Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Western society is doomed

Our government and institutions have to have the balls to stand up to this sort of cultural imperialism, or we will be forced under.

Australia's universities are failing to protect free speech

If Chinese students enter into this sort of subversive activity they should be thrown out, and not have their fees refunded. It's disgraceful.

No, if you kick them out you gotta refund their money.
Since money is more important than academic and actual history stuff, gotta lose some to win some. Capitalism 101.

I'm a bit surprised international students paid that much attention in class. Alright, that's not fair. Most students never paid any attention in class, foreign or domestic.
You're just arguing for the sake of arguing. Of course the Brits gave us the rule of law and parliaments. Why is it whenever someone loses an argument they resort to an irrelevant primitive history for precedence.

Britain was the greatest empire there ever was and it sponged on every culture it seconded to make it and its possessions enriched with the cross pollination of ideas and skills that make up modern societies around the world. The political, technological, industrial, labour and innovation revolutions were all born out of Britain, forget about ground rhinoceros horn and shark fin soup, and get onboard with the smart folk.

The Poms can't even name their houses of parliament right, let alone gave law and order to anyone.

When you want that republican, government of the people fascade, you don't name your houses "The House of Lords" and "The House of Common". Might as well call it House of Imbred Lords and House of the Peasants. :confused:

See, should follow the Yanks who followed the Romans and call it a Senate and a Congress; Maybe following the Aussie convicts is a bit too pleby, what with Upper and Lower house. Same meaning, different sound and optic.

As to giving bringing civilisation and riches to the barbarians... hmmm... have you seen the former colonies? In colonies where the natives didn't all "sacrificed themselves" for the greater good, their descendants all live in squalor and abject poverty.

You got to learn from the Asians man. Well, ignore Genghis who wasn't very good either... but learn from, say, the Japs. They just slaughter "only" a few dozen thousands or so natives at first contact, a few dozen thousand more soon after to keep the peace... then they actually set about growing the colony's economy. Lifting a whole lot more barbarians out of poverty than the few selected families.

You got to learn to fatten your host, not kill it.

that's why when the time was right, a "half naked" frail Indian could just say a few words calling his people to peacefully march and you lost an entire sub-continent. Good thing most of the riches had long been spirited away though ey?

As to technology and innovation... prfff... not that hard to "innovate" when you stole every great ideas that's out there, stopped the innovation and industriousness out of those you colonised - serious, Egyptian cotton industry was far superior to Brits; Indians metallurgy and fabricworks were lightyears ahead but have to stop (or else!). That and having no issue with a few generations of your own peasant children and women losing life and limb in the sweat shops. No doubt serving king, country and selfless merchants.

As to rhino's horn and shark find soup... yea you got them there. Ey, there's a lot of Asians, so expect a lot of idiots.
Fighting words from a country that was a sunny day's away from being a colony of Spain, then France, then Nazi Germany.

Btw, aren't the Poms pretty much the bastard child of French's Normandy?

LOL......if you can work out who owned whom back in the day you're doing well. The Plantagenets owned a fair bit of France and France itself was pretty much the backyard of England up until the Treaty of Bretigny, so if we are going to go into history, it's the Brits who have some fairly respectable provenance.
- serious, Egyptian cotton industry was far superior to Brits; Indians metallurgy and fabricworks were lightyears ahead but have to stop (or else!). .

That was a long long bow statement right there LOL

Pounding copper and trying to make gold from lead and arsenic is hardly in the same league as scientifically perfecting steel making for cheap, in turn providing the means of even cheaper mass production.

It was the advent of the industrial revolution in Britain in the 1700's that pissed off the American colonies, because they saw themselves becoming merely a means of production for mother England manufacturing rather than being partners. Like the Chinese, the Americans like to think they invented everything long before it was actually thought of and they grow to believe their own bu77shit.
That was a long long bow statement right there LOL

Pounding copper and trying to make gold from lead and arsenic is hardly in the same league as scientifically perfecting steel making for cheap, in turn providing the means of even cheaper mass production.

It was the advent of the industrial revolution in Britain in the 1700's that pissed off the American colonies, because they saw themselves becoming merely a means of production for mother England manufacturing rather than being partners. Like the Chinese, the Americans like to think they invented everything long before it was actually thought of and they grow to believe their own bu77shit.

C'on McGee, I've watched a few series of Horrible Histories on the ABC. I know the crazy and idiotic things the Poms were doing up until, maybe Charles Darwin thought he should stop going to Church knowing what he then knew was the origin of species.

And no, it's not a long bow. Just look at all the countries that have been liberated and civilised by England, or France, Europe, (Soviets, US, Ancient China... but these are not on topic).

Compare those countries to Japan. The only one of the coloured folks that managed to keep Western "influence" out during the heydays of colonialism.

So it's either the colonies were exploited and enslaved, or the master race put gold after silver to help the savages out but they're just no good. Like what Trump said of Puerto Rico from his golf course - these dam lazy coloured "Americans" want everything done for them; then again today when he visited them to say how their country being wiped out by 3 hurricanes in 6 weeks is really putting the US budget out of whack. You know, the US send in all that food, water, fuel and medical care that no one beside the military bases see or touch.

Oh yes, Western decline... It's not because of immigrants or refugees or endless wars to liberate and free the Arabs, the Fillipino that's doing it.

It's neo-liberalism and their austerity, tax cuts to the uber rich and multinational corporations - you know, the people who held no allegiance to any country; and whose spending pattern will not be affected even if they lose a billion or ten.

Forty years of that will ruin any country.

A country cannot afford to fund corporate welfare receipients with tax cuts, with subsidies, with white element projects for "security", "national security"... then when profits are made, the corporations take it all, shifts it into tax shelters, drove it through tax loopholes... then the working poor will have to pony up more and more.

As Machiavelli said, a Republic is preferable to a Monarchy because it "ensure" continuous generation of able leadership. Monarchies can dominate if 3 generations of its Princes are all capable.

Likewise, a republic that's been screwing its own people and plunder its own national resources since the late 1970s... that's like rats gnawing at the pillars for two generations, and about to kick into high gear with the current third.

Hillary Clinton was asked what's her worst national security fear. It's not the Arab terrorists, it's automation.

Why? Because it will put a heck of a lot more people out of work.

Why is that bad?

Because her husband's bill to lock up "excess" human resources can only go so far.

When you have too much dead wood, can't ship out anymore latinos and illegals... all that field need is a spark and whoosh.
Slowly being killed off by doom mongers, virtue signallers and cultural Marxists, aided and abetted by a host of external antagonists.

I wonder what our culture will look like in fifty or a hundred years if it exists at all.

What is the end game?

Obviously the end game is to keep those who work, working for the term of their natural lives.
Welfare will become unaffordable, but grandfathering measures will ensure that those receiving welfare will keep it, that is unless they are unfortunate enough to obtain work, then the grandfathering ceases.
The upside is, work that has previously been superseded, will probably be re introduced e.g bus and train conductors
Pensions will continue, for those who can obtain medical certificates, to certify they are totally incapacitated.
So all in all our culture will probably return to the family unit as it was, where the young look after the old, it should be a breath of fresh air.
Obviously the end game is to keep those who work, working for the term of their natural lives.
Welfare will become unaffordable, but grandfathering measures will ensure that those receiving welfare will keep it, that is unless they are unfortunate enough to obtain work, then the grandfathering ceases.
The upside is, work that has previously been superseded, will probably be re introduced e.g bus and train conductors
Pensions will continue, for those who can obtain medical certificates, to certify they are totally incapacitated.
So all in all our culture will probably return to the family unit as it was, where the young look after the old, it should be a breath of fresh air.

I know it's good for people to work and all. But work shouldn't be forced on senior people (through debt and lost of their savings through market crashes by the smart money etc.).

Saw an interview with that smug Costello where he brag about his plan to have Australians "work til they drop" (his word). Why? Because they live too bloody long. Longer than he and his mates estimate when they set the pension age.

See, Costello and co. put the retirement/pension age at some 65. That's alright, he said, because his model showed that most Aussies would die a few years before they get to that age. So a holes like himself who work in nice, cool offices with high pay and good holidays etc., they tend to live longer than that Aussie battler working in the sun and breathing in the dust all day... They get to enjoy the pension while the workers mostly died off.

See how no welfare cheats or refugees are screwing the working class Aussie so far?

Now, most battlers live beyond 65 and so life is a bit tougher on the pension systems. So... "work til you drop".

So much for the Commies slogan of "labour is glorious". :xyxthumbs

But old, sick and working is not for every lazy old people. How to solve that and still give tax cuts to the rich?

Reverse Home Equity Loan to Seniors. :xyxthumbs

Let them take out a loan against their home. Don't need to wait for the old bastards to die, just wait til the property market crashed... show them that the loan is way, way over their home value. And if they don't have a stroke right there, kick them out to their kids and repo the place.

You really have to admire some people their creativeness in screwing other people out of their life's savings, then blame them for it.
Yep, Singapore's being doing it for a while, if you get up early you see all the seniors sweeping the pathways.
No welfare there until your money has run out, I bet the establishment would love to bring it in here.
Just another example of the enemy within:

SNIP...TV NETWORK CBS has sacked a legal executive who said she was “not even sympathetic” to the victims of the worst mass shooting in US history because they were probably “Republican gun toters”.

Hayley Geftman-Gold made the comments in a now-deleted discussion thread on Facebook, first reported by The Daily Caller website.

So Wayne, while we are looking at "the enemy within" how about a call out to the extreme right wing conspiracy nutters who created a new fictious shooter in Vegas who just happened to be a liberal democrat voting Obama loving dude.

As a consequence of this delibrate dribble other believing idiots have been sending death threats to this poor guy.

Trump-loving Gateway Pundit blames innocent “far left” man for Las Vegas massacre
The far-right blog spreads fake news yet again
Matthew Sheffield10.03.2017•3:02 AM
Stephen Paddock is the man local police have accused of shooting up a country music festival in Las Vegas on Sunday. But in its haste to place blame for the massacre, far-right blog Gateway Pundit informed its readers otherwise.

Relying on unverified information posted on the internet, Gateway Pundit writer Joe Hoft wrote a post on Monday claiming that the shooter was "reportedly" Geary Danley, an Arkansas man who is not known to have been in the Las Vegas area.

In his article, Hoft — who describes himself as having "gained attention for his ability to accurately identify and predict outcomes before they take place" — characterized Danley as "a far left loon," citing his Facebook page which indicated he is a fan of various Democratic-oriented groups and television programs. After police officially named Paddock as the suspect, Hoft appears to have deleted his posting.
If one wants to have serious look at the doom of Western Society how about considering the situation where Alt right conspiracists systematically destroy any semblance of reality in our society ?

Latest example .. Saying the Las Vegas massacre is a hoax. (Remember this follows on calling out Sandy Hook massacre as a hoax et al)

Las Vegas survivors furious as YouTube promotes clips calling shooting a hoax
‘When I see my wife fighting for her life with a gunshot wound to her chest and my daughter was also shot, it’s pretty conclusive evidence that it did happen’


YouTube said the video shown above did not violate its standards. Photograph: YouTube


Sam Levin in San Francisco

Wednesday 4 October 2017 23.19 BST Last modified on Wednesday 4 October 2017 23.20 BST

YouTube is promoting conspiracy theory videos claiming that the Las Vegas mass shooting was a hoax, outraging survivors and victims’ families, in the latest case of tech companies spreading offensive propaganda.

It’s only been days since a gunman inside the Mandalay Bay hotel opened fire on a music festival, killing 58 people and injuring more than 500. But videos questioning whether the shooting really happened and claiming that the government has lied about basic facts have already garnered millions of views on YouTube and are continuing to run rampant.

It appears YouTube is actively helping these videos reach wide audiences. Searching for “Las Vegas shooting videos” immediately leads to a wide range of viral videos suggesting that law enforcement and others have purposefully deceived the public. Some label the tragedy a “false flag”, a term conspiracy theorists typically use to refer to mass shootings they say are staged by the government to advance gun control.
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There is somewhat of a chasm between individuals who are conspiracy theorists and loons (of which exist on both sides of the spectrum) and people like Ms Geftman-Gold who are in positions of influence and power and commenting on a corporate site, bas.

Which really serves to illustrate your role in culturally Marxist propaganda.

Tell me, what is your opinion of her remarks.
For a little Alt Reality dip your toes into the world where the Las Vegas mass shooting was a fake event somehow orchestrated by the "deep" state ?

Ask yourself what sort of society do we have that enables this level of public insanity.

Have a look at some of the comments and consider how many people is this madness infecting ?

For a little Alt Reality dip your toes into the world where the Las Vegas mass shooting was a fake event somehow orchestrated by the "deep" state ?

Ask yourself what sort of society do we have that enables this level of public insanity.

I think all that has moved on to "False Flags" as being the motive behind the killings. Apparently it's not possible for someone to go troppo in the USA and act out insanity
For a little Alt Reality dip your toes into the world where the Las Vegas mass shooting was a fake event somehow orchestrated by the "deep" state ?

Ask yourself what sort of society do we have that enables this level of public insanity.

Have a look at some of the comments and consider how many people is this madness infecting ?


They really know how to muddied the water don't they.

Read that a new poll found the yanks have lately believe the mainstream media more because Trump called them "fake news" and staged these fights with the media.

All commercial/mainstream media follow a code of conduct - profit, sponsorship and access - there is no way in heck they're going to give that up for truth, justice and.. .well, maybe the American way.

Saw a few instances of live interview where the guest or the new recruit journalist goes off the script, talk about climate change, or natural disaster killing people while the gov't does nothing... their mic just gets cut off "due to technical difficulties".

And what the heck is wrong with these politicians... they all follow the same script about debating the issue whenever a tragedy happen.

When hurricanes wipe floods and kill people: This is not not the time to debate climate change and carbon emission. This is a tragedy and we all must unite to help the victims. Debates can wait.

After a mass shooting: Now is not the time to politicise tragedies. We must unite to help the victims.

Sending hope and prayers. Focus on the more important issues like tax cuts; repeal a healthcare system that somehow managed to help a handful more people than previous.

Interested in your opinion here, not deflections.

Che.. ?
1) A stupid, sxit comment. Had it's immediate consequences.
2) Deflections ? You open a thread on the Doom of Western Civilisation and somehow the fact that a coterie of Alt Right commentaters continually turn public massacres into staged government productions is a "deflection" ?
Che.. ?
1) A stupid, sxit comment. Had it's immediate consequences.
2) Deflections ? You open a thread on the Doom of Western Civilisation and somehow the fact that a coterie of Alt Right commentaters continually turn public massacres into staged government productions is a "deflection" ?
Oh brother.

You're worried about 30 yo virgins living in their parents basement with nothing better to do than think about grassy knolls.

I'm talking about the SHY, Gillian Triggs and Soros' of this world. Excuse my incredulity at your argument's irrelevance.