Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Victorian Fires

I can't believe there are scumbags looting.

An hour after a body was removed what's left of the house was ransacked.

IMO just as bad the ****ers who light the fires.
simply amazing


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I can't believe there are scumbags looting.

An hour after a body was removed what's left of the house was ransacked.

IMO just as bad the ****ers who light the fires.

The traditional way to deal with looters is to shoot them on sight.
Why is Victoria's largest catchment 19% full?
Because system load exceeds firm supply capability.

In plain english, that means demand outstrips the ability of the system to sustainably supply it. Attempting to supply that demand will lead to a trend of declining storage levels until such time as either storages are empty or demand and capacity are brought back into balance.

Solutions: More supply by expanding the catchment area (generally achieved by diversions, canals, dams etc), more supply by some other means (tanks, desal, ground water) or less demand. I

If the means of increasing supply or reducing demand is intermittent in nature (diversions into existing storages, tanks etc) then additional large scale storage capacity would also be required. In practice that means a big dam either on stream (that is, with its own catchment) or off stream (pump in and out with no associated catchment).

One very real suggestion though. Let's give cloud seeding a go. It's cheap and we've got a huge amount of expertise already in Australia. It's proven to work in Tas so it's at least worth a try in Vic. Worst case we end up wasting a relatively trivial amount of money.:2twocents
Because system load exceeds firm supply capability.

In plain english, that means demand outstrips the ability of the system to sustainably supply it. Attempting to supply that demand will lead to a trend of declining storage levels until such time as either storages are empty or demand and capacity are brought back into balance.

Solutions: More supply by expanding the catchment area (generally achieved by diversions, canals, dams etc), more supply by some other means (tanks, desal, ground water) or less demand.

One very real suggestion though. Let's give cloud seeding a go. It's cheap and we've got a huge amount of expertise already in Australia. It's proven to work in Tas so it's at least worth a try in Vic. Worst case we end up wasting a relatively trivial amount of money.:2twocents

How far out is the idea of piping it down from far north Qld.

Pipe it to dams built along the way as storage, do it in stages, they get metres of rain up there all down the drain.

Dont laugh they did that when someone suggested flight.
Because system load exceeds firm supply capability.

In plain english, that means demand outstrips the ability of the system to sustainably supply it. Attempting to supply that demand will lead to a trend of declining storage levels until such time as either storages are empty or demand and capacity are brought back into balance.

Of course ! , why didnt the self appointed superior intellects in here work that out, grealy increased and increasing population and no new dams, so even without the drought we would probably be going backward.
Of course ! , why didnt the self appointed superior intellects in here work that out, grealy increased and increasing population and no new dams, so even without the drought we would probably be going backward.

Mmmmm so would it be easier to pipe water down from Nth Qld or export a percentage of our population up there ?:D
you wouldn't have seen these in the press.

Coleraine fire - note the town is on the right. (size appx 900ha)

Horsham fire - had the wind change been any earlier we would have had many more deaths.


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Mmmmm so would it be easier to pipe water down from Nth Qld or export a percentage of our population up there ?:D
I guess any decision on that would not only consider which option would be easier (probably for the population to move north) but the preparedness of said population to in fact do that.

Many people living in the southern states would simply not want to live in the tropics.

I would be won over by this crappy government if they were to wipe all the present stimulus package and put the funds into creating this north south pipeline so the southern states could have a reasonable water supply.
The water shortage in Victoria and SA is ridiculous and could have been prevented with proper forward planning by governments who looked a bit further ahead than the next election.
Whilst piping the water down south seems like a good idea, I'm not so sure. We have floods for a reason.

In any case, here's hoping that conditions improve in Victoria. Sending positive thoughts for those who need it.
Mmmmm so would it be easier to pipe water down from Nth Qld or export a percentage of our population up there ?:D

There's been talk for years of piping water from NQ to brisbane because up until recently it was in severe water shortage. Last time this idea came up it was laughed out of state parliament. I think that's why the qld gov't made itself so unpopular by reclaiming farmland to build another dam closer to Brisbane.
Also up here in Townsville we have water shortages also. With strict no sprinkler days backed by fines etc. The dams aren't big enough and in weather situations like we are having at moment water which could be collected is lost.
So apart from the cost of the pipeline itself we still don't have enough catchments up here for much of the year.

As for sending a percentage of southerners up here. No Thanks. We don't want them.
Our infrastructure (hospitals etc) are already stretched to groaning point from all the southerners who have immigrated up here over the last few years.
The traffic on the roads is getting to the point where there is no guarantee you will get to go on the next green light.
I moved up here from Sydney 30 years ago because I loved the environment and the lifestyle. But over the last ten years all the southerners who have moved up here (supposedly because they liked the environment and the lifestyle) have done their damndest to replicate what they left behind and they're messing it up.
Go figure!
I have been reading this thread for a while...Yes Victoria has many, many challenges ahead of it....

1. For the fire prevention discussion my opinion is the cfa strategy has worked a 100% for 99% of the time. But if the climatologists are correct these freakish conditions will become more prevalent requiring a better approach. I read one idea that seems eminently sensible and that was rating the threat like they do cyclones. A category 5 say would require all children, people aged over 65 and those with medical conditions to evacuate the area etc. I like the idea of the underground bunkers too, as long as oxygen can be assured.
2. My other concern currently is that the week prior to the tragedy, we like S.A had rolling blackouts which contributed to a soaring death rate due to heat exhaustion. And yet we are looking at putting on a desalination plant when we appear already to be struggling with our electricity supply. I would rather the money go to something that would secure our supply for electricity and drink recycled water which would be massively cheaper than build this billion dollar monster. For Victoria to remain viable we need both water and a reliable power supply.
The pipeline from Nth Qld could be started in a number of locations simultaneously employ thousands and be finished in a few years -

1/ Employ people
2/ Secure Vic water supply and Brisbane

The pipeline from Nth Qld could be started in a number of locations simultaneously employ thousands and be finished in a few years -

1/ Employ people
2/ Secure Vic water supply and Brisbane


O.K. I'll get out with my shovel tomorrow.
Seriously I don't know why this idea has been treated like a joke but it is one that has been around for decades apparently. I think it was Beattie who raised it last.