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Victorian Fires

recently..past 3 7 did a special about an arsonist...think he was an adelaide man around 30....after he was a good behaviour 7 followed him around...yes he was still lighting fires but denied it...but they had the cameras on him and the proof....he is not locked away yet...and he was about to light another fire....he had been lighting fires for about 20 years
on tv ca tonight...?? which one...story about a convicted arsonist,,,
currently working for one of the cfa' about a police check for volunteers...
another thing I heard.,,they reckon if the police visit each arsonist on a big fire day...that should deter them....
hahahahahaha sorry who are these idiots that come up with these ideas....
and after the police have left ????
what if the arsonist is already out on the job ......
sam...I mentioned the current affair...and the shorts tell that lets wait and see what they come up with...
the only explanation...if he is a convicted can he be a volunteer...if there was a police check done ???

innuendo and rumours...not...
most information can be traced..doing a google
even you sound unsure if police checks are done on volunteers....the word
'assume' new entrants and transfers include volunteers ??? or just the permanent workforce
Kincella, My area of knowledge is the CFA not the other fire services.

read my previous post or spend some time on the cfa website.

either way, this is getting tiring....

i'm off for a bit.
I think I like this bloke - from

Written by
Mike Claridge of Ararat Victoria.

Where green and gold once cloaked the land
Where eucalypt and pine did stand
Where man did live and lay his hand
Now black is all I see

Where horses grazed and cattle drank
Where grasses lined the river bank
Where stood a house and water tank
Now black is all I see

There was a town with store and hall
Which proudly stood ‘neath ridges tall
Now nothing moves or lives at all
And black is all I see

There stood a home and there another
Where lived a daughter, father , mother
A sister, cousin, niece or brother
Now black is all I see

Our nation grieves and holds them tight
Throughout the darkness of the night
Till daybreak brings an ashy light
And black is all I see

“Poor fella, my country”
A taxpayer, in letters to the editor, in The Australian is critical of a suggestion that the taxpayers should bail out the uninsured householders who lost their homes in the bushfires. I think the number of these is about a quarter of the total.

But hasn't this decision already been made by Mr Rudd. I am sure I heard him pledge to rebuild all the homes. Those more responsible people who insure their home and contents (and their vehicles) may think this unfair. But it has always been Mr Rudd's policy to look after the improvident.

And I think the precedent has already been set. I am fairly sure that after the Canberra fires in 2003 the uninsured were reimbursed by the taxpayer.

In the 1974 floods in Brisbane nobody in the area where I lived ever dreamed they would need additional flood insurance coverage for a very rare event. We were lucky as we had a War Service home which was automatically covered. It was stiff cheddar for those without flood coverage.
So the message now is don't waste your money insuring your house we will bail you out anyway. I'm keeping this in mind, as every year I up my insurance in order to rebuild if a cyclone gets me. Maybe I won't do that anymore and use the premium for a trip to NZ instead.

The donations would have covered that without the Govt spending a cent.

The uninsured may only be covered in extreme situations like this, if their house just burns down in isolation they'd be on their own.

Lucky for them there's a Labor Govt in, I reckon pretty soon non of us will have to work at all, just collect our wages from a crisis package of some sort.
Understood completely, Sam. I was just confirming what had been asked, not making any judgements.

Just joking.
Maybe this kind of bail out is because gov't aknowledges that these kind of losses could have been averted if they had been more pro-active in taking preventative measures. e.g. We'll give you a house if you don't sue us for not following the advice of all those royal commissions?
Agree in spades on both counts. The determination expressed by so many people who have lost their homes to rebuild in the same place is something I don't comprehend.
Bob Brown has lashed out at critics of his forest management policies. With his usual slippery sleight of hand he has tried to turn the criticism back on his critics claiming they are are being nasty to the victims and surviviors by blaming them for living there, etc.

This is a very cynical guy. I think Brown and other greens have a gene which causes a mental block which prevents them from being able to admit they are wrong.

Meanwhile; in SMH
I think Brown and other greens have a gene which causes a mental block which prevents them from being able to admit they are wrong.
Doesn't that same gene exist in all politicians? (maybe except Wilson Tuckey)
Good they'll have plenty of helpers too............

Ah the wisdom of crowds.

PS: I have changed my mind about Kruddy doing a bit of grandstanding on the side after seeing this photo -

Seems he did learn a thing or two from l'il Johnny after all.
I see on the news tonight that there was another allegedly deliberately lit fire in the Dandenongs last night.

And what do I see?

People standing under overhanging trees on their filthy litter-covered roofs spraying a garden hose wearing nothing but summer gear.

Do people not learn????

Especially in such high bushfire risk areas such as the Dandenongs.
Not sure what is happening interstate, but there is an increasing level of 'growl' in the media that the people in the bushfire are getting tax relief, mortgage relief, bank relief whilst others who suffer an 'individual' crisis (cancer, housefire, accident etc etc) are ignored. And those who are uninsured will get their house back. Listening to the radio, one of the commentators was someone who had put in a major effort at getting several pantecs off interstate with donated goods last week - yet even she is getting antsy about the inequity.

And I suspect, Rudd's ever increasing media photo opps are getting on everyones nerve too. Who is running the country at the moment?

People standing under overhanging trees on their filthy litter-covered roofs spraying a garden hose wearing nothing but summer gear. Do people not learn???? Especially in such high bushfire risk areas such as the Dandenongs.

No they dont Sam. To be honest, they never will until a tougher stand is taken by our Government, the CFA, the Councils. They will never get the message that the onus is on them to prepare for fire, because there is usually always someone to their rescue. It sends a mixed message. If people want to live in fire prone areas, then it is at their risk, including their responsibility to fully protect and insure their home. The CFA should not be required to protect our homes if we cant be bothered to do that. But no, Rudd has now labelled them 'Aussie battlers' - ????? and so the benevolent Government will once again come to their aid.

Treat people as adults for once, and stop being the parent to the silly little child.

And oh yeah, if something is going to go wrong, make sure the 'going wrong' happens to as many other people as possible.

Have you noticed over the last few days we have all been able post our, often conflicting, views on this highly emotive subject without anyone losing their cool or making personal attacks on other posters. I think it reflects the maturity of the posters.

Not long back I had to be very careful to vet very word for fear that it could be misconstrued as callous disregard for the suffering of the victims. We have come a long way in a few days.
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