitimately enchange it fairly,
for any goods and service, that you may choose .... that's
great, you have made a FAIR EXCHANGE and your money
goes around the world to be used over and over again, by
others ..... everybody is happy.
"... is it to ensure we have a sense of security, perhaps even
something as basic as knowing we will never have to rely on
the meagre government pension?"
Unfortunately, this can be a real motivator, due to
occupational pressures in our society today.
For example, the ogre of age discrimination is alive and well,
forcing some middle-aged people into feeling that they MUST
trade the markets to maintain a reasonable lifestyle.
Such pressure, starts early in our working lives, as
governments legislate, that we must contribute to
(underperforming) superannuation funds.
..... NOT EVERYBODY is meant to be trading in the markets ... !~!
Sitting in front of a computer all day may pay the bills, but is
it really EASY living and is it really FUN ..... ???
This post was lifted from another forum and it shows how
frustrating trading can be for some people, without the
natural skills set to deal with trading issues:
"Just reached my breaking point.
Sick of seeing my shares struggle for weeks to get up to a decent level and then in one day they are back to where they started. In the same instance no-name companies just keep going up and up.
Thought I had some pretty good shareholdings with G.., S.., F.. , M.., C.. but sadly mistaken.
Have never had any luck with shares - never got onto that runaway success. Always seem to buy in at the top and have to sell at the bottom.
Decided to sell today, get all my money out and enjoy life rather than checking the prices everyday and getting more and more frustrated.
Many people are lucky enough to be able to use their natural
skills in rewarding careers, throughout their working lives ....
they find it EASY and FUN, because they have found where
and how, they can use their natural, God-given abilities, early
in life.
Others may have natural skills, that were never tapped in
their first trade or occupation, yet they remain available to
those, who wish to capitalize on them, in later life.
Just as many were destined to be carpenters, mechanics,
electricians, IT experts in their primary occupations, then
later in life, we also have further natural skills to enjoy
another trade or occupation, often completely didconnected
from the earlier job.
By tapping these natural resources, many people find
themselves in ENJOYABLE secondary careers, because they
find it EASY and FUN to utilize their natural abilities.
Sometimes, they find themselves servicing niche markets,
in their own business with the POTENTIAL to earn much more
than trading in the markets.
"Is it so we can help others, either in public philanthropy, or
our own families and friends when they need it?"
Now, you will remember our "high-flyer" friend above, who
was happy to spend up big to reward himself for a job well
done. It turned out well, he made a fair exchange ..... his
money for the desired goods and services and everybody was
happy ..... yes???
Well, here's a tip ...... philanthropists are NOT HAPPY with
just a FAIR EXCHANGE ..... in fact, the more they contribute
to the welfare of others, then the more MULTIPLE revenues
will come back to them, with much better returns, than the
"fair exchange high flyer."
"Or is it possibly sometimes just the love of money for its
own sake? (I have known people like this - the pleasure
comes from just being able to see that bottom line increase -
and usually they are very frugal in their personal spending)."
"And for those who are still striving for that magic amount,
how do you think your life will change when you achieve it?
How will you feel different?"
Ironically enough, the sooner that these people start down
the philanthropic road, the sooner that they will achieve
their own financial goals.
Promising God, yourself and others that you will give away
substantial amounts, after you have made millions IS NOT
how philanthropy works.
It does not matter, how much money you have, NOW is the
time to start being generous with it, if you want to reap the
incoming rewards .....
..... and our generosity should not only be measured in dollar
Freely-given time, effort and our natural skills also give us
great personal satisfaction, as well as a BIGGER credit to our
incoming account, whether it be in the form of revenue or
services by others.
So, whatever your motivation or career, if you want to make
some good investments, start being generous with your
money and other resources and you will be rewarded,
There must be some validity behind this theory, otherwise all
the rich people would just hoard their money, just like the
poor people !~!
Sure, charity may begin with your own family, but the best
part about this philanthropy gig is this ..... you can get
started, at anytime in your life .... young, old, rich or poor,
everybody has the natural ability to help others and benefit
from the multiple rewards, that stem from such generosity.
have a great wekend all