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Whale wars

Whale wars

  • Support the protesters activities

    Votes: 33 43.4%
  • Protesters are acting irresponsibly

    Votes: 29 38.2%
  • Mmmm Sushi

    Votes: 14 18.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Remember that whales feed on krill which is itself a LIVING shrimp.

Save the shrimp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nioka you have brought up a good point here. The whales are eating the food of fish which will see fish stocks decline if whales continue to breed unhindered. Expect more whales to hunted if fish decline.

I want to go back to the early days & be a balleen so i can be a stiffener in the ladies corsets.
I must say I'm quite surprised nobody has picked up on the fact he's not even australian. It cracks me up that paul watson constantly refers to kevin rudd to intervene. He also likes to spout off about australian law. In fact, barely anyone on the crew are australian.

Aside from that, I think he's borderline insane and will put anyone in harms way except for himself.

Forget my previous post just being silly.
I fully agree with you Gordon2007.
Even if the Japs were out of their waters Paul Watson should not have put the cat in front of a vessel that size.
Completely & utterly reckless endangerment of innocent crew members.
He in my oppinion he should be charged.

Yes true, but i wonder if he's calling on the Australians because where the incident occurred is right in the middle of the Australian controlled sector of Antarctica? Apart from a very slim sector which the French control, Australia controls from the western Ross Sea all the way west to beyond Prydz Bay.

I notice Australia has asserted itself enough in recent years to have the 200 nautical mile limit around this coastal area of the Antarctic continent printed on Admiralty navigation charts as part of the Australian national EEZ (exclusive economic zone) which no other country has done for their respective sectors, so maybe now somebody is saying well if you are going to go against convention and say to the world its yours then start doing something to prove it by upholding law?

PS: I am anti Sea Shepard.

You're not serious, surely?

A trade boycott on Japan? Have you any idea how many other countries around the world would be brought to their knees? 75-80% of the vehicles on the road in New Zealand come from Japan. The 2nd highest consumer of seafood in the world per capita is Japan and they import most of it....I could go on.

Nice idea but lets be pragmatic aye?
Wow great to see such a diverse range of opinions, Its interesting that the media protrays the anti-whaling agenda so strongly when in fact it may not be as well supported I thought it was....

I myself hate the thought of whales being slaughtered....but i respect that its just a judgement and there are others out there that think Im hypocritical as I digest my Fillet-Mignon....

Carl Barron the comedian put it well in his DVD......
"How do you think thiose tuna feel?.....ibet there not to happy its dolphin free? fact i bet they want the f........... whole lot to be dolphin......."
Its true we as humans are so judgmental about food choices........

Theres logic in conservation of species and in protecting ecologies, but to cast judgements that one non-endangered animal is more worthy of living then others is crazy when you stop and think about it..........the true argument should be about the way they are killed and the ecology / species conservation if necesary.......not a judgement of what one race should compared to another

Interesting debate, and possibly one that should be had on a much bigger stage then ASF
Perhaps, if instead of harassing Japanese whalers engaged in earning their living like other commercial fishermen, the Sea Shepherd playboys should divert their attention to the big game fishermen operating out of Cairns. But maybe the playboys who love to torture the magnificent giant black marlin, are of the same ilk as those who fund Sea Shepherd.



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He's asking for Australian assistance because the Japanese whalers are whaling in Australian territorial waters, in violation of international law.

It's a shame that our government is so pissweak they'll let other nations treat us with such blatent disregard. If the Japanese army started shooting kangaroos in the top end I doubt they'd intervene.
the Sea Shepherd playboys should divert their attention to the big game fishermen operating out of Cairns.
Why? They're not doing anything wrong - legitimate fishing in Australian waters.
Nioka you have brought up a good point here. The whales are eating the food of fish which will see fish stocks decline if whales continue to breed unhindered. Expect more whales to hunted if fish decline.

That's flawed logic. There has been a natural balance for millions of years
I think both Captains clearly guilty of "dangerous navigation", given the location.

I am not an expert in International Maritime law, however, someone could easily have died, which would have required formal investigation

Wise words, condog.

It is very difficult to argue against the emotive utterings around whales.

An example closer to home is the hysteria accompanying the beaching of whales. Every person withing 10k of the beaching turns up to try and "rescue" the whale.

The rescued whale with dodgy sonar inevitably contaminates the radar of more whales, causing a larger beaching a few days later.

Whales are sacrosanct. Roadkill is driven over on the way to the beach. KFC visited on the way home.

A thread on this from asf

He's asking for Australian assistance because the Japanese whalers are whaling in Australian territorial waters, in violation of international law.

Australia claims sovereignty over these waters. A claim not recognised by most other countries, including Japan.
That's flawed logic. There has been a natural balance for millions of years

And if we wanted to we could restore that natural balance... which would require you, me and every other human ceasing to eat or breathe, let alone drive cars or use electricity. I tell you what, you go first and I'll go second, then it's just a few more billion people to convince.

The only argument for a ban on whaling is the cuddly one. Whales are a massive resource. They are a top predator, so overfishing will wipe them out more quickly than smaller fish, which means quotas need to be stuck to (we'll get the same problem with the unrestricted or overquotered harvesting of any species of sea creature, and we're seeing it worse now with many fish than we are now with many whales, because they have recovered). The 'don't eat wild animals, only go domestic' argument is absurd. Ever eaten any ocean fish? Squid? Shellfish? Only the tiniest amount of that is farmed, basically all of it at Woolies, Coles or your local fishmonger is wild caught.

It is true that if whales are not killed, they will eat more krill, which leaves less for fish, which means there is less fish for us to eat (or we could go more directly and harvest the krill for ourselves to eat, which would probably upset few people). A whale might be a mammal and more intelligent than your average sardine, but then again, so is a cow and so is a pig. If you don't like the thought of eating whales, fine, don't eat them, but we don't have a leg to stand on if we eat cows, pigs, chickens, squid and fish, yet condemn anyone who responsibly and sustainably farms or hunts a species we don't want them to eat. Of course, the Japanese should be doing it legally (within quotas and within legal spacial boundaries).

Even if they are breaking the law, if protesters attack them, it is vigilante activity, which is illegal. If I see someone torturing a kitten, and I go and bash them up, I am in a lot of legal trouble - the fact that they were torturing a kitten doesn't get me off the hook. Two wrongs don't make a right, and vigilante activity is rarely looked favourably on by the law.

I am against illegal or unsustainable whaling, I am against Sea Shepherd. Regardless of my sentimental feelings, I respect anyone's right to responsibly eat whatever animal they choose, even if I would not do so myself.
Why? They're not doing anything wrong - legitimate fishing in Australian waters.

Yes, but don't you think it strange that these rich playboys are legally allowed to torture black marlin just for the thrill of it. If they caught crocodiles on hooks just for the thrill of it they would be arrested, and yet I have never heard of a marlin attacking a human.
Australia claims sovereignty over these waters. A claim not recognised by most other countries, including Japan.
Intersting quote, however it raises some big questions:

a. If the whale hunt is legal, why would Japan continue to do so under the legal protection of "scientific research"? Perhaps a way of circumventing the IWC mandate of 1982:

b. The claim by Australia is in addition to the area being declared Whale Sancuary, recognised by the IWC.

b. basically we are as a nation are making a claim then refusing to take any sort of action to back up the claim. Again, that sounds like political weakness.
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