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What are the 8 white poisonous foods we eat?

Re: What are the 8 white poisonous foods we eat

True, these oils turn to trans fats when heated. Macadamia oil has a higher smoking point, so is a good alternative. And coconut oil is one of the only oils that doesnt turn to trans fats when heated
Re: What are the 8 white poisonous foods we eat

Well looks like im happily and obliviously eating myself to death. (despite being no-where near overweight)

There are worse ways to die...
Re: What are the 8 white poisonous foods we eat

what do you mean "poisonous foods" are you talking bad for your health in general or foods that actually have a negative physical impact on the body like a poison/drug....

i got no idea what your on about...must have drank too much poisonous milk haha
Re: What are the 8 white poisonous foods we eat

True, these oils turn to trans fats when heated. Macadamia oil has a higher smoking point, so is a good alternative. And coconut oil is one of the only oils that doesnt turn to trans fats when heated

I thought coconut oil was the same way that palm oil
is bad, both bad cos they will burn in a lamp. :dunno:

Soz for slightly off topic.
Re: What are the 8 white poisonous foods we eat

Monosodium Glutamate is a salt of the amino acid - Glutamic Acid (glutamate). A salt is the chemical name for a molecule held together by opposite charges. Basically one (mono) sodium atom is "stuck" to the amino acid glutamate. Isn't that clasified as a composite. It doesn't just grow.

8 poisonous food? Does that include people allergic to certain white food/ Then the list could get very interesting.

white sugar
white flour
Cocaine - ok it's illegal but you could possible eat it and die from an overdose!
Allergies to
white flesh fish
egg white
Re: What are the 8 white poisonous foods we eat

True, these oils turn to trans fats when heated. Macadamia oil has a higher smoking point, so is a good alternative. And coconut oil is one of the only oils that doesnt turn to trans fats when heated

Gav is right- new chemical testing revealing the truth.

That doesn't mean mixed with sugar and double dipped in chocolate!
Re: What are the 8 white poisonous foods we eat

slow acting poisons ck - wouldn't be likely any average health person could consume enough of any one of these in a short period (except salt, maybe MSG - don't know there) to end up seriously poisoned
slow acting in that there is now a pretty good body of direct and epidemilogical evidence that many of us end up getting heart disease and/or cancer and or diabetes from eating them over a long period which can be from age 12 up
Re: What are the 8 white poisonous foods we eat

what about the ~200,000 years or so where people ONLY ate things that grew from the ground or ran/flew/swam .

using common sense one would assume its the processing to these foods which cause the increased morbidity
Re: What are the 8 white poisonous foods we eat

what about the ~200,000 years or so where people ONLY ate things that grew from the ground or ran/flew/swam .

using common sense one would assume its the processing to these foods which cause the increased morbidity

Which takes us back to permaculture and healthy living.
Re: What are the 8 white poisonous foods we eat

Almonds? (Well they're white inside)

Apparently it took a few centuries of domestification before they could be safely consumed by humans (hardly worth the effort huh?).

I find corn just as strange - wild corn grows to a largest size of a thumb, again years of cultivation were required to grow it to a practical size.
Re: What are the 8 white poisonous foods we eat

may well have to include the allergy items Greenie, although my thoughts were when I originally posted that items would be those that are generally accepted as affecting all of us to a greater or lesser degree.
the last one I originally had in mind was fluoride (a schedule 6 poison) in the Oz water supplies
all white;
so list to this point is ;
1) potatoes
2) sugar
3) salt
4) milk
5) rice
6) flour
7) fluoride
8) fat
and extending
9) MSG
10) corn starch
pretty much as said along the way almost every food that has been processed - fat and potatoes not processed
Re: What are the 8 white poisonous foods we eat

Tree frog

Purpose of this research?
Re: What are the 8 white poisonous foods we eat

Eating anything white should be made illegal. It's costing us tax payers squillions.
Re: What are the 8 white poisonous foods we eat

What is the problem with potatoes?
Why are they poisonous?
Source of this allegation?

Presumably you're not suggesting that such stuff as sugar and salt should be eliminated altogether?
Re: What are the 8 white poisonous foods we eat

Tree frog

Purpose of this research?
can't claim any purpose 08 - someone reminded me recently there were five and we came up with the 8 in discussion so just thought a few more heads may come up with a few more

What is the problem with potatoes?
Why are they poisonous?
Source of this allegation?

Presumably you're not suggesting that such stuff as sugar and salt should be eliminated altogether?

yep J the poor ol' humble spud gets a serious hiding because its almost pure starch which the body quickly converts to sugar
"Researchers measured the GI of over 300 foods & found many surprises. For example, baked potatoes (GI=121) rated almost as high as white sugar (GI=142). Who would eat a baked potato sized serving of white sugar & think it was doing you any good?"

No, but most people have not the slightest idea how much sugar they consume and how bad it is in quantity. The more subtle fruit sugars are considered more than enough.

I attended a public awareness workshop as a Health Advisory Council rep a couple of years ago and the principle speaker (public health reseacher) asked us to rate 10 items from most to least harmful to general health - usual stuff: 2 cigarettes, can of coke, pint of beer, kitchener bun, small hot chips etc
no one put the coke as more harmful than 2 cigs but reseacher adamant coke more harmful (in their view) reasons etc but no formal reseach to back up......made us think.
Re: What are the 8 white poisonous foods we eat

Not sure some are poisonious per-se, but I'm aware that many poisons and other chemicals get locked into the fat molecules of animals that we consume... including radioactive fallout.

Are you distinguishing between 'english' potatoes and sweet potatoes?

I've seen a considerable shift in growing and promotion to the sweet varieties for better health and nutrition reasons.

Re: What are the 8 white poisonous foods we eat

Gav is right- new chemical testing revealing the truth.

And who says bodybuilding isnt healthy?!

Whilst I wouldnt consume potato before going to bed, its great stuff pre-workout for an energy boost. Sweet potato is a good alternative, has a lower GI. I have used both in the past, but now prefer to stick to fats as my main energy source
Re: What are the 8 white poisonous foods we eat

1) "white poisons" more an alarmist term to get awareness that they are dumb food choices - the core of hi processed carb food of today. Really interesting that the baddies are almost all white
2) yep just the white classic potato - do we get sweet type in white - thought they were yellow type or orange type
3) agree with shift from white potato - original spud came from Peru mountain areas and was very nutritious but no bigger than average thumb - they still collect and cultivate but we are much smarter than they and have developed a large white fluffy one that is actually edible if you add lashings of butter, salt and sugar (via the milk or cream) when we mash'em.
Re: What are the 8 white poisonous foods we eat

1) 2) yep just the white classic potato - do we get sweet type in white - thought they were yellow type or orange type

Yeah there is a white one, but there are numerous varities now... white, yellow and purple skins ranging from white to creamish, yellow to orangeish inside.

That's the traditional way I was brought up with ... but have now switched to adding a zucchini and some herbs/spices instead of milk and butter or adding pumpkin to make a rough mash. Much healthier and tastes good too.
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