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Useless Labor Party

But isn't it worrying that the 2 headlines in ABC are on the navel gazing introspection?
Why did we lose, we should have won, it is not fair,etc.
Eery similar to Hilary's post Trump

Labour, if you want to be left wing, start having left wing policies
Pro worker, not welfare or refugees not immigration or green agenda.
Any of our new immigrant is one job less for usually a true blue aussie worker, and more tax for the ones keeping jobs
Wake up, communism failed for a reason, do not play a Bernie or the Australian Labour sick habit of importing English class war here

Equality of chances and rights but also duties, that does not mean equality of outcome.
There are plenty of real issues be it taxation of big international business, manufacturing destruction and the effect of free trade where Labour could be really progressive, but it seems to evade them
We do not need both tomatoes and watermelons here, the Greens are enough for post communism totalitarianism,Labour needs to find its way, out of unions, based on real working people with at least a basic understanding of how economy works.we have the whole of western Europe as a model of what not to do
Shorten on record recently, saying if he had his time over, he'd revisit the franking credit policy.

The penny drops at last. Why should we entrust the national economy to a political party that doesn't even understand how dividend imputation works!

It's a desperate situation for traditional blue collar ALP voters. When will Labor realize, you can't govern a nation from the inner-city coffee shops in Ultimo and Fitzroy.

The "Light on the Hill" is barely a flickering pilot light

Only some of those apply. Free speech is great when it agrees with your opinion.

That does apply equally to Right and Left of course.
Only some of those apply. Free speech is great when it agrees with your opinion.

That does apply equally to Right and Left of course.
Free speech is completely dependent on what the media agrees with, if the don't agree they probably don't print it and if it is televised media they talk over anyone they don't agree with .

Yes absolutely insane............hang on the Tories are doing the same thing shezzas and they have a plan.

Whats the Coalitions plan again?

Current targets
The Climate Change Act 2008 set the country's emission reduction targets. The "legally binding" targets are a reduction of at least 100% by 2050 (against the 1990 baseline).[8]

It also mandates interim, 5-year budgets.
I am wondering why none of the media, have stress tested the policies the Labor party took to the last election.
No franking credits to SMSF's, now there is every likely hood that they have lost 30% of their capital and wont get a dividend. lol
So a Government pension is on the cards.
No negative gearing on established homes, well the prices would have dropped and the ability of the homeowner to pay the mortgage would have dropped and investors wont be there. So $hit would be

Negative gearing allowed on new builds and a Government subsidy on the rent, so all those who lost their established homes could rent new homes that the rich are being subsidised to build. lol
Absolutely magic, the rich get richer and the poor get Government subsidised rentals from the rich, when they lose their house.
Labor looking after the working class, building a better Australia.
Agree about the franking credits but I don't agree with Negative gearing in any form. It's a double whammy if you're running your own losses and then having to pay for someone else's losses with your taxes as well. Sadly, people seem to think this is all just free money and we can all just hand in our jobs and lay in the sun all day everyday. Why bother working when you can get money for nothing? If Australia doesn't ditch its welfare state mentality it will blindly follow some poorer countries in to debt that can never be repaid. Other countries without this permanent drag on the balance sheet will of course recover quicker than we will.

And if Labor had won the election we would probably see a repeat of the Coalition blocking everything in the senate and these $300 billion handouts may never have seen the light of day.
It's easy to gain political mileage by saying no to everything when you're not in Govt.

Mind you, with the huge fines being handed for just walking in the park or going for a drive the Govts will probably get all that money back in no time anyway. LOL

They were going to bring back penalty rates
Stress test that
Them people in the mile long Centrelink lines might have had a few more bucks to spend
But hey that didn’t effect you

You really need to get over something that never happened
They were going to bring back penalty rates
Stress test that
Them people in the mile long Centrelink lines might have had a few more bucks to spend
But hey that didn’t effect you

You really need to get over something that never happened
Well at least it got more than one sentance out of you, I said you would improve.
Well I could become more like you and write paragraph after paragraph on the same thing
Over and over
Your franking credits are safe.. . .now for the dividends
Well I could become more like you and write paragraph after paragraph on the same thing
Over and over
Your franking credits are safe.. . .now for the dividends
Another well rounded response, now we just have to work on the content.
Here’s some content
Mass unemployment
Social Distancing
Stock market crash

Nah let’s talk about the Labor party and what would’ve of happened if they were in power

What were you drinking.....Gin?
Here’s some content
Mass unemployment
Social Distancing
Stock market crash

Nah let’s talk about the Labor party and what would’ve of happened if they were in power

What were you drinking.....Gin?
But grasshopper, it is only with reflection that we can appreciate what we have, rather than what we haven't.
I see your Dad is giving you plenty of likes, along with me, keep your chin up sunshine.
Also check your super fund is liquid.
SP Labor lost the war for Federal government but are you so lucky they won the state election
SP Labor lost the war for Federal government but are you so lucky they won the state election
I wont argue with that mate, I will give credit where credit is due, doing a great job and will get my vote at the next election without a doubt.
As soon as Barnett was gone the Libs were gone, one man band, but IMO a great band.
McGowan is of the same ilk and seems to be a great successor IMO.
But grasshopper, it is only with reflection that we can appreciate what we have, rather than what we haven't.
I see your Dad is giving you plenty of likes, along with me, keep your chin up sunshine.
Also check your super fund is liquid.

I’ll check it on my work computer
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