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Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at The Bull

We hope you may have time to vote this Sunday as the voting is far from over and we need to hold on to the current momentum Thank You!

Quite a relief to see 47% again, though I expect we must get ready for a struggle through to the end of November. Must keep the new votes coming in for ASF at

We must keep plugging away at this difficult 48% voting post ahead :bong:

Are you a :newbie: and wondering what to do next. Well, why not make a good start for ASF and mosey on over to

ASF Target 50%
Are you a :newbie: and wondering what to do next. Well, why not make a good start for ASF and mosey on over to

ASF Target 50%

Everything is going quite well :thankyou:, but, not time for us all to slowdown just yet as we move to vote at in fact we need to move up a gear and move on to 49%, no time to :dance: as yet, and no time to :fish: only time to vote :aus:

A one point slippage during the day:holysheep: and I note a little :headshake and lack of belief. Never mind, a chance to get it back overnight at
can you vote multiple times?

(some of those other websites are TERRIBLE!!)

Hi cornnfedd, You can only vote once and they filter out any multiple voting from the same computer, IP address or similar IP address, or phone line later. This means that only one persons vote at an IP address will normally count. Unfortunate if there are several people wanting to vote at the same address.
The night draws on and we haven't got that percentage point back yet.
:luigi: on down to the voting zone at as we must retrieve the situation, thank you.

A happy night :thankyou: and today we shall not rest as ASF march on as we jump on a :bowser: and attempt the 49% waterfall ahead. We carry our :aus: held high and the :band plays on to the voting zone at
A happy night and today we shall not rest as ASF march on as we jump on a raft and attempt the 49% waterfall ahead. We carry our flag held high and the band plays on to the voting zone at

Night draws on and we're back 1% I can't believe thatc: well, we must bring those new voters into help and talking of help we have someone new :batman:
ASF Target 50% was always going to be a challenge and I'm sure we're up for it as long as we are never found :sleeping:
Meanwhile, voting this evening and overnight is much needed at :thankyou:
If you haven't yet voted in The Bull's Stockies competition then there is an opportunity at

Bring a Xmas :chimney to ASF as we have a steep hill to climb to ASF Target 50% and we may need a little help from :venus: we need to grow the ASF votes like a :bunny:
Still, if you haven't had time to vote yet why not :luigi: on down to stockies at :walker:

Good on you noirua.

Where do you get your smileys from? or should I say From where do you get your smiley's.

Good on you noirua.
Where do you get your smileys from? or should I say From where do you get your smiley's. gg

Hi gg, all these excellent smilies come courtesy of Joe Blow, would you believe it, as I'm not clever enough to find all these. I did notice JB did say he would like to see better use of smilies and all of a sudden I became converted, a few weeks ago. Perhaps we need a Smilies thread
Anyway, voting continues at
Perhaps we need a more :engel: approach rather than the :bigun2: as some do not like to be forced into voting, albeit of a virtual nature. In fact, many are teetotalers and abhor the sight of :bier: Later we may have to turn to :aliena: to get a lift.

I'm much tied up with the takeover bid for a certain coal company, lobbying certain persons and companies. Appreciate any help on the voting side :thankyou:

Early morning, stretch and yawn, what to do today? Yes, I must vote at
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