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agree with Moit. Im learning from tech/a also.....thus why im asking a godzillion questions.

Aim has never been to rubbish any stock.

With such a small window in today's trade analysis it isn't possible to cover every scenario. If I was in the trade my main aim would be to secure profit.

It's very possible there could be a sharp reversal day today---- trading above $ 1.91-2 then reversing below the stop level.

My stops are always close when trading short term as small moves can deplete profit very quickly.Also why I won't chase a buy.
ASX announcement.......first gold pour at Siana!!!

This game just got interesting!!

Congrats to RED management and staff for getting there. Must be a relief. And they have added that they are to review production rates in light of a mill capacity review.
Perhaps not unexpected but still will increase the IRR ?

Beatle this would have to be a great time for you, you must be the most faithful investor ever known. Hope RED send you a first gold medallion! Where to now ? 2.20 for a start ?

Volume pretty average sellers have kept this down.
Id be out now with a buy if it re visits at $1.95 which Id re look at in a few days.
Pity I missed it would have been a nice trade!

Will watch.
ASX announcement.......first gold pour at Siana!!!

This game just got interesting!!

Not that interesting. Looks like the announcement was already built into the price. Lots of resistance from buyers to pay over $1.91. Actually compared to the rest of the market RED hasn't really done much today.
agree. very disappointed with the the point where im considering an exit next time it rises to the 1.94 mark.
Hi All RED followers, yes today is the best news that RED could possibly put out for us faithful Mr Jeff, and regardless of those seeking to make a fortune over the following 5 minutes of trading I'm of the view that RED will become more relevant to the institutional community that are yet to get invested, for a few reasons:
1. RED is now a gold producer with a likely long life, low cost gold production future ahead of it!
2. NPV valuation of RED at current gold price and based on the base case model are more than DOUBLE its current price. Its current market cap is a huge discount to its gold producing peers and just needs time to prove its gold production ramp up to get confidence going.
3. It has been prepared for the North Americn market with the share consolidation, so it won't be seen as penny dreadful in the eyes of North American larger investors.

IMO RED is now a stock for those that want to invest in for the longer term - it has indicated its willingness to pay dividends as soon as it starts making good profits and that is what the institutional community seek. At anything like its current expected production rate and operating costs RED will be trading at PE's around 3 until it re-rates dramatically!

Yes AB, the party has been deferred, but I'm sure its going to be a great party, I look forward to catching up at that time with you.

Ok RED, time to move on and UPPPP
A further cautionary note to those religiously following Tech/a's posts on RED:

I don't aim to rubbish his TA, after all I don't follow it. BUT I have read most of his posts and you must realise that with regards to RED, he has at various times:

1. Suggested that RED may go down to $1.20 or it may move upwards, depending upon the following few days trading (at the time of his prediction!);
2. Tech/a has never held 1 share in RED, but for some strange reason consistently posts on RED, mostly as a negative poster. Even earlier today he has suggested RED is about to blow up.
3. When RED was going along very nicely on an uptrend he dared compared RED to PEN which he suggested had made many rich investors very poor. So therefore beware because RED was likely to do the same!

I suggest that its wise to read his TA comments knowing that he doesn't hold a single share. And if he was invested would he be telling you that you should sell at that time? Tech/a is like all share traders - out to make a buck, at whose expense is not his interest. We are all out there to make buck in share investments/trading of course, but keep his self-interest in your perspective if you mechanically follow his instructions/guidance.

I suggest that you also take note that his "twin" Boggo is similarly disposed to comments supporting Tech/a, especially related to RED.

My view on RED is not based on TA but purely on fundamental analysis, and I have followed the ups and downs of RED with Siana for a long time. Siana will produce a lot of gold for RED, and will become its strength as RED moves to other ventures once Siana production is fully bedded down. The institutional group now following RED will support it in those future ventures I believe.

(I suggest you take look at the Kingsgate story as a comparative model to RED).

The negative bias was obvious when he stated RED was "going nowhere" even due to "positive announcements" (when all annoucements during 2011 were NEGATIVE). Price then was $1.90. Few weeks later share price rose to $2.30 at end of November. That's a pretty big % gain for a share going nowhere.

Posters will always have bias when posting on shares. Just flick back to early november. Interesting T/A nonetheless, and interesting to see it from all sides.
Hi all RED members.

And hi to you Beatle, my loyal ol mate. Apologies to you also. It wasn't my aim to stir up the hornets nest.

You make some valid comments and i do agree with you. But for me personally, Tech/a's trading strategy is interesting and it is something i would like to do in the near future. I have held RED for over 2 years. In that time i have held and held and bought more in the lows and held some more. In hind sight i could have bought in the lows and sold at the highs, 5 or 6 times at least, ( and made a bucket load of cash ). I made a HUGE mistake a couple of weeks ago, which i will not elaborate on. I will not make the same mistake twice. My aim is to get a smarter and to start taking profits. There are certainly more ways to make money, than working for it.

I must say though mate, congratulations today. I know you have been waiting patiently for over a decade for this day to come. It would have been a lot nicer if the market reacted a bit more positive to ward it. By the looks of things the gold pour may have been factored in already. Though RED is on a nice steady rise at the moment, i hope it continues.

And lets hope RED can continue to produce daily.

Cheers and good luck to all holders. Moit.
Hi Moit, great to see you following the story still despite the setbacks with the slow commissioning process. And no you didn't stir up a hornets nest with me re TA and Tech/a's analysis. As I say I don't form a view of a stock based on TA at all, other than to say I am guarded when a stock has been trending down for a long period of time and want to know more about why its been doing that.

I can understand your reasoning to increase your profits by buying low and buying high and for sure IF I had been trading in and out of RED over the recent years I'm sure I would have no better chance of success due to luck of investing. Remember, even Tech/a has no better luck with RED, he didn't pick the recent bottoms around $1.40 and never ended up buying a share in it. And yes he says he's got 1,900 shares to pick from, I just can't understand why he would bother wasting all his time posting on RED if he didn't think it was a good trade/investment. Even earlier today he suggested it might hit 1.91 then drop! So he didn't pick it that time either. (I am happy about his comments as when he, amongst others including Boggo, were so negative and said that RED was due to dive to $1.20 I bought at $1.45, so I thank the downramping, lol!).

But remember Moit, you have been in RED for a long time, don't disembark before the real move upwards IMO yet to come as the ramp-up of gold production develops.

Just consider that the target market for RED now is more institutions, NONE of which that I am aware of use TA for stock-picking, they use valuations for their investments, and they tend to lock up a lot of stock when they want in!
When I first posted on this thread RED was around $0.18c the equivilant of $1.80 now.
Currently $1.95 ish. So all this hoo ha for far.

There are other ways to make a buck than buy and hold.
Dont worry Boggo and I wont be taking over the world soon---nor will you.

I look forward to your posts now, as we are obviously here for the same reasons. (To make money) !!!

Id really not recommend posts like this. It upsets the Chief.
You know---false idols and the like---

Oh in at $1.95. Small parcel.

I can understand your reasoning to increase your profits by buying low and buying high..........!

And of course I meant buying low and selling high!

By the way Tech/a (good to see you can speak for Boggo as well, is he the junior partner? lol), does it mean you will now abandon your reviewing TA of RED as its got beyond your limit, or does it increase your interest because its now trending up?

My stop is $1.93.

Ill be following RED as an exercise technically.
So Youll get the Good Bad and the Ugly.

Ill make sure you dont miss out.

And of course I meant buying low and selling high!

Oh I buy high as well and sell higher.
i know next to nothing of pouring gold......but those furnaces they use to melt down the gold, surely they must take a while to fire up. would they do that just for a little pour like this one.....or would you think they are expecting to be putting more through it?
Congrats to all RED holders.
Now we just need a couple of quarters of production figures to really kick things along
...others including Boggo, were so negative and said that RED was due to dive to $1.20 I bought at $1.45, so I thank the downramping, lol!).

I hope your accounting is more accurate than your quoting beatle, this was what I said on Jan 24th and on the 25th it bottomed at 1.48.
Sorry if 2 cents was too far out for you

It's at a critical level now at 1.50. Until it gets above at least 1.80 I would be concentrating on one or more of the other 1900+ stocks that exist on the ASX.
With all due respect to both Beatle and Tech/Boggo i think you all have valid points in the way you trade. Stick to the fundamentals or charting of RED the way you see it but as for this bantering going back and forth seems to be a waste of your energy.
If everyone traded the same there wouldn't be a market of interest.
I'm in this stock for fundamental reasons but by trading that way you can be holding that stock for some time before profiting. Many times i have bought & sold a stock for fundamental reasons but sold too early. Thats why i day trade with a portion of the shares so i am still making money whilst holding. If that particular share goes further i dont chase but wait till it drops again and if it does'nt all well and good as i still hold a portion of them. However if i were more confident in trading as Tech does i would daytrade a larger portion of the share.
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