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RED has traded from 5c to 24c recently
PEN 3c to 15c
Both if traded well could have picked up 80% of those moves.
400% return from both.

Regardless of which has what potential good timing and the ability to trade would have given some tremendous returns.

What I saw with PEN were traders/ investors who rode that move both UP and DOWN

If you have a look through most threads where the stock has moved up strongly you'll note most ride it all the way back down again
All the while protesting to all who will listen how everyone has got it wrong!

Now if gold falls down the tube RED may well become another victim,even with production.
If it flies through 2500 + it may see your 37c even without production.

These are general comments using both PEN and RED as examples it's not a comparison or competition.

My point is simply that I personally ( not you or anyone else)
Look for and anticipate opportunity ---- I just don't see it at this time in RED.
But if people hold then bask in the profits.
Maybe I will join you one day.
RED has traded from 5c to 24c recently
PEN 3c to 15c
Both if traded well could have picked up 80% of those moves.
400% return from both.

The difference between PEN and RED is that PEN produces uranium, which has never took off.

RED produces gold, which has schedules for when it turns a profit. I wouldn't touch PEN with a 10m pole as uranium is one of the riskiest things to invest in. (japan didnt help either!!)

Just look at BMN. The start up costs to start producing uranium there are a tonne of $$!!! They just keep keep conducting feasibility studies on March. etc which is MEANT TO END in DECEMBER 2011! Are you seriously joking?

This just means one thing. Uranium companies have a huge start up capital and are therefore one of the MOST riskiest things to speculate on! Let's just keep issuing the public with reports once every 4 months and pray for a joint venture!

Again, DYOR. Who knows PEN and BMN could be huge 3 yrs from now! I'd rather be in gold tho, and wouldn't touch uranium stocks till I SEE results.

That's where I see faults in charting analysis. You're blindly 'investing'/trading without looking at the fundamentals of a company. Why would people invest in PEN I have no idea! At least with RED they already have all the capital they need to produce gold (and have all the facilities available to do so).

People who invested their cash in PEN obviously don't understand how much capital uranium companies need to get going. BMN is praying for an offer from Hanlong or joint ventures. Yeah! That's the way! Invest in companies who are begging the Chinese to be taken over. People should NEVER invest in things they don't understand, and just a quick browse through the PEN thread shows that
Both moved 500% in recent years
That my friend is a fact.

One a crap company and one a boomer

Frankly I don't give a rats about a company.
If it's moving in my direction and I can eliminate risk then I'm in.

Bad or
Mini breakout of the last 2 weeks or so uber flat trading range on higher volume than in recent time on Friday.

Bullish enough signal, or too minor?
Mini breakout of the last 2 weeks or so uber flat trading range on higher volume than in recent time on Friday.

Bullish enough signal, or too minor?

Too minor in my opinion. Just happened to coincide with a massive rally on the ASX and the price of gold so you really can't see anything into it.
Too minor in my opinion. Just happened to coincide with a massive rally on the ASX and the price of gold so you really can't see anything into it.

I can't help but agree with you there but then again there may be a possibility of investor confidence returning to the stock - possibley due to some underlying piece of information whether in the company itself or in the price of Gold.

The Friday move is much too small to be considered anything. However if it broke, say, 22cents - I'd be pretty confident for a run up to 24.5 cents and challenge the resistence level.
Put this into Research Tools in E*trade and it seems significantly underpriced from what morningstar can gather. Haven't done any significant research into this company but might look into it.

Put this into Research Tools in E*trade and it seems significantly underpriced from what morningstar can gather. Haven't done any significant research into this company but might look into it.

View attachment 45090

That's all based on speculation though. If all price reports and Research Tools were 100% accurate, the EMH would be in place and everyone would be millionaires. But we all know that it's not the case aye
That's all based on speculation though. If all price reports and Research Tools were 100% accurate, the EMH would be in place and everyone would be millionaires. But we all know that it's not the case aye

I know, thats why i said it the share was only underpriced according to morningstar
I know, thats why i said it the share was only underpriced according to morningstar

Underpriced according to Bell Potter as well. All of these ratings are based on speculation though. Until RED actually starts producing I don't think any of the NPV valuations will be taken into account much, let alone reached.
I agree, when i first started investing i put too much trust into a recommendation and bought FMS at 20c, hasn't done anything and i dont expect any returns until production starts.
Bullish enough signal, or too minor?

Needs to break downtrend line or better still the recent high @ 21.5.
Bollinger band squeeze means trend is near.
Bullish close above moving average line.
Bullish MACD signal line cross/center line cross.
Bullish RSI cross of center line/downtrend line.
Bullish Slow Stochastic cross.

Bullish symmetrical triangle breakout target = 20 + (23 - 15) = 28c

Click chart
Hi All RED posters, great to see so many posts!

I'm so impressed to see all the posts - I recall a time when I was only talking to myself on here (at least I had a serious discussion those days in full agreement, lol). I guess its the sign of the times, and whilst I believe its everything related to do with RED progressing towards first gold production, I'm sure a chartist must be also comforted when there is such an incredible uplift in posting activity. Sort of an indication of volumes of interest in the company for whatever reason.

As for the comments by all the new chartists, I guess you all say that you don't know and don't care what is going on with RED other than there are signs that its of interest, for whatever technical trading reason, maybe that there is something alerting you all to it, but that it still has to break resistance at 21.5 cents and then 24.5 cents. I don't have a problem with that call, and I wonder if it does break through those levels, does it mean you will start to buy the stock? I am intrigued that whilst the pure chartists seem to now be observing its trading, there must be something that you have all noticed that puts it on your observation list. And yet you are not ready to buy at the moment.

Well from a pure fundamental point of view I can assure you that RED is not a pure speculative gold explorer anymore, its core activity is transitioning from gold developer to gold producer. That transition is due to be complete within the next month (unless there is a hiccup!), and whilst such a hiccup will be minor in the overall scheme of things IMO, RED will be pursued by all and sundry once the news breaks that it is a gold producer, especially once it confirms its producing gold at anything like the forecast rate and forecast operating cost.

So its such an exciting time for me, and I'm sure for us longer term posters (what do you think Moit - I'm appreciative of your posts over the past couple of years or so mate, it has kept me sane when there have been so many frustrating times?).

I agree that RED's move on Friday was in step with other gold producers and a move upwards in gold price last Thrusday night, but I have no doubt that at some point soon it will move despite the gold price, as it will be moving towards that NPV valuation, in the mid-30's and upwards (depending on the gold price of course). And Tech/a, a gold price above US1,000 will see a valuation ABOVE its current level based on the base case cash flow model!!!

Thats a prety ambitious call, ATM i will be happy to see 21 cents.
I hope that you are right, this week will tell a story for RED IMO.
Im watching closely, ready to press the exit button.
Very good volume in the first hour of trading. Today could be the day :

Snsdmonkey, the sell down at 20 cents earlier this morning could mean Matthews has re-entered the market to sell down a few more.

Whilst the push of gold production anticipation is there, Matthews has the capacity to keep it capped for a bit longer if he decides to do that - that frustrates me as I simply can't understand why RED management don't facilitate a take out of his shares!

(Of course this scenario of mine re Matthews is pure speculation!).

Yeh he might have. There was a massive sell down at 20c less than an hour ago. Are we talking about the same thing?
Hi all RED club members.

Hi Beatle once again an informative post, as always. Thanks for your kind words to mate. It certainly has been a rocky couple of years. You got me thinking when you mentioned longer term holders. I went back through to see when i first posted, page 9. Wow, how time flies, and wow how popular this RED thread has become. So many new posters, especially of late. To me that tells me one thing. The day of gold explorer, come producer is nearing, and investors are realizing it.( And Beatle, yes your were talking to yourself quite a bit back then, lol. )

Tech/a, i was a bit harsh on you mate, and i apologize. You can be negative to wards RED, but you make some extremely valid points. Everyone has there own trading style, and if you don't see a buy signal at the moment, you obviously have your reasons and that is your prerogative. I do wish you and all followers success.

As for todays trading, it seems Mathews have backed off, completely by the looks of it. Volume is back to normal. Maybe RED can do its own thing now. Hopefully an announcement will arise shortly, or anticipation will kick in and drive that sp up, breaking them well known resistance levels.

Its great to see some knowledgeable chartists popping on the RED thread. I'm a bit like you Beatle. I know the basics, but when you start talking stochastic cross or bollinger bands, ill just leave that to the experts.

Lets hope the next few weeks become rather GOLDEN for us all.

Cheers Moit
I take back what i said, re Mathews backing off a bit, completely by the looks of it. Ive completely missed the dumping of a million at 10.20 a.m.
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