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Useless Labor Party

I would fall asleep too if I had to listen to boring Bill

'Are we sure he didn't just fall asleep?' Cameraman filming ABC interview with Bill Shorten faints on air

Hope the camera man is OK
The Libs understood the banking sector that well they didn’t want a royal commission
Decided to go after unions instead
In reality, the Royal Commission didn't find anything with the Banking, that the ACCC and APRA didn't already know. It just highlighted how inept they were.
The Royal Commission had a much greater effect, in highlighting deficiencies in the superannuation system.

Shades of Sir Humphrey.....
That’s what’s happens when you set the terms of reference
A year shorter than the union RC pretty much sums up their priorities
The Greens are spitting blood but Bill is not so keen.

It's good to be back.
The Greens bringing on a vote of no confidence, over boat people, Bill wont be keen on that.
Richard Di Natale, might be flexing his muscles, with the Green/ Labor coalition, looking likely.
Good to have you back Dr Smith. Did the aliens get you ?
I've been busier than in the past and I've noted perhaps the faintest glimmer of light in the distance for my preference between the two majors.

A closer contest, should that play out, makes for a more interesting one.
I've been busier than in the past and I've noted perhaps the faintest glimmer of light in the distance for my preference between the two majors.

A closer contest, should that play out, makes for a more interesting one.

If that glimmer is the Medevac Bill, I wouldn't place too much reliance on that. I think people are getting sick of the hysteria that the government goes on with about refugees, when they themselves have bought about 1,000 to the mainland for medical treatment.

Hysteria, dishonesty and double standards have been the Coalitions hallmarks in relation to this bill imo.
Sounds like Trump is coming to Australia, later in the year, Bill will be able to tell him to his face " he is barking mad ".
Now that should be great t.v. lol
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