Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

What do Aussies believe re: Evolution?

What do Aussies believe?

  • God created the Earth in the last 10K years

    Votes: 18 7.9%
  • God guided evolution of man over millions of years

    Votes: 30 13.2%
  • Pure evolution - No God Involved

    Votes: 162 71.4%
  • Other (stated below)

    Votes: 17 7.5%

  • Total voters
That said, I'm sure we are all influenced by society to an extent, just that some of us think for ourselves, some don't think, and some think for those who don't!
Not to mention those that think they think for themselves and those that think they are doing the thinking for others.
Totally agree actually .

Most of the people that are in this forum are of high intelligence and show there free thinking and individual thought out opinions................Unlike 90% of the population which is happy to be fed whatever tastes best at the time.

There is additional gagging dimension > moderators < and irrespectively of what you think it will be removed. So we have to post what is acceptable to owner.

Most of the times there is no collision, but some subjects seem to be too hot to handle.

Reminds me our Government leaders, too difficult?
Head in sand, it might go away.
There is additional gagging dimension > moderators < and irrespectively of what you think it will be removed. So we have to post what is acceptable to owner.

Most of the times there is no collision, but some subjects seem to be too hot to handle.

Reminds me our Government leaders, too difficult?
Head in sand, it might go away.
Happy mate. :) You and I are free to say and do whatever we want within good morals and the laws of the land. Right now you can go outside and shout I love Australia and all will be fine. ;)
The organisms from primordial soup theory is the starting point of life on this planet according to evolutionists. The very beginning when the right ingredients came together to create a semblance of life.
What's more, as biologists, we do not presuppose that life begun with a non-complex cell, nor with one solitary fragment with the ability of copying itself, but numerous self replicating molecules surrounded by enough food to sustain them in an uninterrupted self replication.
Yes the planet has become more supportive of life and indeed life has made the planet more supportive. One organic feeding on another organic works fine and with a biological clock installed in every organic then the life cycle repeats until food or environment become non-existent or cell death is complete.

Everything observable has an existence cycle and over time this planet will die but before then all the living organisms will be systematically broken down and die first. The reason for life to even begin, only to eventually die, is a reason with no answer. Our concept through drawings of life forms on other planets may well be true but in the probability laws of a coin flip, probably not. (only one flip allowed bellenuit;))

Some four billion years ago, the Earth had an atmosphere saturated with toxic gases (acetylene, ethane, methane, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, etc.) and it lacked oxygen. It had a vast amount of water vapor. The atmospheric heat was intense and the Earth was agitated by violent volcanic eruptions.

Our Moon would be seen four times larger than at present day, the giant exterior planets and our moon acted like protective screens against the meteorites (recent reports upon the date of the earliest meteorite bombardment against the system Earth-Moon reveal that it took place 3.9 billion years ago. Life appeared on Earth one hundred million years after), and the Sun shone dimly. In the tepid water of the oceans the organic compounds were dissolved, forming a "nutritious soup".
Our microbial brothers and sisters must be envious of the rapid pace our species has increased intelligence. What's that? Only one species can develop intelligence! Hmmm, very suspicious I think.
Our microbial brothers and sisters must be envious of the rapid pace our species has increased intelligence. What's that? Only one species can develop intelligence! Hmmm, very suspicious I think.
Something has to be first.

Plus if two similar species were evolving towards intelligence at the same time, one may out compete the other. Consider Neanderthal Man for example.

Even amongst our own species we have historically done a fairly good job of killing each other based on differences in race and religion.

Perhaps there are no truely intelligent species on the planet as yet.
Even amongst our own species we have historically done a fairly good job of killing each other based on differences in race and religion.

And now we don't even have to do that. We are killing ourselves by overeating.

The thin will inherit the earth.
And now we don't even have to do that. We are killing ourselves by overeating.

The thin will inherit the earth.
Apparently quite true. A particular example is the Okinawans of Japan who consume considerably fewer calories than the average person. They live much longer and are more healthy.

No SCIENTOLOGY options :mad:

LOL, just kidden.

Man that Hubbard dude must of been smokin' some real crazy stuff (magik mushies).

Believe what you want, but don't push it on me ;)
Apparently quite true. A particular example is the Okinawans of Japan who consume considerably fewer calories than the average person. They live much longer and are more healthy.

Are these the people who live in the mountains (away from all of the polution) consuming mainly rice, vegetables and soup and within their communities they have an extremely high life expectancy?

Julia said:
Apparently quite true. A particular example is the Okinawans of Japan who consume considerably fewer calories than the average person. They live much longer and are more healthy.
Are these the people who live in the mountains (away from all of the polution) consuming mainly rice, vegetables and soup and within their communities they have an extremely high life expectancy?

Yes fascinating stuff, Dan Buettner talks about them and other pockets of long lived humans around the globe in a TED lecture. I'm sure this was posted up here somewhere before but here it is again:
Teacher to class "Children, we are all descendants of Adam and Eve"
Pupil "But Miss, my mummy and daddy said we came from the apes"
Teacher "Stay out of this one Leroy, I'm not talking about your family"

Adam said to Eve ....stand back I don't know how big this thing it's going to grow
Undisputed proof right here. Real life piccys of myself over a 30 year period.

there are large gaps of knowledge in a lot of species with relation to evolution theory and I wouldnt be surprised if there was, in particular reference to humans, some form of intelligent design, not a God but maby some form of superior beings...
not a God but maby some form of superior beings...
to all intents and purposes, these "superior beings" might then well enough be labelled with the four-letter term "G-O-D-S".
And there lies my problem: If these gods are supposed to be so vastly superior, why couldn't they make a better fist of it? Their oh so "intelligently designed" organisms - culminating in humans as self-confessed "crowning glory of creation" - are anything but:
We breed at rates this planet cannot sustain.
We destroy the planet and all the organisms it contains by poisoning the environment.
We invent thousands of local "gods", to whom we attribute a mix of properties and commandments that are as conflicting and irrational as our own selfish nature.

IMHO, that's a crazy way to run a Universe. But of course I can be wrong and there are indeed a myriad of "superior beings", each of whom design their own Universe - in some weird kind of competition along the lines of "The Multiverse's Got Talent" :confused:
(Read R.A. Heinlein "Job - a comedy of Justice")