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Whale wars

Whale wars

  • Support the protesters activities

    Votes: 33 43.4%
  • Protesters are acting irresponsibly

    Votes: 29 38.2%
  • Mmmm Sushi

    Votes: 14 18.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

they tend to go for vital organs, so internal explosions into the living organs which detonate and the pain and agony of a 20 minute death cycle is beyond words..

you can see on some vessels they will just grab the tail and drown the gravely injured whale by pulling the tail onto deck and leave the head submerged and drown the mammal as it organs and insides are shattered and it looses consciousness and drowns from being unable to get its blowhole above the water line

all class really,, brutal beyond words hey!

Whale killing methods and associated welfare issues in Greenland1
(Submitted by the hunter’s organisation and the Ministry of Fisheries, Hunting and Agriculture, Greenland Home Rule Government)
Introduction: The hunt of marine mammals has always been an important part of the culture of Greenland. In earlier days, whaling was essential for survival. In modern Greenland, hunting still has considerable socioeconomic importance, and whale products are necessary food items.
At the moment, all the large whales of Greenland are protected, except for fin and minke whales. Management advice for the hunt of large whales is given by the International Whaling Commission. The Ministry of Fisheries, Hunting and Agriculture decides how many animals may be caught in each municipality. The municipal authorities divide the quotas among the full-time hunters that fulfil the requirements demanded by the law and have applied for licences to catch whales.
Hunting methods: There are three types of whaling of large whales in Greenland: hunting of fin whales with harpoon, hunting of minke whales with harpoon and collective hunt for minke whales. Regardless of the type of whaling, at the first high tide after a hunt, whale carcasses are dragged into shallow waters, where they are flensed during low tide.
Fin whale: Fin whales are caught in West Greenland, south from Uummannaq. They are caught either by two boats of a minimum length of 30 ft working together, or by one boat of a minimum length of 36 ft. Each boat should be equipped with one certified harpoon cannon.
The primary weapon is a harpoon with the Norwegian penthrite grenade “Whale Grenade 99”. This grenade was originally produced for hunting minke whales, and it has been modified for the hunt of fin whales by extending the triggering cord to a length of 60 cm.
The secondary weapon is the same as the primary weapon.
Gunners shoot in the heart and lungs region by aiming at an area in front of the pectoral fins.
Minke whale with harpoon: Minke whales are caught with harpoon in West Greenland, south from Uummannaq. The minimum boat length is 30 ft. As with the fin whale hunt, the harpoon cannons used to hunt minke whales should be certified and checked every other year. The majority of the minke whales are taken by this method.
The primary weapon is a harpoon with a “Whale Grenade 99”. The length of the triggering cord is 50 cm. As with fin whales, gunners aim at the region in front of the pectoral flippers, in order to damage the heart and surrounding areas.
The secondary weapon is either a harpoon with the “Whale grenade 99”, or riffles of a minimum calibre of 7.62 mm (30.06) and full mantled bullets. Some hunters use round-nosed bullets together with riffles with higher calibre (.375), due to their better penetration. Shots are aimed at the head, in front of the animal’s neck.
Collective minke whale hunt: The collective minke whale hunt takes place in settlements where boats with harpoon cannons cannot satisfy the demand for fresh whale meat. The collective minke whale hunt is the only hunt of large whales in areas where there are no boats with harpoon cannons, such as East Greenland and West Greenland north of Disko Bay. In 2005, only 27 % of the minke whales taken in Greenland were taken by the collective hunt.
A minimum of 5 skiffs have to participate in the hunt. Boats of larger size without harpoon cannon can also take part. These are usually small fishing boats. Each boat has to be equipped with at least one hand harpoon with line and buoys. This harpoon is attached to the whale at the first opportunity, to prevent the animal from sinking.
The only weapons of the collective minke whale hunt are riffles of calibre of 7.62 mm (30.06) or larger and full mantled bullets. As a rule, the whales are first wounded and then secured with the hand harpoons. When possible, the hand harpoon is used before wounding the animal. Once a whale has been secured, it is killed by shoots aimed at the head. Round-nosed bullets together with riffles with higher calibre (.375) are often used to kill the whale.


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Report from Barrow: 4th grader harpoons whale

I don't understand the what the purpose of this post is?

Are you saying it's shocking that a father took his son out whaling? Are you saying it's shocking that a 4th grader killed an animal?

If so, many parents have taken their sons out hunting, killing deer, bears, roos, possums, ducks, dolphin, tuna, swordfish and many other species.
Agent, That sort of whaling is part of the dark ages and is nothing like modern whaling. I have seen hundreds of whales cut up and have seen the way the larger harpoon bombs kill. They are designed for a quick kill.

The cattle slaughter in some middle eastern countries where they put animals through all sorts of pain before slaughter could be compared to the slaughtering in Australian abattoirs in the same way as the whale killing methods you describe with the modern catching by the Japanese. If we eat meat,fish and poultry that was a living animal then ,unless we want to chew at it alive,we must kill it first. The same with whales.

I do not say that the method of killing should not be under scrutiny. I say they are a resource that should be sustainably harvested. that's funny!
Is it? I don't think so at all. I realise I will be laughed at for being soppy or something, but studies have shown that fish do feel pain.
It's one thing to kill animals if necessary to provide food for people, but to do it for sport makes me feel sick.

And what are they teaching their sons by doing this?

All I can think is that the essential message is that if man can dominate another species, just for the fun of it, then he will do this.
Why would anyone need to do this? Is it OK by you if some superior species were to evolve on earth which found it fun to hunt and injure you? Would that be just okey dokey for you?
ing, but studies have shown that fish do feel pain.
It's one thing to kill animals if necessary to provide food for people, but to do it for sport makes me feel sick.

Julia did you know many predators actually kill for pleasure?

I have seen a fox kill many chickens etc... and just to see them walk off without sucking any blood or taking anything from the animal. The theory of animals only kill what they eat is rubbish as in the animal kingdom they are fighting for supremacy all the time. Bears, lions etc.... have all killed for territory and control.

You see anything in life you look at can be disgusting such as

* gluttony (eating yourself to death)
* laziness (people being fat ****s)
* Fighting (street fighting is wrong but Boxing is ok?)
* Fishing (for food its ok but for sport its wrong)
* Hunting (same as above)
* High powered cars (Why should people have them as you dont need to drive that fast)
* Smoking
* Alcohol


And remember hunting for food and sport has been going on since mankind (cavemen were known to keep their well deserved trophies).

So whats been happening for 1000's of yrs all of a sudden its wrong to do??
And remember hunting for food and [B said:
sport [/B] has been going on since mankind (cavemen were known to keep their well deserved trophies).

So whats been happening for 1000's of yrs all of a sudden its wrong to do??

Ageo 1000's years ago population fraction of today, then there were bows arrows and spears, today spot the difference

" during an anti-whaling protest in front of the Japanese Embassy in Canberra.
He joined about 30 protesters who held signs demanding for an end to the slaughter of whales"

So I think, there is supposedly so many passionate people about whaling, yet only 30 people showed up for this so called protest. To me, just confirms, it's much easier to right click your mouse and say you are anti whaling then to actually do anything about it. To use an american term, seems there are many arm chair quarterback but not so many that really give a hoot to actually do anything about it.
Julia did you know many predators actually kill for pleasure?
That's not relevant to human beings, as more evolved intellectually than animals, killing for sport or pleasure.

We, however, do not have to kill defenceless creatures for territory or control.
Irrelevant to compare our actions with primitive instincts of animals.

That's another whole topic and doesn't have a bearing on my belief that we should not kill for pleasure.

And remember hunting for food and sport has been going on since mankind (cavemen were known to keep their well deserved trophies).

So whats been happening for 1000's of yrs all of a sudden its wrong to do??
You may roll your eyes as much as you like, Ageo. My disgust at people causing pain and/or killing animals for their own sport is not "all of a sudden".
I have always been disgusted by it and always will.

Imo it's pretty pathetic when supposedly evolved and intelligent creatures such as human beings are so lacking in personal integrity and confidence that they feel obliged to exert dominance over a lesser species to make themselves feel OK.

Actually more the other way I would say, the pro whaling mob seem to pop up clicking screens Japanese whaling has one sponsor Jap Gov the whaling protest ships (requires $millions) totally supported by donations from a lot of ordinary normal people.

According to this Wiki article Whale watching worth $1 bil recon they would just love the Japanese blown whales away.

A lot of those business's operate out of Australia from which we derive income from over seas, I believe after studying markets for years that's a good thing for all Australians.

Japanese whaling on the other hand which many Japanese Ar#e kissers here support here brings SFA to the Oz economy.

Pro whaling is IMHO anti the environment and anti Australian

So in answer I think the turn out more in line with a bullsh#t promise in a election year.
Apparently these two gentlemen have decided that ASF members who don't support their views should be subjected to abusive name calling.

And for ATO (credit to Japanese whalers), not everyone here at ASF kisses Japanese a*se.

Japanese whaling on the other hand which many Japanese Ar#e kissers here support here brings SFA to the Oz economy.
The Japanese are whaling illegally in our waters.

If you dont recognise OUR claims to the Southern Ocean then I suggest you go support the Japanese as does ATO who now lives in Japan.

You are either WITH US OR AGAINST US on this territorial claim.
Japanese whaling on the other hand which many Japanese Ar#e kissers here support here brings SFA to the Oz economy.

Pro whaling is IMHO anti the environment and anti Australian

Whale watching in the 1950s.

Thousands of people watched the whales being caught from coastal vantage points daily. At any time of the day or night there was a crowd watching the flensing at Byron Bay. On Sundays a train used to go from Casino to Byron Bay and another from Murwillumbah. Cars parked opposite the whaling station would number in the hundreds ( I have photos to prove that).

The whaling was an important local employer. The businesses in the town did a roaring trade.

Byron Bay was the smallest station in Australia.

I'm pro whaling. I dont kiss a### for anyone. Are you one who thinks everyone acts like you? Are you kissing the a/// of the skipper of the protest ship ?

Nor does pro whaling make me anti Aussie. I'd like to see Aussie whaling and its benefits to the Aussie economy.I'd like to see it happen while there are still some of us around that know the ropes.

As for the Japanese, live and let live. (One reason why the Japanese entered the last war was because they were denied raw materials from the western world.) Do you want them to send the Japanese navy with thier whaling fleet and do you want Rudd to send ours?.:samurai:

I never claim to own something I do not have the right to own. If I lodge a claim for the Pacific Ocean will it give me a right to charge all who surf in it. Even Captian Cook couldnt manage to "claim" Australia successfully or so it seems. Maybe the Southern Ocean is a multicultural affair in line with our government policy.

Please define "US" so I can decide if I am for or against. I'm certainly against your line of thinking but while this is still a free country you can think whatever you like.

Coulds such a spectacle be akin to people who slow down at fatal car accidents to unwittingly have a look out of curiousity?

What a completely arrogant ignorant narrowminded statement. But according to your standards, I am against. Shall we meet next week for an old fashioned gun duel?

Nobody recognises our Antarctic territorial claims except the few countries that have similar claims. I guess in your quaint terminology that makes most of the world Japanese ar*e kissers. While Rudd may make threats he will never take the Japanese on in the International courts. It would be another Copenhagen.
Nobody recognises our Antarctic territorial claims except the few countries that have similar claims. I guess in your quaint terminology that makes most of the world Japanese ar*e kissers.

WE (Australia) recognise OUR (Australian) claim to these waters.

It is specifically the Japanese who are thumbing their nose at our claim.
WE (Australia) recognise OUR (Australian) claim to these waters.

It is specifically the Japanese who are thumbing their nose at our claim.

Just because WE (australia) claim these waters to be ours does NOT mean we are correct. This has been stated many times in this thread, 99% of the world does not recognise our claim, NOT just japan. It is why we have not bothered with any international legal cases against anyone regarding these same waters.

If american went and stated a claim to these waters, with the rest of the world not recognising same claim, I'm quite certain they would be branded arrogant and many other things. So why are WE (australia) being just as arrogant?

WE (australia) have no justifyable claim to these waters. Many nations fish in these very same waters, yet we never hear about it because they are not whaling. If WE (australia) think these are our waters, why are we NOT protecting them the same as we do when countries fish in our border waters?
Apparently these two gentlemen have decided that ASF members who don't support their views should be subjected to abusive name calling.

Certainly gets a response, but the point is that supporting Japanese whaling is against the interests of a significant number of Australian tourist operations.
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