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Whale wars

Whale wars

  • Support the protesters activities

    Votes: 33 43.4%
  • Protesters are acting irresponsibly

    Votes: 29 38.2%
  • Mmmm Sushi

    Votes: 14 18.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Paul Watson will sort out those nasty Koreans like he did with the Japanese.

I still can't understand why everyone sooks about common species of whales being harvested while no one is jumping up and down about endangered fish species being harvested. People go to prison for smacking their pet dog while impaling a fish on a barbed hook and dragging it by the mouth for an hour or two then either leaving it to slowly die out of water or throwing it back in because you just wanted to have fun torturing it is all considered a publicly condoned sport.

It's like those people who abuse hunters or those who wear fur then drive home in their leather-seated car to a meal of lamb chops and the next day drive their car somewhere, run into me and tell me off for owning oil shares.

The average Joe out there is so stupid.

Disappointing Mac that the South Koreans are going whaling they are far more cashed up than the Japanese and quite resilient hope the Sea Shepard continues to punch above its weight in the Southern Ocean.

Its unfortunate you feel the average person is stupid................I would give them far more credit one of the great joys I get when I travel is how insightful the "average Joe" can be when listening to their story whether its a rice farmer standing in his paddy in Asia or a native speaker of Quechua in South America or simply another Australian.

I've seen your posts before. I'm not surprised you admire the average person. In a way I envy you.
Breaking out my finest cask of red tonight to toast Captain Paul Watson and his courageous crew for their work in the deep Southern Ocean battling the Japanese whaling pirate law breakers cutting short the pirate whaling fleets illegal activities killing and butchering one of the finer species that inhabit our fragile planet.

Hopefully they will dock in Fremantle so we can give a warm welcome.

You are obviously trolling.
The IWC is a complete farce. Why is it that the US and UK, for example, which allow all sorts of hunting, object to Japanese hunting of whales? The moratorium is not binding international law, Norway kills more whales than Japan does. The species Japan hunts is not endangered. The Sea Shepherd claim that Japan is whaling in Australian waters. Bob Brown wanted the Navy sent down there. Australia will never do that because they can't risk having their already flimsy territorial claim (only four countries recognise our claim) taken to the ICJ shot down. Essentially, what you have is a bunch of idealistic pirates operating on the high seas with the tacit approval of the Australian government.

+1. Spot on.

Read more:
IMO They should only allow whaling with Indigenous methods.
AKA Viking Longships and hand held Harpoons!

I'm with you, IFocus.
“Japan 'will never stop whaling', Japanese fisheries minister says”

The dopey Japanese Fisheries minister needs to get his f*cking story right. Repeat after me “we kill whales purely for scientific purposes”.

McLovin, you are always well researched and I usually agree with your conclusions, however on this topic I totally oppose your view.

“The IWC is a complete farce.”
The IWC is not a farce.
The International Whaling Commission is the global intergovernmental body charged with the conservation of whales and the management of whaling. It is set up under the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling signed in 1946. The Commission has a current membership of 89 Governments from countries around the World.

“Why is it that the US and UK, for example, which allow all sorts of hunting, object to Japanese hunting of whales?”
Because of the IWC charter, as in, protection of whale stocks.

“The moratorium is not binding international law”
It was never intended to be but maybe it should.

“Norway kills more whales than Japan does.”
The Comancheros sell more drugs than the Bandidos, what’s your point?

“ The species Japan hunts is not endangered.”
No thanks to the Japanese for that, and the moratorium still remains.

“The Sea Shepherd claim that Japan is whaling in Australian waters.”
The Australian government also claim the Japanese are whaling in Australian waters.

“Bob Brown wanted the Navy sent down there.”
Good idea.

“Essentially, what you have is a bunch of idealistic pirates operating on the high seas with the tacit approval of the Australian government.”

Essentially, what we have is a bunch of decent people with balls that are prepared to take tangible action on a principle while authorities drag their heels.

And on the ground that means very little. It is a voluntary organisation whose decisions are completely unenforceable. If a country doesn't like an IWC decision they just leave the IWC. The IWC has been hijacked by countries that have a moral opposition to whaling. The original mission of the 1986 moratorium was to determine current whale stocks so that they would not be hunted to extinction. During the moratorium period, "save the whales" became fashionable in the west and the moratorium's purpose changed from sustainable whaling to using the moratorium as a way to enforce our own morals on other countries.

Macquack said:
“Why is it that the US and UK, for example, which allow all sorts of hunting, object to Japanese hunting of whales?”
Because of the IWC charter, as in, protection of whale stocks.

Right, the protection of whale stocks, not the protection of whales from hunting. The Japanese are not hunting endangered species. It's quite duplicitous of Australia to take Japan to the ICJ over whalilng while still permitting the use of sow crates and live animal exports.

Macquack said:
“The Sea Shepherd claim that Japan is whaling in Australian waters.”
The Australian government also claim the Japanese are whaling in Australian waters.

The Australian government might like to think that is Australian waters but Japan, and nearly every other country on Earth (the exception being UK, NZ, France and Norway) does not recognise Australia's Antarctic claim.

Essentially, what we have is a bunch of decent people with balls that are prepared to take tangible action on a principle while authorities drag their heels.

Japan is not breaking any law. If a bunch of Hindus picketed a cattle abbatoir based on religious principle, would you support it?

FWIW, I have zero interest in eating whale meat, and the process of killing them seems rather barbaric to me.

Ahh Actually It 's Japan Who has hijacked the IWC

If you ever care to read 'Moby Dick' You'll have an insight as to what whale stocks were prior to their Industrialised killing.

I personally have every interest in eating whale meat, On the proviso that I can go out and hunt it, in a flimsy boat with a sharp stick and some rope. ' Behold the tail of the Southern right whale, they call it the hand of God... Because it's the last thing you'll see before you meet him'.
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