Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at The Bull

Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

Now we are back in the weekend again and instead of a rest it's time to vote at Thanks for spending your time voting it's much appreciated :thankyou:

As the days go by we must keep climbing the ladder and never stopping to procrastinate, the thief of time, and vote onwards.

That ASF 50% Target is possible but its going to be one hell of a struggle.
:luigi:A new week and it may be a testing time as we go for the 50% target. Voting remains open at

Walking quite briskly, but a little way to go in the voting yet, and always we have these sleepless nights worrying if that 50% level can be reached. No time to start thinking and wondering but anyway, ASF looks forward to your vote at:

A way to speed it up :bowser: but if you prefer:knightrid and the band plays on :band
Walking quite briskly, but a little way to go in the voting yet, and always we have these sleepless nights worrying if that 50% level can be reached. No time to start thinking and wondering but anyway, ASF looks forward to your vote at:

A way to speed it up :bowser: but if you prefer :knightrid and the band plays on :band

ASF Target 50%
:luigi: Walking in the right direction to vote at: :walker:
Walking quite briskly, but a little way to go in the voting yet, and always we have these sleepless nights worrying if that 50% level can be reached. No time to start thinking and wondering but anyway, ASF looks forward to your vote at:

A way to speed it up :bowser: but if you prefer:knightrid and the band plays on :band

Yep! The task to ASF Target 50% becomes more uphill and we must follow the :icon_arro and become a :star:
Voting continues at
I wonder, past the whirlwind and still not past 46% yet and I'm afraid it's time to bring in the troops to clear a path :sword::bazooka::viking::shoot:
Voting at

Yes indeed! This 46% mark is proving a tough nut to crack. We'll let the guys bash away a bit longer, otherwise it's time for even tougher tactics. One more helper brought in :chainsaw: that might help us cut our way through.
Yes indeed! This 46% mark is proving a tough nut to crack. We'll let the guys bash away a bit longer, otherwise it's time for even tougher tactics. One more helper brought in :chainsaw: that might help us cut our way through.

:aus:GOT THERE, 46% that is, what a relief - happy days are here again. Now 47% is a different kettle of fish and may prove a really tough haul.
Voting today is at:
Just voted, now at 47%.

I wonder what it would be if I hadn't voted for HC.

Only joking. I assume HC has a far greater number of users and they are waaay behind.. I think the biggest difference is that this is more of a community, and a well moderated and infomed one of that.
The weekend is here again and it would be just great if it wasn't followed by Monday. Time to wave the :aus: at

The Bull awaits your vote at the above link as you enjoy your weekend on the :couch or go out for a spin in the :car: some may be more energetic :walker: and others :alcohol:
Despite all this effort there is a little time left over, yes indeed, to vote at the bull: