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Website design and forum functionality feedback

I agree with you Zaxon, there already is a members only area, to add another level we may as well become a sub branch of the Freemasons.

All permissions are user group based. Let me explain. Everyone here belongs to a user group. Most people are "Registered", I am "Administrator", those who are unregistered but visit anyway are "Unregistered". I give those user groups certain permissions to do things. "Registered" users can post, use the search, edit their posts for 30 minutes, view the threads in the "Members Only" forum, stuff like that.

There are no thread level permissions except for giving or not giving permission for certain user groups to view threads in certain forums. So in short it is not possible to exclude people from certain threads unless they do not have permission to view the forum that thread is in.

I hope that makes sense.

Joe's "stated problem" is trying to attract more traffic to the board.

Yes, more traffic, more registrations and more posts. And people being nice to each other. That will solve all our problems. Sounds so simple but apparently it's damn near impossible to have all four.

ASF could be transformed overnight if we all worked together for a common purpose, but apparently it is not to be. There is no common purpose, only individual agendas.

The Members Only forum isn't indexed by Google as it's for ASF Members Only but there's not many threads in there. I created it at the request of certain members who wanted to have their content visible only by members which I understand.
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You could use the recent litigation and physical threats to your advantage if you can get an MSM outlet such as Fairfax, News Ltd. or one of the Commercial channels 7, 9 on side as advocates.

Even Alan Jones !!!

If people feel the need to have a secret fight, I'd suggest ASF isn't the place where that should take place.

I'm sure you won't be surprised that I agree with that Zaxon

On the flipside … Thread "fights" often develop "after the fact" so to speak …

Purely thinking out aloud here for the possible improvement of the site for all … and on a similar tack to my previous "brainwave" lol

I accept, and think its fair to say that some people like to argue?? I have no evidence to support my thoughts, but I suspect people who regularly "argue passionately" are often quite intelligent. Whether we agree with their point of view or not … intelligent points of view can be interesting??

Just because people like to argue, that doesn't mean they are "unproductive/detrimental" in relation to the ongoing benefit to ASF?? (I am not an argumentative person, but over the years, I have often enjoyed reading posts from conflicting posters.)

I agree with you Zaxon, there already is a members only area, to add another level we may as well become a sub branch of the Freemasons.

LOL (Freemasons) …. funny Sptrawler

Seriously though ….. "Members Only" who don't register for the General Threads as I was suggesting above would still not get access to the "threads of friction" …..

LOL (sometimes I amuse myself )…. Threads of Friction could actually be used a sub heading for a "basket" of threads only visible by registration …. It may be surprising to see just how much traffic those collective "secretive threads" could create, independent of Trading and Investing

To be honest, I have never considered the "Members Only" areas … because I am a member, I have access regardless …. My suggestion in having to register for individual GC threads is a totally different concept to the current "Members Only" scenario … and would keep the frictional content off the Forums main pages

It does make sense Joe ………… Therefore, again regarding my above suggestions …… perhaps there should/could be "levels" of "User Groups" for those that want to get involved in GC based discussions.

ie. Members can register for various "user groups" and those User groups can have various degrees of "permission" to view the "level" they have subscribed for …

It may sound complicated, but I think it sounds productive regarding eliminating the GC thread issues.

ps. Its Friday, so I may ramble on …. pps. Go the Rabbits
ASF could be transformed overnight if we all worked together for a common purpose, but apparently it is not to be. There is no common purpose, only individual agendas.

In any leadership vacuum this will often occur (obviously), having this conversation along with the "the time to call it a day" thread will, is to a degree leadership from your self with your musing on issues and what you want will have a positive effect on all of us.

Perhaps you could raise your profile from time to time on the forum in a leadership role you certainly hold all our respect and our sympathy (horrifies me) in regards to the litigation issues.

Markets rise and fall and I suspect forums general interest with it, one group that comes to mind that fits the demographic that will still be drawn to forums is a very large number of retirees with super / pension issues that at the moment is the domain of financial advisers they maybe a target I don't know?
There is no common purpose, only individual agendas.

Honestly, thats always going to be the case in a discussion forum of individuals. I know its not your style or preference, but honestly, less asking what people think and want and more decisive direction from you, with whatever rules and guidelines you apply and publicise, enforced with a big ban hammer, is the recipe for a successful forum from my experience.

All the successful ones I have helped adminster or moderate had few but clear and absolute rules with a zero tolerance approach. Its your forum, not ours, however much you might have a vision of us all sitting in a circle holding hands and singing kumbaya.

Personally, I've cut down posting in GC because of the statement "General Chat is killing ASF" and I didn't want to be an accessory to murder.
Guys, my remark about working together for a common purpose was just me thinking out loud. Relax. I am very aware that it is about as realistic as world peace.

This thread is for feedback on forum design and functionality. If you have any, I'd love to hear it.

Barney, my approach to solving the GC issue will be to have a checkbox in people's user settings that says "Include General Chat in New Posts Searches". This box will be unchecked by default for everyone.

Those who would like to view General Chat threads in their New Posts searches can check this box and then save their settings. From then on General Chat threads will come up in their New Posts searches.

This seems like a pretty comprehensive approach and will take a little custom coding but hopefully not too much.

Those who would like to eliminate the General Chat forum entirely can ignore the forum by clicking this link checking all three boxes and then clicking the "Ignore Forum" button.
Perhaps you could raise your profile from time to time on the forum in a leadership role

I don't see myself as a leader and I've never sought to be a political figure. In fact, I've fought that perception for 15 years. ASF a club and everyone here, registered or not, is a member of that club.

And I rent the club room.

I've only sought to create a community that I would want to be a member of. I've made some classic miscalculations along the way, but that guiding principle holds firm.

ASF is a place of diverse characters. We have all kinds here. You can't force all those people get along. They won't. All you can do is try and enforce some standards and I have done that, but not to the satisfaction of some.

I have made a lot of mistakes over the years, but my life has taken its own twists and turns. Fifteen years is a long time.

But, for all its faults, this is still a good community.

That basically sums up what people who have morals and principles do while following their dream, it can be a rocky road, but at the end you can look in the mirror and say I did my best.
Joe, when you go, this forum goes, but always remember you have introduced a lot of people that would never have met other than for this forum.
I still think fondly of Julia, even though I never met her, she holds a special place with me.
But for you I would never have met her.
Not getting soppy, but there isn't a lot of joy in the World these days, it is all cut and thrust, dog eat dog.
I find this forum a sanctuary, where there seems to be a degree of civility and a maturity, that actually engenders trust between members, that is something hard to find in this day and age IMO.
I hope you take a lot of pride from that, not many achieve it.

Hey Joe wasn't having a go at you (I know it looked that way) it was a suggestion, understand your position I respect and admire you for it as an outsider I can only say I haven't observed any mistakes always thought you come across as some one who was very wise.
I've noticed advertisements interspersed with posts in various threads.

Will this be the norm from now on Joe ?
I've noticed advertisements interspersed with posts in various threads.

Will this be the norm from now on Joe ?

I'm currently testing a new system where Google decides where to insert the ads in order to optimise performance.

I will run it for a couple of weeks to see if there is any noticeable increase in revenue.

Am happy to listen to any feedback on this new system.

I find it a bit annoying but I understand your need to make a buck.
I find it a bit annoying but I understand your need to make a buck.

I understand. If there's no change in revenue I will remove it. The test only started in the last 24 hours so I really haven't had a chance to evaluate it yet.

Still early days.
OK I'll turn Adblock off (temporarily) in order to support ASF.

BUT if I get annoyed it's going back on.

First ad I see is from Budget car rental. I recently rented a van from Thrifty to move some furniture. That job is done so I don't want to see adverts referencing old searches. This annoys me.
OK I'll turn Adblock off (temporarily) in order to support ASF.

BUT if I get annoyed it's going back on.

Ditto, let's see what ads I get. First one - plagiarism detection in my writing. I think I would know if I was stealing someone else's work, so Google not smart so far.
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