Re: Octaviar MFS Premium Income Fund PIF
The time has come to bite the bullet. Disband the Australian Securities and Investments Commission and start all over again.
For if there is one thing that has come of yesterday's mammoth Supreme Court judgment it is this: ASIC, even though it is run by lawyers, seems incapable of putting together a decent case to present to the courts.
Given it already has a less-than-impressive record when it comes
to the investigation of corporate malfeasance and white-collar crime in general, this embarrassing episode should hammer home the final nail in its coffin.
Yesterday's 3000-page judgment by Justice Robert Austin is a damning indictment on the ability of our corporate regulator.
The case against the One.Tel founders was ill-conceived, poorly conducted and riddled with errors at almost every step. Its arguments to the court were embellished and exaggerated, its evidence and analysis of the company's financial
situation deeply flawed and it failed comprehensively to convince the judge of the fundamental basis of its case - that the defendants misled the board and the market.
In a bizarre twist, Jodee (real name John David) Rich has emerged a hero, lauded by the judge for his honesty and the diligence and thought he employed during his 25 days under the blowtorch of cross-examination.
His co-accused, Mark Silbermann, was not put on quite the same pedestal but emerged with his reputation relatively untarnished.
Unfortunately, many of ASIC's witnesses were not accorded quite the same degree of credibility.
The eight-year case against Rich and Silbermann - three of them spent in court - spans three ASIC administrations; that of David Knott, Jeff Lucy and Tony D'Aloisio.
Each will have fingers pointing at the others for responsibility but only D'Aloisio could claim with any degree of credibility that the blame lay elsewhere, given the case had been running for years before his ascension to the top job.
It now will be up to D'Aloisio to convince the Federal Government and the public that ASIC's systems have been overhauled and that there will be no repetitions.
From day one, ASIC's approach appeared to be stunningly misconceived. One.Tel collapsed when the Packer and Murdoch families pulled the plug on a crucial $132 million capital raising shortly after announcing they would support it.
Any investor who bought shares during that period rightly would have felt aggrieved, as would creditors.
Instead, the investigation turned to Rich, his business partner Brad Keeling, chairman John Greaves and Silbermann after ASIC accepted arguments from the junior media moguls that they had been ''profoundly misled''. Both James Packer and Lachlan Murdoch were on the board. Both had been cornerstone investors from the start.
For more than six months before it collapsed, One.Tel had virtually no market credibility. It was burning cash by the truckload, its forecasts were being altered - usually in the negative - and its billing systems were a disaster. The share price had crashed and it was clear the company was running out of money. But incompetence is not a crime. Nor is hubris. And ASIC's shredded credibility stems from that one word - crime.
Towards the end of the last decade, the regulator embarked on a deliberate ''two-pronged'' attack when it came to prosecutions.
The theory was, given there is a lower threshold of proof required for civil action, the regulator would take a shotgun approach with a broad civil case. If it managed to hit some targets, it would then use whatever evidence was accepted in the civil action on a more focused criminal case.
The scatter-gun approach instead has led to lazy investigation and poor prosecution.
Over the years, ASIC has taken an uneven approach to white-collar crime, often employing its resources to take trophies with cases against easy targets. It was a strategy that made the statistics look good, with an overwhelming success rate in prosecutions. But it did little to instil public confidence in its abilities to rein in the excesses of the corporate world.
Its most notorious failing was its case against Steve Vizard, the alleged comedian and former Telstra director. Vizard admitted using information gained as a Telstra director to engage in share trading. While insider trading is a criminal offence, charges were never laid. Instead, ASIC cut a deal where, in exchange for frank admissions, it would impose a civil penalty of a substantial fine and a 10-year ban as a company director.
There is no shame in a regulator losing in court. Cases involving corporate crime by their very nature are complex and usually involve well-heeled defendants who can employ the best defence money can buy.
It is essential a regulator takes on the tough cases. But it cannot afford to mount the kind of sloppy arguments employed in this example.
Rich and Keeling - the founders of One.Tel - may have difficulty ever getting back into business with money raised from the public, particularly given the One.Tel debacle wasn't their first